The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

AUTOS AND TRUCKS WANTED (66H TRUCKS, TRAILERS, ETC. 18 AUTOMOBILES THE SUN, Monday, January 14, 1916 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (61) (71 CAMERAS SUPPLIES ACCESSORIES! STARK FILMS SINCE 19.10 16-mm. Projectors i motor! $13 50 Baby Brownie Cameras 16- Kctleral Enlarcers if 6 3) 3.7'i Vnkar Slirte Projectors 13 Qi ARGUS Slide Projectors 2. 8-16-inm. Movies, every subject now avall.ilile so.

inn. IL Walt Disney 2x2 Color Sets 2.50 Tripods, largest stock In city. Irom a to Trv lla First. Used Screens, on trioods 8.95 CONTAX 2.. used, slnale-pie.

back, etc Priming Boxes iSx7 10.00 Knriilr. Oraflev. lelf J. etc. STARK FILMS Ol'EN THURS.

EVES. ine ftioto siore oi rcrsonii wmre 537 N. FOR SAlt Howard, onp. Greyhound Termlinii Assorted Bedroom Seta tusedl $29. $98 ADDINO Machines.

Typewriter. Cash Reg IIOO Metal Beds, complete $19 50 latera honaht and sold and repaired Robl Dressers, Chests. Vanities tusedl t.0up JZli I- ALUMINUM SHEET FOR SALE 135.000 lbs. x144- 24ST clad 410.000 lbs. lbs.

jnn.nnn ns4i4HxI44- 24sT claditf 24ST clad, 24SO rladj 12O.00O loa. 24ST clad 40 0(10 Iha. cUo lbs. 24SRT Clad 25.000 lbs. 24SO clad 100.000 lbs.

24ST 100.000 lbs. 24ST bare 20.000 2 4 SO clad J2100O0 lbs. S4SRT did ALLOYED METALS 58th. N. ci-wo f-URNITCRE BARGAINS.

NEW eg USED ta A.ini.l ITltl.AM Kjttm I.Mll tKnn1 25 lsil Dining Room Sets 139 U0 i son 1 t.r I jt nr kv ania mm pT.rn,'ite it LAw V-Tcea FURNITURE WASEIOCSl 322 REDWOOD ST FURNITURE S.OOO LOTS New and used Beds, complete. Living Room. Bedroom. Dining Room Sets. Seere- llaries.

Club Cha'rs. Dressers. Chests. Chif. au.

Rn.m ng Houses. Homes. Hotels. AUCTION HOUSE 325 W. BALTIMORE ST.

SARATOGA 1582. f*ckmiukk iusen oi every description. also new unclaimed lutnuure at very low prices State Furniture 722 and 726 st, Phoie ba. .594 IGAS RANGE Beautiful white St green enamel, only used 1 wk new. CaL at w.

MOsner St. iNr. park ave iliam KA'ttit* rw. rreicnt Lnci-iimra i umnM SRT-T I I I IGAS RANOFS. SINKS and Coal 8tovew used.

PotlERS. 1723 Greenmount ase 61S RANGES Piitifltii makes Immediate delfverw Ptih'u Sertrtee 605 North. LAOOll, UAH RANGES, new and used, all sixes Qav st J1R tSAS RANGES, apt sus New $5 Ideal. 847 oreetimount roR SAir S. gren.

Kutaw and North MA4609-J I AIR COMPRESSORS. 17 C. F. SO P. S.

I I diaphram type: Lnsci it Stratton 2J gas engine drive, new. pars' a lor will operate 2 paint guns. $195 ea. Box 522. Wantagh.


Acetylene Welding outnts. snerw.n-wiiitama Lacourr ana Fnamel Paints Auto jacks orrmi. Parts Fremont and Mulberry Sts AIR COMPRESSORS (10 HP ELLICOTT CO. HO. 0304 YIRPLANE Fairchlid NC-60422.

in perfect shape: Hist license can oe nnancea Located at Curtis wrignu iu. io cve-i tings I Ait TOOl -i I CANVAS COVERS dough MIXERS NAT'S SALVAGE CO 110 PRATT ST I 0 oiioim. Dimm nuiuywa. SrfMiii aia.i midi at wood Tna tnvi-l Ihl twin allflma itnpta nitnai mnmi screens Ft.r demonstration In vour home rati ft 1 tesn tn rva ROB KTSt 1NCUJ! 1 1 3 8 A TB I ALUMINUM Waterless Cooking Utensils. new.

heavy. Immediate delivery, call BL. 7on h-twren p. M. ANTIQUE CURIO CABINET, mahogany.

mirror back. 9 It. nigh. 509 Charing roard ASPHALT TII.R. INI Am VOI.TI'M Pre-1 immediate Installation Free mates 1707 Eastern Ave Air 4500 ASBESTOS BOARD HOARD SHEETROCrt INSULATION HOARD LUMBER DOORS SASH STEEL BOILERS i AS RANGES PI.II Mill NO PI PF KTOV ES WHEELBARROWS.

STEEL TRAY; $5.00 HAHRIS WRF.CK1NQ CO Washington Plvd Gilmor 4500 AUTO COAL STOKER, burns buckwheat coal, with bin and all controls Suitable $175. BE. 2136. eve. TU.

7352 AUTO LUBRITORIUM complete, lifts, ren ter stand, etc. Nicest set-uo in town, sen complete only. University Motors. 29lb and Kemtnaton avenue. AUTO A- RADIO BATTERIES BARNEY.

806 Hallo, 5997. HHHY LAKK1AI KS Cf Dl ni-miTL fOUIIi yy BACK BAR. mithogary. 13 It. In Umg.

I I I I hsmihs. new. jmmeaiate oeuverr 9 It. III. high.

2 It. 3 in. wide at too I HOME MOVIES S9 PER DAY! 7 It. 3 in. slirives, double edited mirror.lRent a Sound Proiector with Sound Film 11 it.

4 in. long. it. 4 HI. Wltle l'l-l soection invited.

Milbourne Hotel. 505 W. Pratt St. Bar Counters. Bark Bars Soda Booms RUSE St CO 608 LOW ST.

LXZ. 2406. BAR counters, back bars, tables, chairs. 19 Howard St. Lex.

2228. BAR 'HO In oval, seats 60 persons, burn prnot. Formica top. 1300 N. Charles at BED Walnut, double, coll snrina.

new mattress. $23.50. 2018 N. Charles st Bedroom Seta, useb S49. 15 UPl Dining Room 8ets.

used $39. $49. $59 upl Livinc Room seta, used ua. SJ4. s.i upi Studio, Couches $9U jew Mu uc.tutAt rtn.yiiuns ishectvuo 711 r.fMnnMint Lex 4062 BEDROOM SUITE: Solid mahogany, pre- e.f.&W,a.

Sunder avenue. MO. BEDRM. Suite, solid mahogany. 9 pieces.

fo lion BEDROOM SETS. 7 dc slightly used. 81 10: a DC. used, sao VFtnon F- TO' 8090- 2518 BEER SYSTEMS New and Used hell reph igeration am anur BEER PRE-COULERS Replace your worn out or wartime box now. Onien deliveries OREOLE REFRIGERATION CO KreHerirk Ave ED 1000 BEER SYSTEM- Uni-Flo Kold.

Draft Club model compressor Ac reirigerating unit. 20' front A- hack bar Price XI 0110 i ririer. no not anniy. wo. UbVEKAUE citaJl.EH.

-Dry -It S425 In stalled. 17 s. Howard st. CA. 3371, BEVERAGE COOLERS New At used, elec tOtHJ rHEE.KKS FOR ROME3.

FARMS STORES Alt sires Floor Samnlrs Reduced COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS PTTTtLI CS PRVI CK. 605 Nort A0011 UEVtitAGK coolers New Dry tvpe. 8 VTW re vi ,15. ia or ji.o uiv iv wi a viii-u cunun.uu.i id and repaired Patterson pg Ave. at MCKIderry.

WU. 10147 BICYCLES -We buy. sell, repair cycles At bikes. 3301 park Clr. H.

8974 BLACK CORRUGATED SHEET, painted 20 men Ac 24-itirn east iron pipe, reininrc IRON Sz METAL CO. Wllkens avenue and Catherine street. OI. 410i. BOHN Ice Refrigerator.

$25: wardrobes. twin beds, dressers, tables, desks. 203 Kingewood rd Roland rsrk. BOILERS Two 125-hp Economic, and stacks one locomotive type and atacx: one 20-n scotcn marine alaiiorv Machine r22 Light st BOILERS STOKERS OIL BURNERS Boiler peed Pumps. Pressing Machines DASHEW 417 BALTO ST BOILERS.

USED A-l COND 1 rpsirr imi 1111 yy UtM.I IIS tah.ea. aelteea and ehalra lor ta mediate delivery National Store Future 16 HOWAItn ST win a 1 a He Service 605 VI. North Ave. LA. 0011.

BREAKFAST Sets, gltcnen cabinets, new Kohsa.Openeves2039. W-Norin. BROWN SHARP No. .5 Plain Milling n. cc.

tiioow iitui, HI" wlr cw.t PRATT Si' WHITNEY Vertlcle 1 niiip tt Kninnie lams lyire i 1 Has Magnetic Chuck. Generator. Mmnr Drive 4CE MACHINE 114 PRATT I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 i I I I 1 1 I I I Jin NEW LUMBER CHEAPER THAN USED you tin find It. call WINDOW SASH and WINDOW and DOOR we nave n. DOORS 1XDOW and DOOR FRAMES STAIR WORK All Types and Designs Special Sires Mirie Ta Order SEE OUR DISPLAY OP COLONIAL CABINETS LUMBER-PLYWOOD STORM S4SH All Sires COMBINATION STORM SASH and SCREEN WINDOWS COMBINATION STORM DOORS A'l Sires ROCK-WOOL INSULATION All Type INSULA I ION BOARD AU Types and BATHHOOM Til BOARD AH Color All Types METAL MOULDINGS For TUe Board ATLANTIC MILL AND LUMBER CO.

Phone: WOLFE 00R8 COO LUCK .5 CAROLINE ST STEEL, radiation, lumber Sz miscellaneous building supplies. Apply 710 S. Edea St. ETERUNO SILVER stir9 Kirk Oorham etc Save as ta 50v Largest selection in town CAPITAL LOAN CO 501 W. FTTAW STOKER.

Automatic. Gas water beaters. jana, rsnio. la. 0742.

2643 w. Jtortn ave. SIORM WINDOWS AND DOORS ComblllAtlnn anil rfoAea LEAGUE LUMBER CO WQ alia. aiMjows Calilornia Redwosd. NORTHERN CO HO, .0944 IOVE No.

IIS Florin pot-bellied or egg stove. 18 diameter. 42" high. Can bi seen at 5232 York rd to 4 30 weekday. BE 2673 at-US.

VUP COATS. PANTS' SPORT COATS, slightly used: reasonable THE CIOTIiES 1RI.K, Wll Chir St. SUITS. Topcoats, slightly used, $5 up. Pants $1 up NU-WAY.

727 W. North ae. rABLts 30-tncti souare with blacs cafo- lite top CHAIRS, bent wood RUSK Ac an la Street. LE TANKS 1441 luel or water. 90 aU PW square construction LE 3143 Tit BOAfiD WmJC, Peherer.

