The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)


WILKINSON and W. J. SHAW, Vi vi-'tria House. Aldemhot. i ace.

EA.TOx.sor a iivtzJi 7. id-Tit to. laioament-strew ISLE of WIGHT COLLEGE (Limited), near Ryde. Visitor The Bight Rev. the Lord Bishop of WINCHESTER.

President The Right Hon. Lord ROLLO. CHAIRMAN an rorNCIL. The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Sir Richard Webster, Q.C., M.P.). VICK-CHAia-VIAX.

Lieutenant-GeneralSir HENRY DALY, K.C.B., C.I.B. Heao Master Rev. F. D. TEESDALE, 51.

New College, Oxon. Eijjit Assistant Masters. Classit al and Modern Departments. Army and Navy Classes. BOARDERS are RECEIVED by the Head Master and by Three Assistant Masters, including the French Master tin whose house French is exclusively spoken I.

Special arrangements for Lidian boys. The Colleg- stands in ll acres, and enjoys all the advantages of a soot hern climate. Private cbapel, gymnasium, racquet and lives courts, sea bathing, and boating. Next TERM COMMENCES SEPTEMBER 13. For prospr-ctua apply to the Rev, the Muster.

VtT ANTED. Good FL ATX COOK for Small Family and all found. Write, statins personal character and length of previous engagement, to Mrs. Markbreiter, Woodville Hail, Oas, S.E PARLOURMAID WANTED: country: must be experienced and thoroughly well recommended: Churchwoman. Address, statin age, wages.

Mrs. Crookhant. Fa.nhain. CAN any LADY RECOMMEND for the Country thoroughly ex-J perienced UPPER HOUSEMAID where two arc kept i Ic.irch-woina age aud wages. M.s-mr,yaters.

ock, xf ord. HOUSE AI 1 Upper) El UI RE or conntry most of yen wherB three are kept good needlewoman, wait ua take entire charge of principal rooms aboutSO: good wages: guod charncer. Apply, by letter first, stating fuU particulaiv, to Mrs. W. Cattiey, Leedingwood, Horsham.

WANTED immediately, for a Small Family in Hauijistead. ft Thorough HOUSEMAID: i.arlourmaid kept Addrchs s27. fllessrs. Deacon, Lcadenhall street. WANTED in a.

Gentlemau's Family, a First-rate HEAD LAUNDRY MAI also a THIRD: -yoil wages given personal characters iiidisp-usaWe. Apply, by letter, to A 2.. Rose Cottage, Rdehampton, S.W. MESSRS. SAMUEL B.

CLARK and SON, Estate Agents, Surveyors, and Auctioneers. Established 1S35. No. 8, New Cavendish-street, Portland-place, W. Telephone No.

3.5S-5. KENT (4.) minutes from Cannon-street). To he LET, nished for six or eight weeks, a most Comfortable ITOCSE, surrounded by very pretty grounds; high situation, lovely views there are 11 or 12 bed-rooms, three reception-rooms, and billiard-room, conservatory rent 12 guineas per week. Agents, Samuel B. Clark and Son, as above.

OXFORDSHIRE. A Perfectly-appointed MANSION, standing in a noble park, a short drive from a first-class nwaom oe nondsomcly urnished, with good shooting. eatsbiHniiel Clark and Son, as almve. (4.501.) buikliU2s: two stations within on Clark and Son, as above. (Fo.

5,1362.) ASCOT. FREEHOLDTVeiy Attractive RESL D.NCE, with stabling for five horses fine healthy position a nice distauce from the station and racecourse; most conveniently arranged and compact grounds very tastefully laid out and well timbered price .5,0.. Agents, Samuel uu 7. jim oiiii, ana oo ejtoiiiii. WANTED immediately, for seven or eight week.

a Well-furnished COUNTY HOTTSK net. lJi i 1L.1 full sized, billiard, and four reception rooms, good staolmg gardens, and grounds, and some shooting, including alJOUt three weeks partridge: 15 guineas a week. Letters to srZ.r.-. -nvenuisn-siroet, X'ortl ina-place, W. Waj.

immediately, tor about eight weeks, a well aud Comfortably-furnished HOUSE, on high ground Essex preferred: 10 or 11 bod-roams, good reception-rooms, stabling, gardens, and grouuds; about eight guineas a week. H. G.i New Cavendish-street, Portland-place, W. CADOGAN-SQUARE. To be SOLD orLET, Furnished or Unfurnished, ONE of the Smaller HOUSES; 11 bed and dressing rooms, live reception-rooms, full basem*nt, and four-stall LV.v1'ir.:rVery,"tL' termsApply to BOET.