318 Bajto, tur buil Manure, n.i cinaers. aynhalt drlvewa work 1.1 1005 TRUCK "COVERS. Uxl2. new. heavy duty canvas.

1Q0 ra. St HLOSS, LE. 149a. TYPEWRITER Sold, rented and re Da I red. iirr ualjus st bfkvice ct in w.

Fayette Bt 4418 fVPEWRl ILitS Bought. SoldrRenairier. igdon a. cKl Calvert i r. 130 USED PIPE NEWPPE evin crjt and thread la masiim.

PnH nns pipe flttinc BALTIMORE SALVAGE CO 201 Pratt. VACUUM CLEANERS (2. Premier Duplex and Premier pick-up. excellent condition. I ke new.

Must sell. Price reasonable. GL 2942-M. 35-9 W. Mulberry St.

VACUUM CLEANERS New tmmed.ata delivery PuDlla Bai llaay Co 605 Wt North Ave. LA. CPU. VACUUM CLKANEKS Deitver. MASUN-KIKUY LU I30t MARYLAND AVE.

SA S01 VACUUM Cleaners, new. Immediate deliv. ery. Coits. Apo.

214 Fallsway. LE. 2379. VICT KOLA, cabinet style, large. St records.

Good cond. A. so odd pieces lurnBO. O6K8-W between 9 A 11 A. M.

WALK-IN MEAT BOXES New. reasonable; rignt sire lor amau store we can build them ta order Doll At Lew OL 0978 or 3128 WASHER PARTS-Complete Maytas stock. Guar white ringer rolls, an snakes. Parte tor most washers on short notice. Bring sample.


CA. 3609. WATCH. LADY co*ckTAIL 2 ruby. beautifully designed, precision move, ment $29.75 tax inclnded.

645 W. Bal-o, WATCH Crystals fitted while you wait. 50e. Ac Northern Jewelers.

327 14 Eutaw. WATER COOLERS Elretrle. new. Irr.mediste dellTerw Publle Service CO 605 Norti Ave. LA.

00 WOOD TANKS 3 6-ft. diameter 4 ft. Ugh. 3 6-ft. diameter 3 ft high.

Several smaller. 413 W. Camden St. EASTERN APPLIANCE CO fmmed.yte Delivery. WO.

tjfl. city. Hausenoia lurniture. rrtg- idslre. dishes, furnishings.

NO dealers. rnone mu. LOOlt FOR BARGAINS Studio Couchrs. used $10 95 up Hearoom mints. 3 pes.

usea 5 up Dining Room Su.ts 50 up Beds, spring, mattresses, used $3 00 up Many other lota of New Used Furniture st a low price. GRAND FURNITURE CO. 8 S. Howard St. 929.

ONE 10-ft. Meat Display Case, one. -ft. vegetable case. 1 meat block.

2 compuU Ing scales. ESSEX 948-J. THE MARYLAND TRUCK SALES Heavy-duty pole line. 18-ft. boom $73 00 Heavy-duty 2-wheel platform truckj $9 95 Canvas wateroroof 22x22 ft, $7 95 Pvramtd waterproof tents 64 ft.

841. $7 95 Metal strong boxes 10x7x4 tn. 8 IS MP TRUCK SALES 4ROO Pit I LA RO. VISIT OlAMONDJIM BRADY'S for Radios and Electrical Appliances We are again first with these hard to-t items. io N.

r.uiAwer. 1 PLY GUM PLYWCD Sheet Rock. 4x6 to 4x10. 3 We Ss. FX ABCO LUMBER COMPANY 220-23 Franklin St ED MM.

-6N central Ave. 6iot 541 FFET ol radiators. 11 units W. waxe.ana. l-am RADIO RADIOS REPAIR FD IN VOL'R HOME Specialist on I'hilco.

Admiral. Zenith. R. C. St romberg -Carlson.

Q. I. I to 9 P. M. City-wide.

1132 ARROW RADIO At ELECTRIC SEKVIC KO? Knrth An lAtavetta RADIO- BrafcPXRT8-Kepsur WoTk! prompt inr naatna. Wasbinr Machines and Refrtseratora Be First nn the Delivery List. LAURAVILLK RADIO 4703 Hsrlord Road HA. SW'XI. RADIOS KEPAIKEU ALL.

MAKU Philra. RCA. Gen. rosier and all other makes to Play like new: IS years experience LA 4583 A M. or after P.

M. ALL WORK tlUAKANl II Sams radio a- appliance shop For Authorized RCA. Service PICKUP At DELIVERY ait tt tt a 1 -ry ri ANY MAKE'Tadlo repaired. Written guar antee on ail work, service cans. also.

AMERICAN REFRIGERATION CO. $62 AveVE. 1452. RADIO TROUBLEtTSE. Any Repair To Any Radio HA Mill CrNTER 3118 At 52 Greenmount.

Pickup deltrery. RADIO SERVICE AC REPAIRING Phone Hamilton 27379 A. M. to 9 P. at.

Miller MotorAppUanres.5925 BeUlrRoa4. RADIO tubes A batteries. Sets repaired while you wait.Liberty4ln Park Ave. P.ENTALOU RADIO SERVICE 834 N. Btntalou St.

ED. 3578. RADIOS Repaired whle you wait1 Popular Kaqio. lxn ureenmount Aveje. RADIO TUBES.


SALES A- SERVICE ALL MAKES RADIO STATE RADIO. 3351 Greenmount. Ch. 9005, RADIO TUBES and Radios Repaired. CLARK.



10.0 W. Balto. BOATS AND YACHTS (73) Before You Buy A Used Boat INSPECT OWENS TRADE-INS Every used boat bought from Owene eaja again be traded In to at huh vaJus tion. OWFVS TACHT CO, DCTTOAtK 1409. Buuaera ol ajnencas moat eeawortny Crutaera CHRIS CRAFT all models available.

Ordt now First eoma. Arst served. CHRIS CRAFT SALES At SERVICE. FOOt i.icnc ar i.k j'T mistrintiton WOODEN MOTOR WHALE BOAT 18-ft. long.

6-lt. wide, with a v-8 Fora Ma. rtne engine. Also used 4-yL BTJ. Marina eneine RR R077 RICHARDSON 26-ft.

utility modeL Excel- lent csnd. Morton At Loose co 19 w. Eater st. PRACTICAL boat deslena Sz working plans. j-s.

Hopkins. N. Broad, fols. 4D. Pa JOHNSON Outboard Motors, Century Boats.

STAQMEK S. 1520 N. Pay St. WU. 1UUU7.

CONSOLIDATED Plsv Boats, delivery 4- weeks. Marine Sales. Be. 0852. OUTBOARD MOTORS bought, sold and repaired.

Jenkins. SA, 4689. CHRYSLER marine engines, new and used. stir ttoiity Jf Ene Co Pt'tnn so ti COAl. WOOD.

FUll OIL l73 BEST GRADE PA Hard Coal. co*ke. Lump Coal: run-or-mlne Cannes coal tt wood. Immediate delivery HIGHLAND COAL CO rtabIlshetl8-. WO.

3603. BEST quality year-old seasoned wood, prin cipally oik. li'ti cora ioi or uvea in i 18 24- 121 cord Marshall T. HeapvCardi Mi. Phone Cardll R-4, UNITED FUEL CO.

Deliveries anywhere city Beat Penna hard and smokeless umn soft cosl If vou ve tried tt once rou wu rail again GL6520 PA. NO. 3 HARD AND NUT. For itr.mefiia'e lUtL CO. BROADWAY 8482 KINDLING WOOD 20 baskets.

$5: Are. Place Ac mrnace wooa. so rnrn Jja. eiia. 50'.

LUMP COAL. $7 96 co*kE. 813 56. BLUE RIDGE COAL CO. LA.

126C, -PA HARD COAL BRIQUETS PUFL CO WO 31t, SEASONED Wood Fireplace and Furnace wooa, jo cora mu. st. FIREPLACE WOOD AU bard wood. $20 cnral owson 1341 WOOD FOR STOVES A5 FURNACES. 813.SO twr tnarf Call TflilSOS Q96-W KINDLING wood.

15 baskets. $5 delivered! Furnace wood cut nv lenrth. A. 5083, SCRAP LUMBER Suitable for f.rewo ooo. A nnly lqni Fort Are.

SA 1153. WELL SEASONED fireplace wood, oromtt HORSES. DOGS. PfTS. Etc.

(73) TTACON DAIRY GOAT RAT16TI 'lie feed tor high production. RVJCKLAND RABBIT'S PELLETS A complete rabbit ration. OBRECHT. 514 Light St, PLA. C548, BOSTON Terrier Pups A C.

males. 8 mo. Toy lemale. 17 mo.JSlJ Keswick rd. COLLIES.

Samoyodrs. Corkers, ShepheFSs. St. lie rnar os. ijo nermann, epits.

ser-. l.r. All Beta auaranteed. Thrift Pet Shop. Y1 N.

Eutaw Vg 96 DOBERMAN Puppies A. rrgiatrreoT. Cnampiona on 00; aiaes. enow prow pects 1930 Belair Rd. HORSES, aaddirs.

pony surrey, hoes. pigs. etc. tnr L.m n. sa MONEY TO IOAN (76) $30 to $300 ATLANTIC FINANCE CO, 100 Fsrette st PLara 2 LOAN3 tin InfierTtanceti trrtessev trusts.

Mt vrrnnn Kelittce in narira a FOR SAlt BE SMART Sell your ear now We will still nay a sky-high price for your car. Don't dclav. itc air bills uiwk. man. ju.

'37. '38. "39. -40. '41.

'42 models in Chevro-leta. Riilcka. Pontiars. Oldsmobiles. Cadil lacs.

Fords. Ply mouths. Dollars. Chryslers and De Solos We take rare ol all red tape and details Involved. You gel the cash at once We will pay any balance you owe and give you the cah dilTereiire.

ws fay io run-cat 1942 1941 194ti 1939 Chevrolet $1,240 $1,060 $8:0 1.051 830 1.056 825 1.2:'4 916 1.257 1.225 $6H6 710 SS7 729 Plymouth 1.252 Ford 1.224 Pnnllae 1.454 oidamoblle 1.574 777 Buirk 2.462 Dodge 1.625 Chrysler 2.8R0 l.B.iO 1.350 1.000 290 9K8 16 1.950 1.175 1.000 Take Advantage oi tnis liberal oner now. For top price, bring your car to 425 Fsllsway or call SA S144 and our representative will come to see you. We are open A. to 8 P. M.

FALLSWAY MOTOR CU. 425 FALLSWAY Call SAraioza 5144 REPOSSESSED CAR CORP. 200.000 new cars In 3 months What wMl your car be worth then? Get our offer now. We pay as much as anyone, it not more. We wul pay up to these prices now: 42s 41S 40s BUTCK $1,950 CHRYSLER 1.850 PACKARD 1.750 OLDS 1.550 DE SOTO 1.5D0 DODGE 1.500 'UD BAKER 1.350 PONTIAC 1.350 MERCURY 1.300 PLYMOUTH 1.150 CHEVROLET 1.150 FORD 1.125 S1.950 $1,550 $1,150 1.500 l.o.-.o 1.400 1.300' 1.250 1.150 0.0 1 050 1.000 1.000 1.000 ao sou 850 850 BOO H00 800 "30 740 9jO 7'5 Equally blah prices on any ear.

'36 to 42 We handle details and pay you at once. REPOSSESSED CAR CORP. LE. 4440. 1413 N.

Charles St. to.8 USED CAR CENTER Will Pay Up To These Prices 1SMZ IUH liMU 1939 $795 685 815 Plymouth $1,250 $915 8 10 990 915 1.220 1.645 1.130 1.055 Chevrolet. 1.205 1.060 1.310 I.225 1.565 1.8.0 1.640 Dodge Chrysler. Riilrk 1.515 1.460 1.765 2.315 1.650 .695 21.S 730 1.000 1.220 800 875 Oldsmnhlle On solo, 1.410 1.055 Ford H2 655 Tam ea.K (nr all rirt. 4a 42'a, Extra cash paid for accessories.

We pay any bal nea vou owe ana nanaie an on elay. Drive down or phone ua and we will come to you. jia LE. 5733. open till 8.30 P.

1U1 C1I1SUI1V T. itim t1ae tn aell your ear We Deed your car so badl? that we, will oa the nA.itii nrte in nntam we wnm BUICKS CHEVROLETS CHRYaLLKa DE SOTOS DODOES FORDS PONTIACS Ol.n.SMOBTI.ES MERCURY PLYMUUIIIt IilUUf.DSRr-iw Wm kmiI I'uiiletMlln. Krduna. CotlPeS. Coupes.

Tudora. Sedanettea. Irom 19J6 to 1942 See us lor lurhest prices Your extra equipment Is wurtn extra moucv. uvra 3U A to o.JO M. KEYSTONE SSOFaiiswaT CAIvfrtJBtLt SELL YOUR CAR lor the high dollar.

We need your car now ana win pay h'gher price for it. We handle all details and reports with Auto Commissioner and OPA. We also pay off any finance bal ance loan, tax bills or other liens. ou get the cash Immediately plus full le r.mrf. ah lam.

insurance and Interest For a better dral and more cash in your pocket come out or pnone nut vuici loaaj. auna-DOnw UOTOR CO 4636 Edmondson Ave. Ollmor jsoo 909-915 E. 25tn St. nr.iui.uiik Don v-t rir.H hti naed ears We oa you the best possible cash dollar for MAw mnri attend tn all detal.S.

We will oa on any nnance or man md give ou we casn w. A tava anri insurance Drive to our showroom or ohone Tuxedo 6000. Our buver win ran to see juu. BOB ritiun Jri-Studebaker Sales and Service 542 W. 291 St TUxedoOOQ, UFI 1ARI MOTOR CO We are still paving too dollar for ued cars any mage or monei.

ujo 11 ,1 A ennvenient Inactions FRANKLIN ST. FULTON SHE. ui. nno MOUNT Ac MULBERRY GI 6600 109 NORTH AVE. LE Hn, 309 FALLSWAY LE411 It EL1A HLEMy I A-M HELP WANTED!" EASY WORK! BIO PAY Earn extra money in your spare time.

All you have to do is nno a car 1 can nuy CAl.I. TIM bright. LI. 1196 (after 6 M. I II meet you in the morning, ana we wilt buy the car.

Your commission la $25 per car. A 11 manes ez muucia. 25 Donus on goonou3r A HIGHER PRICE will be paid for your car at Anaerson uias we nave imi paid the pest prices ior cars in tne ruv Wi will call at vour home or office handle all details and make Immediate settlement Ask ior Mr ttuev ANDERSON OLDS. INC J14 W. North ave, MU023jI CAN YOU SPARE YOUR CART ftelt nnar liir Inn dollar New ears are on the wav and used-car prices are bound to drop Make a better deal now I all Mr Austin (or particulars Hamilton 4WJ.

BELAIR ROAD CHb.VUKI.ET CO SELL US YOUR CAR We handle all details. No one can Pay more lor your car tnan PARK CIRCLE MOTOR CO. The Largest Chevrolet Dealer. 3426 REISTERSTOWN RD. LIBERTY 0800 0rn Evenings.

SEf.L VOUR CAR N(Tttf TO ZELL. "Slnre 1902 a Name Yen Can Trust." OPA celling prices drop Jan. 1 Casn immediately, we Handle an aetaus. iELL MOTOR t-AH CU. Packard Dealer 11 E.

Mt Royal ave. VE 30g(V WE NEED YOUR USED CAR. NOW Too rash prices paid at once nr prefer ence given on delivery or new 1946 ronuac, II you trade witn tis today. UtnEHAL PUN TI AU milP, 3200 Relteratown ttoad Open (III 9 Liberty 5700, A I 1E.NTION BUICK. OWNERS We conalder wa know your car heat Consult us as to Its value.

We will be nappy to anvi-e you. HROOK.S-PRICE CO. 1370 North MAdison 0300 W11J. HAY 'IOH ClLlLlNIl I'HILE Don't shop. Call and get too cash price In 5 minutes.

No red tape. See us nrst ana oe convinced. WEBSTER MOTOR CO. 4410-20 York Road, UN. 1500 HAVING-Eeen recently released from th Army as automotive adviser.

1 nave received several calls from discharged veterans to get them a serviceable cur If your car Is for sale, call Gurdon r'ord. III. 2617 or MA. 6542-W. SELL YOUR CAR at kox's Auction.

1801 to IBIS Maryland below North ave. It price is not satisfactory you need not sell. We- get top prices. Southern deal ers ouy nere. pnone VE.

5474. CASH IMMEDIATELY Southern dealer wants to buy 50 cars. 1936 to 1942. Ton leeal Brirea paid. Call US Before You Sell Your Car.

Telephone tt, oju. WI RI1Y Used Cars and Used Trucks. Immediate casn. JNO red tape, pnone University 6500. MUllJKS.

301 W. 29th Remlncton Ave. 1.000 CARS needed at once for Pacific coast area, we are licensed to pay TOP DOLLAR. Drive vour ear tn 609 V. 95th near Greenmount.

at once, Ior TOP dullak. or pnone be. 8910. WE BUY any car or truck, new or old Jung, wrerg, xrozen. Durnea.


CALL GIVNER- WO. 1654 Top cash price for cars and trucks. Anv year make condition. Bilto. Auto Sales.

Phila. Sz North Pt. roads vfcitKAN witn casn looxtng ior good clean auto Irom pri. party. Late model prelerred.

Mr. Zanti. GI. 2187. 8-7 P.

M. Alter 7 Ac sun. Arbutus 1160. ATTENTION Buick Owners Will nay ex tra high once lor your cars now. Rett berg, HAmllton 4503 or Evenings UNiversity 0377.

TRUCKS CHEVROLET MS closed body on Sedan chassis. Good rubber, good motor. NORTON motors. 2034 Frederick Koad. GL 1437 We Buy Cars.

Any M.iks or Model. See TERRY FOX'S. 1811 Maryland Ave.jbelow North HIGHER PRICES PAID FOR USED CARS. MCKENNA PONTIAC CU. 2033 Fastern Ave, WO.

0220, ATTRACTIVE orices for all makes. '31 1 '41. USED TRUCKS Ac AU I LAtnAAU. 27 IB Remington ave. be.


CASH for trucks Ac trailers. Any make size, year or condition. UK. utii. MP.

TRUCK BALES. 4600 PHILA RD. TRUCK WANTEn 4 or i ton panel, late model. Private Pa.rjjr. win pay top casn price, i.g.

Birj. WE NEED your car. Spot cash at once Govans Motor Co. 5604 York road TU 3iho, WE BUY USED CARS Sz TRUCKS Cltv Chevrolet 101 W. Mt.

Royal Ave CHEVROLET. Ford. Plymouth wanted at once, win pay A. ceiling, vc. HIGH PRICE for good Chevrolet or Pl'ytn outn.

301 Doineid ave. mu, GOODTJSED CARS WANTED MTD-C1TY SALES. 509 E. 891 RUNDOWN wrecked or damaged cars igh, cash price. Day or night.

LI. 3620. CASH for late Chryslers and Ply mouths Young ac Newton. 3317 kcswicx roaq CARS, any make. Cash Immediately.

Mr cawicy. Tuxeao iii. AUTO AND TRUCK HIRING (67J 1 INTERNATIONAL C. 60 3 axle Job Lignt or neavy naunng. can.

en. JJai fnr Mr Walilhauser MAN with tractor and closed body trailer to do local hauling. $4 per hour Phone so. 2643-j dayorriigrii. JOSEPH fc.

WAUNEK AC SUNS, naming 1rr7 Plnewnnri ave Phone Hi H635 CHEV "i-l stake oooy trucg, wun driver. All kinds hauling, ma AUTOMOBI1I LOANS (68) LOANS AUTOS TRUCKS niAMON'D LOAN 1511 E. -Baltimore MOTORCYCIES (69 IvntAN KSKVirF AND REPAIRS J. H. Dayhoff, 232 S.

Broadway. BRL7440 HARLEY -DAVIDSON Service. HEINZ MO- mu cii tv. r.ortn nv. my, FOR SALE (7 ADDING MACHINES.


2332 ADDING MACHINES Small grocery model electric. Item counter $125 Like new Abbott. 142 Faett StL 6534 ADDINO MACHINES. Cash Registers. Type- wrltera.

fans, uign prices paia. ls. vjua NATHAN MOTOR COMPANY See Baltimore's largest indoor truck dis play. Trucks from aj ton to 10 tons. All trucks demonstrated to your satisfaction Easy terms.

Trades accepted. FORD I'i-Ton stake D. w. FORD motor, new 3 yard (lump Body tires. Booster brake.

2-rneed rear. INTERNATIONAL D-50. 14-foot body Staxe. L. B.

nt)X20 tires. CHEVROLET 40-Psssenger Bun. FEDERAL 2-Ton bod. 7.50x20 10-Ton Stake. D.

W. FORD Plck-uo. curvnfti.tT nttmn 17 CMC. l'j-Ton Chassis and Cab. IVMITte HORS li.Tnn Panel FORD IVi-Ton High-Rack Body Stake O.

If 1 ton chassis it cab. 39 f6rd C. O. E. Platlorm.

FORD Dtimtx. 41 DIAMOND Ditmp. 38 CHEVROLET Reirigerator van. DODGE Command Car. Fully eoulpt.

NATHAN MOTOR COMPANY 1535 W. Mt Royal ave. at McMechen st. LAtayetre 567. open nil a f.

ai ALA WITCH The larcest used truck and Darts dealer South. GOOD NEWS. We are ex panding in order to serve you better, we want to take this opportunity of thanking our many friends and customers for making this possible. We have outgrown our present quarters and therefore must build in order to take care ol our customers neeas for the future. In order to make room for the builders we are placing on sale all trucks at way below ceiling prices.


PICK-UPS. PANELS. These trucks are perfect mechanically. rand tirea. low mileaee.

See us first II you need good used truce or parts. sAi.Awrrni 3100 WASHINGTON BLVD. CI. 0400 CLEARANCE Of TRUCKS We need the room. All priced much below renin.

1941 B. TT MACK 3-ton lane van. fine condition, with good rubber. Tnia price far hetnw retime $2,250 1939 FORD Stake A-l motor This truck la ready ta aa to work. Below celling.