MANN and 3 IMO ') (F 2W (Telephone No. 13RICE" 4,500 for HOUSE and STABLES, close to Princes-gate and Natural History Museum there, are nine bed i nve reception-rooms, full basem*nt, and thre-w bt off at pre. cut; long lease; low ground rent. -ROBT. W.

MANN and SON, aa above. RED-liRICK QUEEN ANNE HOUSE; 4,2001 Cadosan Estate, facing ornamental gardens, and very open in rear; excellent family accommodation; 11 bed and dressing rooms, Sf haU and staircase. Orders to view of ROKT. and SON, 32, Lowndes-street. or 12, Lower Grosvenor-place.

(J, mace. Onslow-gardens, BelSr.ive-roV,d tityvt 4140; taton-place South, rent iLW: Lowndes-street, rent AJOO; Cadogan-place, aud premium; Wcstbourue-place, rent 13j and premuim Walton-street, rent 125 and premium: and many others. Orders to view of ROBT. W. MANN aud SON 32 Lowndes-street, and 12, Lower Grosvenor-place.

HANS-PLACE (for two orthreelnonths). To he LET Furnished, ONE of the Newly-built HOUSES, at an antumu rent; charmmg reception-rooms, square entrance ball, eipht bedrooms, good offices newly W. MANN and SON. ii, Lowndes-street or 12, Lower rosveuor-place. 3 231 VALUATIONS of FURNITURE LAND rrr JvKSS LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and AGRICULTURAL and LOCK make a speciality of such business, whether for sale, purchase probate or any other purpose.

Terms on application at their offices, SO, Oxford-street) WCj ORFOLK. To be LET, Furnislied. by the year, or on X. Lease, a Commodious FA.Mn.Y RESfDEXCE with i. nf groiinds and park land, and gcd shooting over acres, ii, contains MONMOUTHSHIRE (on the Banks of be e-rnvWiJ01 fix weeks froil1 September, a Charming LEnlDENCli, well Furarshcd, containing five bed-rooms, dres-in rooms, servants'-rooms, three and the usual offices: me stauas nign witn good gardens and grounds, and com mands charming views of Uie river Esk, and has recently been re-furnishcd throughout rent 10 guineas, a week.

Apply to Messrs Lunileys, 22, St. James-street, Louden, S.W. ON the Banks of the Thames at 'WhitehurchT-TfT be J'FK' tdl 31st a Charming FAMILY RESIDENCE delightfully situate in park-like grounds of about 30 acres with bo-it-bouse, landing stage, and use. of laraa and finely appoinW steam launch IS bad and dressing rooms, batb, nursery, noble d--a eading to conservatory, entrance -hull liou- e-keepcrs-room, servants hall, and every demcstie convenience: excellent stabling and living rooms. Detailed particulars of Limileys, 22 St.

James s-street, S.W. mm, SEA COAST (for the summer). GIDDY and TURNER have to LET Large Furnished HOUSES with at rUnUiS Sfc'S' aweek. rQ LET, for about a month, Capital HOUSE tvo JL acres productive old gardens close to the Thames quick tia in service; six bed-rooms, bath-room, greenhouse: boat end canoe left Apply at Ehusleigh, Staines or to Messrs. GIDDY and TURNER niiiii, jioeoimu tnrce rooms, housekeepers-room, and offices: stabling of two- loose boxes and one stall; every convenience, near at hand; rent moderate to a careful GIDDY and TURNER.

Guildford (G 727 ASCOT LAND and HOUSE COMPANY, Clement' lane. Lombard-street. E.C To he LPT or SOLD some Charming FAMILY RESIDENCES, tit for immediate occupation-others in course of erection. For orders to view and all particulars with key map, apply to the Secretary, as above; or to Mr Bland estate office. South Ascot.

The company have numerous charming' well-wooded sites on which they are prepared to erect houses to the tastes and requirements of tenants, who can, if so inclined, suimlv plans through their own architects. KEIGATE. To LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, four reception, 11 bed rooms, bath-room, Ac, good tennis-lawn, garden srables, coach-houses, fowl-houses: well drained; rent "no obi'e. but a caref in tenant required. D.

Mr. Allingham, stationer, Reigate. THE VINEYARDS, Wellington, Salop (withiiTfi minutes wclk rom (Sreat- Western Railway and London and North-Western Itadway Stations). To be LET. with imrncd iat possession the above excellent and Commodious RESIDENCE, situated in the outskirts of thc town of Wellington, and also iu its own grounds The house contains-, on the-ground door, four reception-rooms, kitchen butlers pantry, dairy, and the usual domestic on the first boor, eight bed-room two dressing-rooms, housemaids' closet, bathroom, and w.c; and on the second floor, seven hed-rooms and four servants rooms.