SHI5 1939 BROCKWAY Van Heavy duty H-'Sx tires. Nice condition tnrougnnut Priced far helow 179. 1940 DIAMOND 2-Ton Stak 14-foot bony. Excellent condition, triced far tie-low reillni. sl.OOS 1942 DODGE Command Reconnaissance car will make excellent pick-up or utility truck $535 WEISS MOTOR CO.

W. Mt. Poyal Jtve. MTJ. 1800 PF.NN MOTOR CO 1943 O.M.C van body.

10-wheeler: 3.000 original miles: like new. 1943 studebaker. 10-wheeler Tan body. Hercules motor, good rubber, real buy 1942 STUDEBAKER. IO-wheeler, cargo stake body, good rubber, excellent condition.

1941 DODGE pick-up. excellent enndl- tloil 745 1942 Chevrolet cargo stake, like new real buy. swho ini mack 10-wneei 15 it. staxe Douy 12.IMMI oriKinul miles, real buy. 1940 FORD dump, new moior.

Real buy 1937 MJRD pick-up: good rubber $195 Many others. These trucks In excellent condition Priced to sell quickly. 2 locations: 916 E. Lexington St. LE.

8878 1030 Hanover St. CU. 1062 MARYLAND TRUCK SALES CHEVROLET '42 10-wheel slake: perfect. CHEVROLET '41 10-wlieel stake: perfect. CHEV.

'41 stake, long wheelbase D. W. INTERNATIONAL '39 35 2-Ton Stake, long whreihase. dual wheels. Perfect.

FORD WAREHOUSE Tractor: $195 INTERNATIONAL 1-Ton Panel. $195 12-FT. SI AKE OR FLAT BODY. $35 SEVERAL 12-14 loot stake. Van.

flat, open express, irttcg noaies. MARYLAND TRUCK SALES 4600 PHILADELPHIA RD. DUMP TRUCKS 1942 FORD dump. 3-yd. body.

1941 FORD dump, 2'2-yd. body. 1939 CHEV. dump. body.

1940 DODGE dump. 3-yd. body. 1940 DODGE dump, 2-yd. body.

1939 DODGE dump. 2-yd. body. 1936 INTERNATIONAL dump. 3 ti-vd.

body These trucks are working every day and are prirea ior immediate saie. tan ftiti GRAHAM. UN. 4300. PRACTICALLY new 1944 K-R-ll Inter national Tractors.

Factory sleepers. auxiliary transmission. Ex cellent condition. Practically, new tires. OPA ceiling $6,420.00 each.

Our price $4,750.00 each. These are not Army Trucks. Chas, A. arr. 25 Simpson street.

N.W., Atlanta. Georgia. Telephone Main niav or j.icKson nai-t. CARR TRAILER SALES. 4009 S.

HANOVER A SALLE 23'. 3 rma permanent bed: 8-Ply tires. Very unusual SI. 4 to ALMA '42. 23' 3 A-l COVERED WAGON Tandem.

23'. bath brakes: sleeps 4 $i00 18'. Bargain $350 HOUSE TRAILERS New Alma. Superior. Piatt, Kozr.

LaSalle Also aood used models. Cash for your trailer. RICH 1 ER TRAILER SALES. Route J. 1-nilauciDina and Golden Ring roads Baltimore.

Tel. Essex 349. Also Route 1 Berwyn. Maryland. Tel.

Tower 5035. TOW TRUCK 41 Chevrolet Tow Truck. Eouloned with Holmes Crane. Practically new. Euulpued 1th all the accessories, rower taka-oa NATHAN MOTOR CO 535 MiRoi 1A LAU 5670.

LHEVKU1.U.1 JM. L. U. 1 Va-tOU Sr. X7I7 CHEVROLET '38.

'A-ton panel $335 FORD '35. l'i-ton panel $195 USED RUCK AC AUIO 2718 Remington Ave, BE. 0758. CHEVROLETS. CMC'S Ac STUDEBAKERS Cargo, stakes Ac dumns.

1 Ac i 'rt tons i'eriect ronnition goon rubber I.EXWAY MOTORS 137 Pallswsy, 725 Lexington 8f 41 20-1 1. Trai mob lie Trailer. Mela body open top, lailuaie. air brakes, snnxi'n. 8750.

ED. 0743. V. STARRY. 3448 CATON AVE.

LINCOLN Electric welder, mounted on Chevrolet chassis can be seen at rniia- tlelolila Road and Haven atreet. call lo Oo4 Biter 6 1. M. MACK 1929 E. O.

Tractor Air brakes excellent condition: also suitable lor dump truck. Keo bales St service. 117-21 DlcTlNTERNAtTONAL Tractor New tires Ac air brakes; also a 24 It. open top trailer with 1.000x20 tires with air brakes. SO.

0033; 1941 CORBET Chassis Ac Cab. 7l-ton. Perfect for moving nenvi equipment. PARK CIRCLE MOTOR CO 3426 Relsterstown road. LI, 0800.

PANEL 44-ton Terraplane. brand new clutch and batters, 5 wheels. Casn. 24J9 Gulllord avenue. 194(1 1 1 ton 10 wheeled Ford truck.

In excellent condition, ha. z14 or una- 693-R. CHEVROLET '37 Truck, m-ton. dual wneeis. staxe noay.

loons ana runs line Below OPA. Landay Nash. 812 S.Paca. 21 BROCK A Mouri il. stages.

I KUCn. SLKV1CE CU. 604 Fsllsway. VErnon 0228. CHEVROLET '35 H-Ton Panel.

New motor parts, body in very good condition, ciix CAR 24J5 Greenmount ave AUTOCAR. 2'a-Ton Truck, van body. Can oe seen at National weiuing lo. s. wone st TRUCK WINCHES SCHREIBER Sz CO.

5101 RUSSELL STREET INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR D-4 01939 sleeper cap. a. K. Braces. 3 gas tanas.

524 W. Lafavette ave. MAtf. 7100. CHEVROLET '41 Stake.

Long wheel base. dual wneeis. Lixe new tnroitKnout. snya itn Tonrir cittM ARnn aun i Dry DODGE Carry all, reas. AppIf.

710 Edeil St. NEW and Used Fruehauf Trailers, Bush ana Hamoura ts. 11 11 AUTO REPAIRS. TIBtS. (65 nm.v ttsONi.Y Your ear painted and reflnlshed like new.

We give you our best Job at this price. Guaranteed. This price holds good ior one month, we specialize In motor work, body and fender work, repairs and au Kinds 01 wreck work. Ask us about our easy payment Oian. JOHN WEST MOTOR CO.

2301-11 Wllkens Ave. GI. 2617 or 4B8.V 600x6. 650x16. 900X16.

750x20 TIRES 825x20. 800x20. 1.000x20 Inner Tubes Large quantity of truck and passenger car rims Ac wheels, ah makes sz sizes. Truck skid chains. tr pair.

Heavy-duty lug wrenches lor Dodge. Pord International trucks $.75 MD. TRUCK SALES.4600 PHIL A. RU. REPAIR YOUR CAR REPAY LATER Complete Auto Service Sz Repairing POWELL-FRANCIS MOTOR CO.

USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD 617 W. NORTH AVE. LA. 1264. BODY FENDER Sz MOTOR WORK Reasonably priced, expertly done, finance or cash, work guaranteed.

Norton MOTORS. 2034 Frederick. GI. 1437-8843 FORD SERVICE: restore that smoot power: brakes and clutch woik on all cars. Shaw St Greenneld.

204 S. Mon roe st. BEAUTIFUL band-rubbed finish with duco lacquer $60. No charge for straightening lenders. Enamel.

84U. 251 W. Lanvale GI. 3588-W. AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS '40.

'41 and models, most manes ana ooay styles cum Garage. 10 w. Eager RECAPPING. Grade A rubber. Flats fixe, vulcanizing, u-nour service, keuabul tire SALES.

1121 Maryland ave. AUTO PAINTING" ANDMETAL WORK Chrysler Sz Plymouth Direct Factory Denier Miner Motors, dujy ueiair tta, MA.Z7J7 AUTO PAINTING, body work, retipholster mg. Allen s. Z125 Kirk ave. I U.

EXPERT Retreading and Vulcanir.lng SUNDERLAND-EisclSt. Paul Ac 20th sts TIRES, used. New shipment All sizes Truck Ac passenger. BERG. GI.

5655. TIKES, New, 750X16. 700X16, 650X15. EaSO station. Patterson park ave.

as Gay st COMPLETE PAINT JOB $35 and up. Nor ton Motors. 2034 Frederick. GL 1437. FORD MERCURY LINCOLN PARTS University (Ford! Mot or 29th Sz Remington YORK TIRE CO .7219 York Road.

Towson848 FORD-MERCURY-LINCOLN PARTS. Deloe Ford'. 4423 Belair road. AUTOS AND TRUCKS WANTED (661 WANTED USED TRUCKS Any condition Linthicum Race Ac Ostend. SO.

1514 WILL PAY good price for car or station wagon, mu. 26S. WILL PAY top cash price for your car. a. SZ U.


9845, MELVIN MOTORS. 6027 Belair rd SPOT CASH paid lor used cars. Kelly Atuo sales, phiij iieiatr man. FORDS WANTED 34-42S Curtis A. Wolf.

2H43 Remington ave. Ac 29th. CU 9246 TOP prices lor cars trucks. Nathan Motor 153! w. t.

Koval ave. ma. am. TOP CASH FOR CARS ANY MAKE 4935 BELAIR ROAD. HAmllton 9714.

ALL makes wanted. WILL SCOTT. INC, 2507 N. Howard st. Belmont 9581 CAR WTD.

from pri. party for cash. Any maxe or model, oarage. uz w. camacn VETERAN desires used car In good cond- Have cash.

CH. 7926. OLD model car wanted from private party Cash Le nr writ inH27. wun WE PAY THE LIMIT Hud: Motor Co, 4008 r. Lombard st.

wo. 6363. will pay top price for late model con' vertibiea er sedans. Fixes. 273-j.

pi 9 SI PARK CIRCLE MOTOR CO. Baltimore's Largest Chevrolet Dealer. Headquarters for Trucks Passenger Cart. Trucks Priced at OPA Ceiling. CM 10-wheeler Van.

O.M.C. Stake. O.M.C. 14-ft. Van Body.

COB. ixtfrn Hiah Rack Cat tle fit alee. Tractor 6th-wheel Booster Brakes. FORD "3-Ton Plrk-UP- CORBETT 10-Wheeler. FORD Dump.

DODGE Pick-up. DODGE Pick-up. 37 DODGE Stake. miTUPni.rr Cartrn cars are plainly marked at OPA's cell ltir nrr.t nr leaa. PLYMOUTH Sedan.

Heater. 037 BUICK sedan. Heater DE SOTO Sedan. Radio-heater. 39 BUICK Sedan.

Radio-heater shju PONTIAC Sdean. Radio-heater. 1.336 PACKARD Club Couoe S1.244 PONTIAC Torpedo Sedan. 11.110 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon tl.949 DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan S350 CHEVROLET Coaqh 225 hjri.fv nivmsnn Matnrrvcle.

S295 Many other passenger cars. All body types fAKK UKtUS U1U LU. Unm nf DKnil 1Te(1 Cars. 3426 REISTERSTOWN RD. LIBERTY 0800 34C0 REISTE RSTOWN RD.

KJKtai aouu WEST END MOTORS TW Kntn-Plvmnuth Dealer Just received fresh slock, of excep- tlriTinllv elenn liceri rara If you are in the market to buy. better ntlrrv an1 aet nrst rnotce. PONTIAC Chieftain 4-Dr. DE SOTO Custom Coupe S1457 LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4-Dr. Bed $1395 DE SOTO Custom Sedan 13b2 CHRYSLER New Yorker PACKAKn "I 'd" Redan S1546 MERCURY Sedan l27fi CHRYSLER Windsor Conv.

Coupe.S167 OLDS. -98" Convertible Coupe. ,1533 IMinc.K Custom Town Sedan S1311 FORD Super DeLuxe 2-Door 990 BUICK Century 4-Door Sedan nl h.ri tn ehnna from. All cars priced' at OPA celling or below. irane 1 erms.

WEST END MOTORS 2237 Edmondson cor. Bentalon. ED. 3535. Open till 7 EAST END AUTO SALES "33 PACKARD Conv.

Coupe. It's ready. $295 36 CHRYSLER Sedan. A powernouse on wheels. Ready Ax willlna 8295 '38 CHEVROLET Coach.

This it I Better nurry. jo "17 cnr.VROI.RT Sedan. A ear for work or pleasure S395 '37 PONTIAC Herian. Built for lb Iamily man. 425 '41 CHEVROLET 4-Door.

Orig. black. It won't be here long S785 '41 FORD Conv. Club. A black beauty This one la in the eroove.

'41 BUICK Conv. Club. A gentleman' auto for any use. New cars are long way off. Select a line used car.

EAST END ATJTO SALES Sales Hudson Service C505 PULASKI 1 IUH WOflSOO MONEY-SAVING CLEARANCE SALE Ruv Your Car Hera and Save ft a SVS '39 CHEVROLET Station Wagon $686 "(H PACKARD Conv Reduced to St9 '39 LINCOLN ZEPHYR Sedan $795 41 MERCURY 4-Door '41 LINCOLN Club Coupe '41 DODGE Convertible COUP. '41 OLDS. "76" Sedanette. '41 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan. '41 WILLYS 4-Door Sedan.

'41 nniir.R Rrnnaham '39 OLDS 4-Dr. Sed. Special $725 100 other cars to select from. Trade- Terms Immediate delivery. All cars priced at OPA celling or below.

STATE MOTOR CO. Where Better Used Cars Cost Leas Vvjtl Mr Aianuith Sta BR. 610Q, Open eves, till 7. MARTIN BROTHERS 41 MERCURY DeLuxe Sedan $1,209 '41 WILLYS DeLuxe Sedan 845 41 RTTTCJC Kneeial Rerian SI. 261 '41 FORD Convertible Coupe $1,186 41 OLDSMOBILE Conv.

Coupe $1,435 '41 CHDVS1 VR Rnval ReHan 41 OLD3. Hydramatic Sedan $1,440 40 CHRYSLER Royal Conv. $1.1 81 40 PACKARD Club Sedan. $1313 38 STUDEBAKER Sedan 790 37 Chrysler Touring Sedan 469 36 BUICK 7-Pass. Sedan 495 All cars priced at OPA reiling or below.

MARTIN BROS. Your Nash Dealer rincn till 10 2300 N. Monroe St. LA GENERAL PONTIAC CORP. 42 PLYM.

Sixc. DeLTown Sedan. An tiTTi ti.oo 4.rr Rprian SI. 295 42 STUDEBAKER Club Coupe f-? 41 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-Dr. Sed.

J.J95 41 PONTIAC "6'' 4-Dr. Sedan 1.146 40 PACKARD -120'' 4-Dr. $1,145 40 ZEPHYR 4-Dr. Sedan. 39 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr.

Sedan 545 3H BniCK Convertible Sedan. 845 Anri many more priced at or below OPA ceiling, liuy wun comioxiice ai UbnbnAb run I inu 3200 REISTERSTOWN RD. T.lhertv 270O. Open till 9 P. M.

HUDSON '42 4-Dr. Sedan Radio-heater Excellent nnisn. original urr. uiic-owner car. $1,296.

NAl'HAN MOTOR 1535 W. Mt. Royal Ave. LA. 5670.

Open tut P. 4i 2-iir Hfdin. Excellent black lintsn. Sold wun a warranty, iwv. NATHAN MOTOR 1535 W.

Mt Roval Ave. LA. 5670. Open till 9 P.M. LA SALLE 1940 Special, ully equipped.

good running cona. i u. dijj. iMrnr 7RPHVR "41 4-Door Sedan. $1,395.

just receivea. laiokb ez ru ic new. A really fine car. See it today. West End Motors, 2237 Eamonason ave.

inw Terms. ED. 3535. Open till 7. tirnr'HRY '40 Convertible Sedan Excel lent black nnisn ann tires, mna wun a warranty.

$1,259. NATHAN MOTOR 1535 W. Mt. Royal Ave. LA.

5670. Open till 9 '4- cinh cnu*tM. Radio-heater sod witn a warranty, ai.jtti. MOTOR 1535 W. Mt.

Royal Ave LA.5670JOpentiiiBrIM MERCURY '40 $1,050. Kernan Motors 122w.Nprtn Ave. ijzmo. NASH '42 Ambassador 4-Dr. Sed.

Radio. climatlzer, low mileage, i owner, wuuv ly like new. Ceiling price. HUII.lfI.iMU MOTOR CO 3605 Wllkens Ave, 01.2187., iU4i "liirfi" Knrdor Sedan Weather- nHAt l-j A tirac 1 ica It new tires. Convertible bed.

excellent paint. $1,050. Private owner. Garaged at 54(1 Doiohin St. Mad.

8829-J, NASri '3b Laiayette "6'" 4-Dr. Sed. Heater. exceptional Clean, gooa tires, bcuuw price. Terms.

2702 HarlordAve OLDS. '41 "8." Series 98. 4-Dr. neaters. raaiu.

vriKinai in walla EnlH.11 hrown finish. Low mileage. Looks and runs like new: Trade. Norton Motors. uj rreuerict.

ave. ui, 1437 til.ns.MORtl.E '4(1 Coach. Radlo-Hraler bold with a warranty. ii. ssinsn MOTOR 1535 W.

Mt. Koyal Ave. LA 5670. Open till 9 1. M.

OLDSMOBILE 1941 CLUB SEDAN Hydra- maiic rauio. neater. aeuuin. nuy uuic alter it noon sunaay. 2011 iiim Dundalk.

Apt. ot.n 4i rivnamie Sed. Radio Sz heater S. Szo. r.oay.jBni,jaas.

PACKARDS Clean, one-owner cars, WEBSTER MOTORS 4410-20 York Road. UTT 1500, PACKARD 1941 Clipper lst-class condi tion. New motor ana paint, joo. tires. Ham.

594 eve.j im. toj, qt PACKARD '40 -tT. Sed. Excellent cond. i erms.

traoe. mzv PACKARD '37. GOOD COND. Hj.28Wj.3o1J1.BTj. PLYMOUTH '41 Station 11.225 LA SALLE '39 4-Dr.

Sed. FORD 37 -ton panel trucg. Priced below ors ceuing. STALEY MOTORS 1523 S. Caton Ave.

ED. 2466 PLYMOUTH '42 Convertible Club Coupe. $1,420. HARRIS MOTORS 1010 W. North ave, MAdison 9710.

PLYMOUTH '33 Sedan. A fine running car S317. NATHAN MOT UK 13JS Mt. Royal Ave. La, 5670.

Open till 9 P. PLYMOUTH 1940 4-Dr. Sedan. Excellent cond. KtA K.EECH MUlUtt liU.

OIIAJ VreeHrirlc are ED 0400. PLYM. "36 4-dr. trk. Motor like new.

Per- feet. S365. 1 owner, will traae. li. ozih PLYMOUTH 37 Al condition.

GL 6600. Mount and Mulberry, open tin 9. PLYMOUTH deluxe business coupe. '36 excellent cona. cnes.

aj-sp. alter r. PONTIAC "41 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater Excellent Ulacs nnisn.

tires ana upnoi aterv A-l SI. 180 NATHAN MOTOR CO. 1535 W. Mt. Royal cor.

McMechen LA. upen tin i. M. PONTIAC '41 Convertible Coupe. Radio, heater.

Excellent condition, rrivate own- er Going into service. Li. ziau PONTIAC '41 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater good tires, win traae.

n. tzo STUDEBAKER '42 Champion Club Coupe. Heater. Sold with a warranty. $1,095 NATHAN MOTOR 1535 W.

ML Royal ave. LA. 5670. open tin a p. h.

AUCTION 8 o'clock tonleht. Monday. Do you wan1 to sell your car? If so. bring it to us and we will either huv or sell It for you at auction and. if the price bid at auction is not satisfactory, you need not sell It.

All kinds, makes and models. Fox Auction ever Monday night at 8 clock. In bust ness since 1883. Best place to buy or sell your car. 1801 TO IRIS MARYLAND AVE.

Below North Ave. VErnon 5474. WILLIAM MYERS 42 BUTCK Super Conv. Couoe $1,889 $1,186 41 CHRYSLER Sedan. Windsor 41 NASH Sedan.

Ambassador "6' 41 PACKARD Clipper Sedan. 40 MERCURY 2-Door 41 FORD Station Wagon. Super 1.03 S1.232 Above cars nriced within OPA celling 1708 N. Charles St. VE.

5320. Open till 9 STATION WAGONS 1942 OLDS. Hydramatic $1,795 1941 INTERNATIONAL. $982 NATHAN MOTOR CO. 1535 W.

Mt. Royal cor. McMechen. LAiavette 5b u. uoen hi t.

m. OVER 350 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM BALTIMORE MOTORS CORP. Bank and Conkling Sts. Eastern Ave. Sz Haven St.

Open Evenings. BR. 4800. TRADE YOUR CAR NOW on a new FORD. You will get preferred delivery wnen they are available, BEHREND BROS.

Fallsway ft Centre st. Mulberry 8466 1941 PACKARD. Clipper: perfect condition low mileage. Northwestern Motors, Inc Packard Dealer), 605 S. Conkling St.


2H00 TRUCKS, TRAILERS, ETC. (64) WILL BUY FOR CASH any make trailer prospect I7B-W 5-TON MACK DUMP Good as new. $225 zm w. coiaspring Lane WHITE 1 Va-'op van body truck. $99S.

Best cona. a. w. rora ji. 2.10 G.

M. C. TRUCK 2Vi Ton with 10-ton cos body. Good cond. pnone MA.

2892-R PARK your Trailer at Heintzman'g Cottage urovo ttcacn. Armiger zjb. us. oaia. '42 '42 '40 42 41 '42 37 4 3 Alt 41 40 '35 41 In 31 4 I.

REAL ESTATE WANTED (55) NOTICE TO PROPFRTV OWNERS In the following sections. Belair Rd. Harford York Northway. Phila. Rd and Northeast Baltimore.