There are capital outbuildings, stabling, large coa-lv house, cow-house, piggeries, Ac, large orchard and kitchen garden also a lawn, toaettier with some Tcplltit. i Uvn, f-'-ic00 had if desired. For further particulars, and to treat, ipply to Me. srs. AVilhams and Son.

Salon llouse. Jswcstry. elegant reception-rooms, billiard-room, conservatoi-y, 15 bed and dres sing rooms, and cauital offices: tine stahlinf fo. siye gardens and grounds of an exceptionally attractive character witn a oeautitul ten-ace, charming winter garden, and asphalted yuan iiusd uiciianib, yieiuing immense quantities ot fruit, and extensive asparagus beds of a most lucrative, description every kind of outbuildings; small farmery, with graur. aud arable land the whole forming a most attractive property rarely to be met with lirice exceptionally low.

Agents. Hampton and Sons, -i. Fall-mall Fast. S.W. OURNEMOUTH (close to sea, and in the most njr picturej-on iiresque To be LET, Furnished or Unfurnished RKSIDENGE; 10 bed rooms, buth-room, three receptiou-d offices, stabling and tennis lawn For terms and photo A.VllLiY rooms, and apply to Messrs.

Liberty and PiO. 0 13 RN EMO TH For PRINTED LISTS of JLJ mitMihtoDe Lf.l'or SOLU, and of Improving Property Investments, also for Apartmeuts, apply to Helyer, Bournemouth WESTGATE-ON-SEA. To LET, TWO nislied HOUSES, containitig respectively seven bed, two reception and bath rooms, and nine bed, four reception, and bath rooms; splendid sea- views: near station and church; low rent for term. Full particulars apply MTNichollsSO, MAIDENHEAD, Berks. To be LET, Unfurnished, for remainder of Lease, live years from Christmas, a HOUSE containing three receptioii-i ms.

12 bed and dressing rooms, buth-room, with hot and cold water, wardrobo-room, gotd domestic offices double i stable, man's room, with nearly two acres of lawn and kitchen garden: 1 mile post-office and church, one mile from station, -ft) minuter from Loudon per Great Westc in Railway close to the Thames, with which it communicates by a cut the house is detached and ehHrirminslv situated. For-iei-niK imlv tn Thetford House, Maidenhead. TORQUAY. For SALE, price moderate, VILLA a i iiiiArw on arberrv-road mm trnoa "ar.len suitable nouns mr larKe lamiiy. Apply solicitors, Carlton House, Tontuay.

Messrs. Hooper and Wollen, 71 ASTBOURNE. Meads. Detached RESIDENCE in a lovely shaded position close to the co*kinz link-n- mmi t.ii.o.i..- from the sea and Devon.hire-park rent eight guineas a week Crispins, Eastbourne. ORQUAY, South Devon.

A Family desirous of spending the winter in town, wish to TF.P tli.irHOTivi. rushed delightfully overlookingTor Bay for the mouths of For t. VENTNOR. Furnished, a Charming DENCE in its own arounds. close to and i VILLA RESI- OYWlntllfitlfr tllP-stOM convenient to tennis gi-oo nds and.

irier: thrnen ivpominn rooms bath-room, and sood olficca Apply Mitchell, agent, Veutaor Snankhn, Sandown. OGNOR-ON-SEA. To LET, for the season, a Thoroughly Well-furnished MOUSE, contain. nr drawing rooms; seven housekeeper s-room butler's pantry, bath-room, kitchen, aud usual offices; facing Uie'st-a and rent moderate. Apply S.

Reynolds and Co, 27, High-street, Bognor. 1J1 ASTBOURNE, Queen's-mew. Cavendish-place. First- class Livervaud Private STA.L.R. Clon.forinS,!., for coachmen.

Teims on application to proprietors, Chapman anil Sons. SSlSS (Detached) on coast Pr recePt-'on, seven bedrooms, ic. -Apply Kooert tTray. House agent. ILFRACOMBE (near).