WANTED property to sell In your section Lonx experience, maximum service. We re equipped to sell and finance your property Quickly ENOELHARDT. REALTORS 055 Belair Road HA. 4220. HOME OWNERS Belair.

Harford. York A 5. E. Bal- gimore property owners. Perhaps never gain will you have such an opportunity to dispose of your home at a profit.

We are in a position to both SELL Sz FINANCE your nome. 'GORDON P. PHEBUS. REALTOR 6706 Belair Road. CL.

2123-2124 WAITING LIST OP CLIENTS Anxious to buy houses in all sections of the city. Over 25 years of exp. Take advantage of our ability to finance your property, targe or small, it will pay to ir or to have a representative call -SOD you. No obligations. AMERICAN REALTY 'CO.

515 Cathedral St. SA. 0648. PROPERTY OWNERS ATTENTION! Do know thai 9 out of every 10 properties are sold by realtors? Why waste time? For quick cash results, give us a call, specializing in Belair Sz Eartord rd. sect ion.

1 CLIFTON REAL ESTATE CO. 4903 EELAIR RD. CL. 0405. Member of Real Estate Board "DO YOU Want To Return to Long Branch.

fJ. J.7 I am renting a house about five miles from Asbury Park which I will gladly release to anyone who can make a nuuse available to me in or near Baltimore. Write: Capt. Anstine. wen iong urancn, New jersey.

I NEED a small bungalow, cottage or row house in the northern, northeastern or northwestern sections. Reasonable posses-aton preferable, or I can wait for tenants if the price is right. Any type borne acccp-atie, write 10047. sun. tussiLi us 11 you are anxious to dispose of your property We multiple list Have inquiries for property in all sec tions.

CHAS. M. DIFFENDERFTER At CO. INC. ill caivert street.

I'Laza fTn. DUNDALK ESSEX HIGHLANDTOWN Selling property in these sections has been our specialty for many years. Let us zoaxa a can sale lor you. SEAWEU. REALTORS R01 4 Eastern Ave HP 111H EoCTOR returned from naval servicefor graduate study at Hopkins must have lurn.

house In Balto. area rsirabie neighborhood essential. Ref. Ac Dona I urn write 1190Z. Bun.

HOUSES. Apartments and Ground Rents in A.l Sections. Mortgage Co. Certificates. inc.

18 E. Lexlrgton. MU. 241 BUSINESS PROP. 8.

SITES-SALE (56) CAKKOLLTON AVE. (near Baltimore. 3 story stone Ac brick building. 65x90'. containlna approximately 15.000 aq.

ft. Large elevator. FRANKLIN REALTY 507 franklin VI5 H1U FbltCED TO KELL 210 3-story in fee simple, with store front, lis. in rear are 20x50. Bailable lor light manufacturing or storing.

UN 8.188. 80 rEET ON NORTH-SOUTH THOROUGH- FAKE; zoned nrst commercial. James Miller. LE. 7750.

6301 BELAIR corner Glenmore ave. Good business location. Call Mr. Preston. SA 3700 ElGHLANDTOWN.

Mt. Pleasant St. 2- 5-rm. nricg. store ironi: on heal.

Good for any tvpe business. LE, 4347. BALTO ST. Leased til Feb 1. '47 Sound investment.

Details. 8408. Sim. WAREHOUSES. FACTORIES.

SITES PARKER W. FRAMES. SAratoga 2284 WM. MARTIEN Jfe CO INC 3200 Baltimore Trust Bids. Lex.

6870, CHARLES M. BANDIERE 1131 Suilivan Bldg, SA. 3376. ETORE FRONT Two 5 rooms each: neat ana garage, Forest 1893. COMMERCIAL APARTMENT BLDGS.

BERNARD P. HOC-E Ac CO. PL. 0675 125-27 W. BARRE 2-Sty.

brick. 51x155 tin store trucks. SAt 33H0. EXRFORD loca tion lor stores. SA.

09bj. BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED (57) WAREHOUSE Local business of national concern urgently needs warehouse. 10.000 to 15 000 so. ft with railroad aiding adjacent and good truck loading facili ties. Mould like to nave long time lease Write llKim Sun WANTED About 2.000 square feet floor space in vicinity of Light and Redwood streets.

Suitable for storage of insurance company records and primed supplies. Mr. Hook. Calvert 4100. 609 First National HnV ftmlriine Wanted to RENT Store and or dwelling, preferably within lVa-mile radius of Hopkins Univ.

and north of Norm ave. mi-', sun. WAREHOUSE and office for contractor Above North ave. preferred. Will rent or ouy or wm purchase lot or building MrHupfieidCL.jjyTj WANTED TO RENT 5.000-10.000 an ft.

1st floor, manufacturing. 35c. per foot jmusi nave omce. Also buy. Lex.

5647, WANTED TO KENT Store suitable lor operation of package liquor business by yeteran iia.ta. sun STORE WANTED Outlying city or sub- uroan section, in answer give location store size Ac phone no. Write 10133. Sun WANTED Location for iewelry store" State Jewelers. Sit Raltn at CA11R7 SmalL store wanted Mustbe in the neart or town, write 9H27.

Bun. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT (58)1 WILL BUILD modern stores in the follow Ing 100' locations: iS2i Hanover street, Brooklyn. N. Charles street, cor. Centre.

7'ios. Harford road, rsrkvllle. roi8-JO-12 Charles afreet. 4517 to 21 Harford road. Investigate and call CROWN REALTY.

LE. 7117 CARROLLTON AVE. (near Baltimore) 3-story stone brick building. B5'x90 con taining approximately 15.000 so. It.

large elevator FRANKLIN REALTY Franklin Rt VW AIM To LEASE Long-term lease to a responsible party, lane, modern restaurant. Seating capacity 150. Excellent location lor Baltimore and Washington (but not on Route 1). No dealers. Write 1 1 107.

sun. 337-39 GUILFORD AVE. tth fl. About 2.000 ft. Elec.

elevator. Excellent for warehouse Sz storage. $35 mo. Apply David Kieiman. Keaiter.

sa. UiUl APPROXIMATELY 1.500 so. in whole or in part: suitable lor offices or light storage: no parking problem. Call Mr Cover Un4488520-54O W. 27lh SL CATHEDRAL 809.

Opposite Medical Arts Biag. proiessionsis only. Bernard Klein. 1100 Tower Bldg. SA.

0047 f02 RIDUELY ST. Store Si 6-rm. house. SA. JV'H.

BUSINESS OFFICES (59) BUILDING Equipped for doctor's office or beauty shop. North Ave. nr. Sears. Will rent all or part.

American Realty. SA. 0646. ST. PAUL at North etc.

1 to 10 ocices. Heubeck St 1913 St. aul St. TN 3000 ANTED by business concern, office space and secretarial service. Write 10150.

Sun. COCTOR'S OFFICE GARRISON BLVD. a pri. Marie Loan, ba. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 61j! bakery Established over 30 years.

New patent oven. Excellent opportunity. Ap- pit Jin w. Bioaie st. BAKERY MODERN.

REAS. PRICE erraard Klein. 1100 Tower Bldg. SA. 0047 EAUTY SALON.

N. W. Fully equipped -Mage oner ji. 7679, BEAUTY SHOP IN CATONSVTLLE Rare opportunity to buy well paying Business. 5 operators, luuy equipped, own leaving city.

Keai Dargam. HENRY W. OHM. 400 Edmondson Ave. OI.

3874 ILACKSMITH AND FABRICATING SHOP, fully equipped. Located downtown. Bar-j gain. FRANKLIN REALTY 307 W. Franklin st.

YE. 0354 BOWLING ALLEYS FOR RENT Fine bowling alley location Partial equipment included. Room for 20 alieys. Reasonable rental. Keystone Realty to zis N.

ca ivert St. fuia ibj. ECSINESS LOCATIONS with a future. K23-5225 YORK next door to Govans Post oaice. 45x122.

Zoned commercial. 3712-3714 WINDSOR MILL RD. Walbrook Nr. Chelsea Terrace. 4 apartments with store front.

36x125. 3614 WINDSOR MILL Cor Allendale Rd. store modern apartment. 3036 W. NORTH Nr.

3 movies Zoned commercial. RATTH. RATTH Sc RATTH. INC. 2218 Roslyn Ave.

LI. 7668 CABINET SHOP wants woodwork and nuil-i 55b7. sun. CHICKEN FARM In a convenient location where Taylor Ave. meets Oak.

Harford Sz Harford Rd. Only 2 ks from the carline. The house Is modern with 7 rms. Sz bath. Venetian blinds for all windows Si a lovely glassed-in porch There are 3 chicken houses.

75x12 ft (and room for morel, completely and moaernly equipped, with an annual capacity of 12.000. Excellent fruit trees Ac room for a garden on a lot 100x180. For more details Ac information MARIE CODD. a A. 4550; Mrs.

Proctor. TU coal business for sale Business established over 50 years. Yard scales, truck, conveyer and all improvements. Must sell account of health. A real money maker.

Reas. Write 105BO. sun. rnn routes wanted Veteran would like to buy established egg and poultry routes, write, stating location ro. of customers and price of route.

10178, Sun. EXCLUSIVE Dress Millinery Shop. Charles St. Must sell due to owner leav ing country, price sa.auu, inc. stocg fixtures.

LE. 4347 GENERAL STORE on Main Highway, with dwelling occupancy, including siocx ano Miiintnent Doina good business. Imme c.aie possession. $10,500. CARROLL CRAWFORD.

Westminster. Md GREEN HOUSES Wanted 1 or more. 25- 30 lt.xi50-20O it. long, in gooa cona. Lord Sz Bnrnham construction preferred.

Write I0j49. sun. GROCERY Je MEATS N. Section. S750- $800 wk.

bus. Good living quarters. Short hours. 5i day Wed. No Sundays.

Nice ock fixtures, no agents nmz. sun GROCERY Meat Market, doing all cash business. Guaranteed $1,700 wk. Closed 2 afternoons wk. 6 o'clock dally.

7 o'clock Rat Fft JTQQ tnr details. GROCE East Baltimore. Building, stock sn4 fixtures. Write 11031. Sun.

GROCERY Hichlandtown. Bldg. Stock, fixtures, sbuo wg. income, le. i.

GROCERY (col.l doing nearly $1,000 wkly Call Mver Realty. PL. 6625. HOBBY SHOP business for sale. 5112 Lib- efty Heights Are.

Apply 7 to 8 P. M. EOT DOG Sz Hamburger stand, business Mk. city; very little cash. Apply 510 "Baltimore st.

TJUNCH ROOM Curtis ave. 8-room build- lT.t. S4.000. G. R.

$60. Write 10079. SUA. PIN AT E. IF PACKAGE LIQUOR.

Erocery. $1,000 snort nrs. rtHLER 2 js. lk. st.

PHOTO STUDIO WANTED Must be hieh class at rignt price, 1632. sun BALL Machine Route lor sale. 8 ma rnlnrs. 5 bail. 975 00 cash.

Apply in.i Yawmrter Drive. Victory Villa. Middlr River. Md. Mr.

Bridges. 6 00 to 8 00 P. PRINTING PLANT, established 1929. well equipped lor label ana commercial prlnl-inx 11170. Run RADIO and appliances, wholesale service business, sale, maintenance for 12 stores, delivery, hookup, etc.