Furnished RECTORY to LET, four 4o 10 weeks, about August 29: five to six bed-rooms-plate, linen: horse; carriage; cow, gardens; onlysix guineas- chaniiin spot, boating. Roctor, 42, Durnford-street, Stonehouse. Devon PRIVATE HOTEL (West-end) To "be DISPOSED OF7 owing to ill health of present proprietor, situated in one of the principal streets iu Piccadilly: premises held on favourable terms first-class connection, and everything in good full-going order: bicoiu-iug aliout a genuine concent, and au opportunity which does not often occur. Full particulars of Mussrs. Osborn and Mercer, 2Sb, Albemarie-street, Piccadilly, W.

rf.0 COACHMAKERS "and Others. Mr. ErDAVISis JL instructed by the present Proprietor (who is wanting to retire), to SELL, as a. going concent, an oh! established and wU-known West -cud BUSTNESS, ivith valuable Leases and Patents connected with the construction of carriages good manufacturing premises and show rooms, which can be enlarged if desired, situate in a fashionable and leading thoroughfare. Stock, which is light in biuld, at a vahuv ti'on.

For further iiarticulars, apply Mr. Davis, licensed trade valuer anductioneer, 7. King-street, Paker-sfcreet, W. PARTNERSHIP. A SHARE of an old-established, well-known London BUSINESS to be DISPOSED OF to a Person with capital to invest.

Will bear every Principals or solicitors only can obtain particulars on application to Edwin T. Tadman. solicitor, 4, Graa.a-inn-plaee, Gray s-inu, London TO NOBILITY and GENTRY. For SALETa Beautiful LIKENESS of BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE also Land-seer's Picture of Laying down the worked in single stitch on line canvas. Apply Esjilley-crescent, Earl s-court.

1UNS. A PAIR, of best; quality, hnmmerless. in splendid condition, by a first-class London makarj in case complete: price t0, cost 100. Apply 22, co*ckapur-street, Pall-mnll, SW. DEALS, FLOORING, OATS.

BARLEY, MAIZE 4c The CHEAP WOOD COMPANY are selling 3 bv 9 at 2d. por foot nin, 2 by 4 at fJooriug, 6s. per square: matching, 5s. Good oats at 12s. per quarter ex dock.

Catalogue post free on application. 25, Bishopsgate-street Within, London, E.C. ME I CINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are universally admitttd to be worth a Guin a Box for Bilious Jheadache, Giddiness. 1-ulnessand: after Meals.

Dizziness and Drowsiness, co*kl Chills, Flushings of Hea Loss of Appetite. Sborr- mu (iiiua, viunuugs ui ui iipi'Cllte. ffport- ness of Breath. Costiveness, Scurvy, and Blotches on the Skin. Dis- gjsg turbed Sleep, ii, ciw-p, cncnnui reams, uu an lvervous anu i remcimg n-ations, The first will give iclief in twenty n'mute Kverv sufferer is eamestlv inviinrt to tv one box of tV-.

they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as afewdosesof tneui carry of. all hun. ours and bring about all that is required JJo female should be without There, is no medicine t0 be fo: id co Mioerer is earnesriv lnvnoa ro irv one dox ol rrese Ji equal to Beecham's Pills for ren oving an or -rr. m'- pi tne system, it taken according to ti lox.

tney will soon restore lewaJss rli a-1-- to sci i health. This has been piov.d by tbtii d. who I ti found the v.i ieli m. en. ined bv i each rori ep and a weak stomach, impaired acd discrdis of the mi.

mm anu a ien uosi win ue loin to work wom ers the most imrortant orians in the bun-an inaebine Tbiv nen the Dhole muscular sjfc-fin, lestore ihe lonc-'oit coui-plexion, brng-back Ihe keen edge of appetite, mid aiomeinlO action with thc Roiebvd of Health, tl.o whole pbysfcal in. tit of Helenas frtniie. These are Pacts testified by end ers of of society, and one of the lest gusiantets fo Nervous andrc'Pi- ite haTe tie laigtst rale ot snyiatentmediciBe Preiiated only KINGS ION -HILL. In a pleasant opun position, Capital FAMILY RESIDENCE, in well-timbered crounds, "VJ.0"11 to be LET, on Lease rent 200 or GROUND LEASE to be SOLD; good stabling aud ont- sianus mgn, ana commands tine views it is well built, very dry, with perfect sanitation, and a pure and ahunuant water supply; gravel soil: south asp. ct stabling for ix i "fcVr-r 4- i Per annum.