Grand opportunity for couple of ex-service mpn. 11670. Sun. RESTAURANT lst-class business Ac build ing witn living quarters Ac garage. In lee.

S10.000 to $12.00" cash needed, rest ran be financed. Real opportunity. Call BR. 550 RESTAURANT serving lunch, dinner, sand- wicnes. seaiood and beer, located in thriving community.

Govans Lunch. 5700 ueuona et York road. STORE ESTABLISHED 25 YRS. Men's used ciotning. will gacrince due to sudden death of owner.

Call LA. 5605 all day Sunday At weekly after 6 P. TAILORING and cleaning. Established business since 1908 Owner retiring due to ill-health. Very good opportunity for rignt man.

can sen reaay-maae ana made-to-measure clothes. Reply Box 11906. Sun TAVERN Good downtown location. $1,600 weemy ousiness. Low rental on long lease Good reason for selling.

Write 10558. Sun TOURIST Cabins with Home on Washing ton Blvd. Excellent investment. MARIE CODD. SA.

4550. MRS. PROCTOR TI7. R7B7 WOODWORK SHOP Business it equip ment. Net $125 Wk.

LE. 3113, AI I-OCATIONS CALL US n.CTORBRKERAQCO UN. 7505. SCHOOL, confectionery Sz grocery. Low rent, good spot, growing business.

UK. 5932. ATT. EX-SERVICE MEN Old established cor. arocerv At meat market.

Fully equipped and stocked. Owner torcea to sen on account 01 ill neaiui Priced lor quick sale. Immediate possession. NATIONAL REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE Phone BR. 3501 AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTY I have the exclusive franchise for New Jersey.

Dela ware. Maryland Ac Dlst. Columbia ot new patent automobile accessory which I must sell on account 01 iilness. 1554. nun.

CITY. Grocery Store and home. West Balti more, complete ss.uuu.uu. urouna Ken: asb.uu. FAIRWAY REALTY CI.

3484-1738 BALTO. Confectionery Sz prop. Good la- Cation, an. OQ.9-3243. FOR RENT Hat check concession in night nuD.

excellent opportunity lor live wire AdoIv after 6 P. M. 306 W. Baltimore Bt FOR WUICK SALE of your business or real estate, BOiiJ. Mr.

Erllch, FORCED TO BELL 210 N. Greene St. A sly. oiua. 111 lea almo wlln atnre front.

2 lis. In rear are 20x50. Suitable lor iigut manuiacturiug or storing. UN H28R. YOU want to sell your business call Mr.


VE. 4080 LIST YOUR BUKINFRS WITH HARRY F. LUCAS CO. HA. 4071 2673 MANAGER required for new progressive nome appliance concern selling onlv Numuer one nationally advertised lines Most display samples now 'on hand Position open for immediate acceptance Minimum investment S5.000, 11034.

Sun NEAR Walbrook junction Four siore iront. bust section. LI. 766B NIGHT CLUB Owner's Attention Bar (80 11. oval, seats 60 persons, burn proof rormica top, uiiu n.

manes st. R. B. REALTY CO. 227 E.

North Ave. (21 Ve. S2fi0. FOR SALE 4-story warehouse. 600 block w.

rratt st. Grocery business property REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Select, progressive camp for boys In Aaironaack state Park. Commission basis. write references BOX 9652. SUN, SMALL HOTEL OR INN with beer and liquor license wanted.

Located outside of Balto. city. Would prefer lease for years with option to buy after that time. Write 11102. Sun STORE FOR RENT.

748 Pennsylvania Ave. win alter to suit tenant. PL. 4175 or LA. 3L'3fi.

TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS GO TO Central Realty 14 E. Lex, st. SA. 5637. TO SELL Your Business.

Call George Foil Realtors. PL. 4786. 14 E. Lex.

St. VETERAN wants liquor store immediately. Excellent linancial refs. Write 11566.Sun WALBROOK Corner store modern apt. liusv section.

LI. 760B WELL-ESTABLISHED Merchant Tailoring Business and Read-to-wear Pants stock Reasonable. AdoIv WOLF. The TAILOR aa n. Gay st.

pnone bk. 4799 WORKING Partner in small sewing fac tory. Must have ear. salesmanship ability and SI. 200 for half interest.

Bears strict Investigation. Listed In Dun Brad-street s. Give all information in first letter. Write 11515. SUN.

WANT TO BUY" (1 or 21 rooming house business with good lease. 1 1185. Sun. WANTED Several experienced men with capital for key positions in wholesale plumbing and heating auooly business. All replies strictly confidential.

Write Box 9668. Sun. WANTED Business, anv type, larae ot small, with or without dwelling, Mr. WARREN. EA.

0646. WANTED Sandwich Shoo by private party gooo location. Give details Ac price. write 11135. Fun.

4205-4207 WASHINGTON BLVD. Grocery store, niling station and nome. uoing about S400 0 to SS00 00 weeKlv. FAIRWAY REALTY GI. 3484-1738i 1313 LINDEN fully furnished.

S60 a montn. furniture can oe purcnasea reasonably 501 Calvert Bldg. 2310 E. JEFFERSON Suit any business Apply 622 N. Colllngtnn Ave.


J. A. BEALMEAR St SON Ground rents wanted. Lex. 5419, K.

AND MUKiuAul-3 wantea. E. CALVE RTB A SA. 3400. 'a WANTED Anv section, white or colored.

Chas. 11. Behn. 2 E. Lex.

CA. 0480 G. R. Wanted. Any sect, uuick settlement.

H. Merowitz, 946 w. Balto. st. lis.

xza SELL YOUR O. R. direct to the purchaser. scnuite. j4i N.

rorest fK. Ave, i-aiio. 1. HOWARD R. BEALMER O.

wanted. 729 Title Bldg. CA. 1950. PRIVATE Party want.

several O. R. No commission asked. F0.92-J1 GROUND RENTS WANTED WM. E.

FERGUSON A- CO. MO. 2628 AUTOMOBILES J63J BANTAM ROADSTER '41 New paint lob $599. within OfA ceiling. BtLAitt huau CHEVROLET buua Belair Koau, BUICK '40 Limited Sedan Radio, heater Original black nnisn penect.

tires excellent. This car Is a beauty. $1,553 NATHAN MOTOR 1535 W. Mt Royal cor. McMechen.

LA. 56 0 Open till 9 P. BUICK "39 Sedan Radio-heater. A fine car 11 ii'-. ma Ham mijiiik lu .1 vv ML Royal Ave, LA.

5670. Open till 9 BUTCK '39 DeL. 6-Wheel 4-Dr. Sed. Beauty, ceuing price, lerms.

itui ttar ford ave. BUICK 1Q75 2-Dr. Redan Trunk. Radio heater. Mechanically perfect, sioo under as is OPA ceiling, can MA.

ua CADILLAC Warranted, clean, used cars. wm rraoe or uy tour uses, CHESAPEAKE CADILLAC CO. CADTLLAC-OLDSMOBILE 2401 North Charles St. HOoklns 1130 CADILLAC '39. 60S special, very gobdTtires.

seat covers, heater, fine motor. Make offer. Pla7a 0951. 322 East St. CHEVROLET '34 2-Door Sedan S225 PONTIAC '35 6-cyl.

4-Dr. Sedan $285 PLYMOUTH "35 2-Door Sedan $258 ITSF.D TRUCK St AUTO EXCHANGE 2718 Remington Ave. BE. 0758 CHEVROLET '41 Town Sedan. Radio-beat er.

$1,042. Sold with a warranty, sii-THAN MOTOR 1535 W. Mt. Royal ave. la.

5670. open tin a v. m. CHEV. '41 2-Dr.

Sedan. $1,005. FOX CHEVROLET, zujp Hanover at. CHEVROLET '31. Runs very good.

Clean instqe ano nut, ziz Lanvaic CHEVROLET '40 Spec. DeL. Town Sed. Pheil, 6708 Harford rd. CHEV.

'41 Spec. DeL. Club Cpe. Outstand- ing. Trade.

Terms. 2702 nanorq ave. CHEVROLET 1940. Apply 1806 Light st, 4.30 to 6.30 P. M.

No dealers CHRYSLER '37 Royal: good condition. New nnint inh! rflriin Jlr heater. PONTIAC '36 Master; very clean; radio Sz Heater. Open all day Sunday, PIMl.ICO MOTORS 3125 W. Belvedere.

LI. 5910 CHRYSLER '42 4-door sedan. Radio and heater. Driven less tnan u.tiuu mues New car appearance, within OPA ceiling Trarie and terms The Auto Clinic. Inc.

Chrysler. Plymouth Direct Factory Deal ers. RIB N. Calvert VE. Butjii CHRYSLER '38 Imperial Sedan.

Heater Motor overnauieo. m. naihan jviu-TOR 1535 W. Mt. Royal Ave LA.

5670. Open till 9 f. DE SOTO '41 2-Dr. Sedan A reaibeauty Sold with a warranty. $1,315.

nathan MOTOR 1535 W. Mt. Koyal Ave I A S.670 Onen till 9 DE SOTO 1940 Conv. Couoe. Custom model Radio Sz neater.

2509 N. tnaries. appiy 2nd fl. H. D.

Ziegler. 6 to 7.30 A. M. Sz 6 to 9 P. DE SOTO '41 Custom-built 2-Door.

Radio heater. In good condition, tricea HALL'S GARAGE. 1415 Maryland Ave. VE. 7573 DODGE '41 TOURING RECONNAISSANCE COMMAND CAR rally equipt.

witn sloe curtains. Can be used for pleasure or as a business car. Excellent for farmers use. Seats covered with leather upholstery, thoroughly reconditioned, good rubber. Will sell way below OPA ceiling.

$595. NATHAN MOTOR CO. 1535 W. Mt. Royal Ave.

LA. 5670. nonC.E '41 DE LUXE SEDAN 4-door. radio and heater. Will sell con siderably under ceiling.

THE MOTOR SALES COMPANI 26 W. MT. ROYAL AVENUE At Maryland Avenue. SAratoga 3311. DODGE '36 Sedan.

Tires and paint A-l Sold witn a warranty 1441. nathan MOTOR CO- 1535 W. MU Royal Ave. LA 5670, FORD '40 2-Dr. One owner.

Low mileage. Clean inside and out. Norton motors, 3034 Frederick. GI. 1437, FORD "38 Conv.

Sedan! Plymouth '38 coacn. 4660 Heisterstown ra. FORD '34 Coach, Harford Rd. Wordea. 6400 FORD '40 2-Dr.

Sed. $806. CITY OLDS. 4bin eamonson Ave, ui. khiui.

FORD '3o 2 S245. Other cars. Fay- ette Motor 3244 E. Fayette HUDSON 39 4-Dr. Sed.

GUARANTEE MOTORS. 1321 N. Monroe. MA. 9097 HUDSON '37 Conv.

Club Cpe. Heater. Must sen. lerms. rutes.

ot. '42 41 41 an '40 37 '41 '38 '42 41 'AO AU 41 '39 40 41 '41 40 42 '36 '35 41 42 42 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 40 i imeltarh. 313 N. Futsw. MU.

6033. lOAS RANGES Large selection. Immediate delivery Futaw IGFNFRATORS (2t. 170O watts. Call W.

E. Crismer Jt'er wnortlawn 4.3. HEARING AIDS $50. $75. S100 Fitted ly experienced techniclana.

BK. 5661. HEATING. Plumbing, oil burner Ac built-up roonng in ailed, w. J.

lHtisa. ill Clm'nn, WO. 8407 HIGHCHAIRS Maple, special $3 95. Public Service Co, 605 W. North Ave.

LA. 0011. HOBBYISTS' GOFFMAN'S HOBBY CENTER has moved to Park Avenue. irtlKMlKIJ THE xt rvmvmtsn the hobbyist iltyviK- IJin.111 CIP 1mm. .1.

r- kl.w a lad OKtlllx itr KIGEK A 1 ION (X. 230S1I01 RFDEHICKAVK. Kt'NZ MOTION PICTURE SERVICE 432 N. Calvert St. VE.

5438. HOSPITAL BEDS. Invalid Chairs, for sc oreent SAratoga 6102 HOT WATER HEATERS NEW tt USED Automatic, oil Gas Ttnm. Installation. BR.

2400 HUBSCH Dry cleaning Tumbler 16x36. 1 extra motor 1 automatic coal atoxer. aood eonditton For sale cheap Call LA 0548 or come In. Superior Cleaners. 1110- 12 Fremont ave.

HYDR AIII TC JACKS REPAIRED ELLICOTT CO. HQ. 0304 tt.ts c- it small CLAW MACHINE. HAmllton 2059 Ap 114 1 1 I- rr't'-ra cnor is mw ie tt, rr JUTE ROPE AS LOW AS 3-5C FT. ilONTGOMERY WARD FAIIM STORE r.

-IWHS-St? VXngSSSuBUL KITCHEN CABINETS, all wood- Public "Pa LaiU I.IVINO-ROOM SUITES An spring construct if ul rovers vw. LlviNOTtoOMV bedroom, kitchen furnl ture, practically new. 1128 Steclton Ave, pnone Kiversine is. V.Y u- utivfi rw nsoo I OAS. 6t8 at nsqi LUVl'-ER LU.VBER LUMBER bJLLTAI LUMUKK t'K riKlltKa 1x8 SHEATINO ASPHALT SHINGLES 1x6 At ROGfEHS StTFETROCK AND HEAVER BOARD INSULATING BOARD AND PLANK FIR AND YELLOW PINE FLOORINO WASHINGTON LUMBER CO Ollmor 650O (Ooo Montanmer ward 1901 Washlneton LUMBER At MILLWORK Belore buvtns let ua auole vou our prices CAPITAL l.CMBFR CO mnn mu Ptvci atu I ane V.

a 001 LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER i ALTIMORK FTXM1R I'I'LY York Pnad RE 08I9.nltn lumber millwork WALLBOARDS lyiy liiMitro linnc w.i. 01 tl-i1 KiAciUNE iStenoivoe'Good cond. 1 year id Aoolv 411 Maude ave. MATTRESSES Shoo worn all sixes. $7 50 vrfrfma r- Uiitifnii un SFATCASETo-ltirtgIe duty.

CrieaF Cons. Anp.Co.21 1 FallswayLEjSJg MOTORS New electric 1-6 At up or complete stock of rebuilt motors uou At la, C.I 111178 nr t1H MOTORS, retruerator. washrr St 1-5 A l-H h. p. .45 T4, avenue.

MOTUKS. new At rebut t. to 15 11- Guar anteed ai calvert as ba Jl. MOVIK PHOJKCTOKS Ar FILMS' k25 (MM) library Rental SI per reel Plr- ture short subierts St rdurationaL couins. S02 St.

Pa HI St. BA. MOVIE PROJECTORS. I A II mm yn.i ai.Ar.- vii7 "TllYS nuvua ti. yv.

or Itram ooiirr u.ww w. it suitable 3-sty. iiouae. 1 100a cona. 1,9 (111 I KltUKE lUniLlIt Desks Chair.

Tables Filing Cabinets sLrjrraoxijn 1 un. I. aotd even a iverrax 1 ,71 OFFICE turn new Ac used bouaht St sold Win, BROS 214 Otv at IE 481 iiil. 1. mijjiaiii-i Floor furnace heats house without base- Intent cellina unit neater nests lane space Complete line of oil healing equipment 1trmvr1, An wf OIL STOVES, chimney type Superfex Florence.

A-l cond. conn s. 401 a. Bona st OVERCOAT Man's. reasonable: Lady Squirrtl Cape: both brand new.

HI. 3435 Irord Equipment 20E.21st.BE. 1925 Paper Plates Forks. NapklnsTBeer Tickets. Anything for your oyster roasts PAINT SPRAY EWUIPMENT Sttvtr-O VW TVT BTORW 1701 8.

ANN ST. ER. 431 Hours IP A. ST to rlASU rtprlihs mahogany. MR.

GEORQK (16 rian-mort Ct. CA I J.J PIANO Charle StleS Grand Mahogany Perfect condition. Bargain iciiiu. nrcni nigi. riauu duuu.

nu.uc Franklin sts. PIANOS Wo are receiving new spinets. OmiH cttnrtnc P. nn Terma Pm di.Va r- a KM A 81 IPtAMOQ STnaKa 4tVahrl ta Pesbody Piano Co 525 N. Howard st.

ueionies weimon. szi n. enaries si PIANOS BOUGHT ANO SOLD PIANO SHOP 1306 Pooler Grove. Ma. S178 PTPR ItTRFDI AH strea.

cut and threaded to aire. I-Beama. nanneis Angles, -ipes. renceence row Aliceanna and Chester Sts WO 78f.7-788-7R69 PLATE GLASS CASES, new Uc4 rem. Hurnson le 943 bT 1 1 sTnrvTTtTTi veivn ctTDDirre f- Tl Tfi CfTDDf 1A1 A Va.

oyrrutt JUiu Ks. A7 xr ic. ors. rtpwara st jana lever joa. reriorator su Cor.

Rounder 83a. 35 S. Gay. LE. 78.4 ritiniiu CKLt.

an sizes, lever cut- stitchers supplies. Burkes, 125 E. Montgomery St. Lex.2154. RADIO Complete twin maple bedroom set.

untnicx Dry. Dry, ivr. REFRIGERATOR ti-ooor. A-I e-Siice Toastmaster. u.

o. slicing ma chine, elec. Juicer, frozen food cabinet. 1318 N. Charles street.


3609 RElllin. Nor reel. elec. 6 cu. excellent ennriitinn.

S1JS FsseX lt'lH-WX IttrKlutKAlOnn tor Kestauranta. aii uuirk delivery Doll St Lewis. GI nn7i nr 31 m. of qiislilv since 1905. Everything com Die te J.


2490. We Rii rted fsfes, SAFES. NEW. $39 95 931 E. BALTO.

ST. SASH. DOOR 3 Ac MOULDINGS. Krager Mill work Co. WOBltoo SKARIE.

707 Howard LEx. 60Q0 arivh nreak-trnnta. aeska. new ma not upen eves Koosa. 'joja w.

worm SEWINO MACHINES Winter. While, etc rebuilt treadles. S15 UP portaoice so no Consoles. $39 50 up Parts, re i. v.

finvru Sewlne Center. 643 W. Balto PI. 4018. JSHUFFLEBOARDS Ior Immediate deUvery 2ft ft Intie Ri nr rer-t.

EASTERN DISTRIBUTING CO. ISAr. 4262 Tt'x. 0197 SINK At CABINET UNITS 4. 54 AC Cnl faiDAtwti atar van r-n nf 5755 SINKS, basins bath tubs, toilets, gas water nraten.

wututnativ os nuy 1 Hot-air furnaces, steam radiators, (au- eets. traps, etc New it used. 2565 Oreea- mniint Ave SKYLIGHTS made to order, repaired ereeted Lincoln rtooung yy presson BE. 4161 sofa reds. C59.SO snmin rniritrs.

aso SO New. All spring construction. PUBLIC ISERVICE. TQ5 W. North LA rgii SOLOVOX PERFECT inn jfitHTH J'A'r (tyty iun naniiiu 11 N.

Eutaw. Open Eves SA. 4766 BUCKET A list 11. -w. niAitu ew.i'",v $20, 220 Coldrjngjane.

CAMERAS CAMERAS Mendelsohn Speeds uns. Mendelsohn Speedgun Extensions. Bxio I rays. 1x14 Trays. 14x17 Treys.

Solar. Federal. DeJtir Omega Enlargers 331 N. HOWARD sr. LE- 973 Open Thursday Evenings fAMVR AS1 MOVIE PROJECTORS PAN AMERICAN.

422 K. North BE. 6852. CASH REGIS 1 En Sl-SJU 2115 g. BSLT1MOKI Bt.

carvI ftfiHSTrns BOUGHT COLD REPAIRED -EXCHTJ Bait. Cash Ret 24 3239 COAI. HPlTrn. Calnrle enniervatnr slightly used. Dlirtil nard or soil otpea and shell included.

516 W. Frank-! lln st. Dial phone. Mulberry 5608. B1UI c.

yy in nine, a ADDiy Mill iirerQiriKa cAn.l.,V Oil RVit I I I I I I I I season, s.uo. owner leaving ior Boutnif ianus cimaii up st uas. oougnt At sola facinr Kacrinre ha. uud. COAT Mink rnllar.

hlack cloth, ilra 48 BE. 7726. E'f? mm K.r 1- anft nrtnt-a Prewar nuality. Guaranteed. 4001 Southern Ave CRIB MATTRESS Wet proof.

22x42 Hrltlfl new It 9 W. Slltn Zild IT DESK new. manoeany. special s. au.

ruouc Service 605 W. North. LA. 0011 rttOlLl 4KI a hin.ta n-n Kay rl I wc-oivo lyMJ.lL" Kama o- Lnmnira lk. a45.

ntti -tt-t rrr i I I ln." I 1 i I 1 New. 7-nlece mahoaany. Public SerTlcePOOL TABLES All sires Also new and Co.605 W. North ee. LA.

OOIL DOOR CHIMES. $6 95 Eire. Heaters. $5-95 TFICO CO RE rrii not IrsTock esn manulacturs ta NATX LTJMBclR 300 S. Central Ave your requirements wn AT.n DRAFTINO TABLES (5).

60 in complete! with parallels Sz attachments. $30 each.l Mahouanv desk. almost S50 Book case. 815. Swivel chair.

$15. 4 a'ools. S1.50 each. Large walnut referenrel table. $25 If sold as lot will accept $235.

-ontact ir. vieveiana. oa. fvz. KLTJ-IKIC KANlibS ai.

i .1 J.L.,,i;'.m'V.V."'... muro, un.jnm. LAiisuai rsna au. eiM ike EATINGUISHEKS (31 cop nrnuinir. 1 frrrnmnuui nti, a ttnr.

per. brand new. soda At acid nre ex- PProal. $12 50 each. I.L 0424 PLUORESCENT LIGHTS APPLIANCES NATL.

LAMP 4. 2 N. Eutaw J.E, 3503 FOOD FKFEZERS ETosted food cabineU Immediate deliver. 8357 Pod St Lewis. GI 0978 or 312.

.1 FRIGIRAIRE (modern! AND KIT. SET. reasonable. 212 N. Greene St.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.