Colhuson aad Lock, (GtoSu, Oxford-street, London. TO LET, for the summer or longer, at a moderate rent HOVl; the high ground, Walton-on-thc-rtill, Surrey; 14 bed and dressing rooms, stabling, nark-like ji tiuji at-ouce (it required), tor a few weeks, near Gutld-ttord V.1?- really -toiigbtful, in its own beautiful, shady ell- BELGIUM, near OSTEND. To be SOLD, a bargain a Beautiful RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY of about --1 acres comprising a picturesque Residence of a most charming character' commanding an extensive view, and contain in" MESSRS. GEORGE, GORDON, and Auctioneers, House, Land, and Estate Agents, Victoria Estate Offices. Archer-street, W.

neighbourhood. EORGE. OORT-OV and fSfl HFUTrS oo OFFER a ready MEDIUM for the prompt LETTING of every scription of RSIDE NCE, either self-contained or FLATS, whether Furnished or Unfurnished. (JI EORGE, GORDON, and WAREHOUSES, as JT a'ye, are spacious, dry. and air-, and afford every scope for iVAKf10USIXG of large or small quantities of FUBNI- WEST-END 3-LANSIONS to be SOLD or LET.

ti TM.e, Vt18 and WARNER have for DISPOSAL some of tiieBest RESIDENCES in the most fashionable positions, par-ticiuars of which can be had on application at their offices, 130, W. ciahs j. mil. MANSION in this fashionable posilicm, having excellent -ccommodatiou for a moderate establishment, with spacious and lores reception-rooms, and all modern appliances; the offices are well i is. to Messrs.

Lofts and e. 130 Mount-street. Berkeley-square. W. PARK-LANE (close to).

Newly-built RESIDENCES for SALE, with 90 years' leases, at low ground rents charm SK P'fnned, and fitted with all modern improvements; suitable for rtl esUnbshments; purchastfrs can have choice of fittings and 'nS' Messrs. Lofts and Warner, 130, Mount-ltreet, bft LET' on Lease, an Excellent KfcslJJbNCh, containing 10 bed-rooms, five reception-rooms. Him Mauung lor tour Uoisc. in the rear. Apply to VVarner, 130, Mount-strei Berkelev-souare! Messrs.

Loits and mm a low grounu rent 'T'nr; Mount-street, Berkeley-snv MANSIONS. Victoria-street. FLATS to be LET, each cta two sitting-roomr, five bed-rooms TtkJ' SSd fr-. larder, kc: there is a lift to Ta and in excellent to Messrs. Lofts and Warner, 130, Mount-street, Berkeley-so uare TT ANTS.

RESIDENCE and 150 Aces odm.t io part of the county, close to a and first-class station. The residence stands in a contains accommodation for a gentle-riiacter The f1 Kmta are of a most attractive Mir VvfY Igdge, farmery, and cottages. -Aijily to Messrs. Lofts andAarner, 130, JVlount-street. DA iwr rT are invited to apply to Mr.

JJAV1D j. CHA.T1ELL. for more than 20 years the resident locai agent, who has for DISPOSAL nearly all the available properties A interview saves trouble to all parties and greatly faeilb 1 (C0I7-er of)' Line6h. W.C., and uj uie railway station). CHISLEHURST and ST.

PAUL'S CRAY COMMONS i r4f.y-thchoje'.s(!.slhiations in the DAVID i- ELL is the Sole Agent for several very Attractive whicn are now for DISPOSAL on exceptionally low iwijiii xjiuuiiu.b-iiiii-uenis, anu cmsienurst. rentaL-No. 29a (corner of), Lincoln's- ROUND RENTS WANTED Mr nSvfn CHATTELL has numerous annlications from capitalists and e-iPi'-CT parcels of FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD corporate GROUND RENTS of i i.hCu tt: the fullest price. Vendors, solicitors, and" others are invited to forward full iisrj.iculare.-2BA corner of), Lincoln TTAMPSTEAD, a iserv choice nosition. To l.

ScTfTrw AJL most desirable Detached RESIDENCE, containing seven tj'-u-n omfs, two di-essing-rooms, two bath-rooms, box-room elegant rlrawing-ronm. dining-room, lofty billiard-room, lavatory, four water oijuces; garuen ana tennis lawn, two greenhouses, excellent staolmg with separate entrance, standing A iiMumuiBB, iiariirRs-room, pavtU yard, The sanitation has been constructed tcgardless of cost on the most air-proved principle; the house is apiiointed throughout with modern httmgs. hra.ed by hot water pipes and in thorough substantial and to MY. MRlar. estate agent.

Wellington- T'v ijraiton-strett. liond-street. w. "OERKELEY-SQUARE (near). To he LKT on T.

premium, a very excellent Double-t routed RESIDENCE, exceUent repair and sound sanitary condition, comprising 10 bed and dressiug rooms, suite of three noble draw- i -room, iinrary, pantiT. spacious entrance hall, and maces, also coach-house and stables. Possession at once. Apply to Mr Millar, estate 14, Grafton-st-reet, Bond-street, W. TIO be LET, a charming Old-fashioned FAMILY RESl- DENCE.

within a few miles of tnom butes of a country house, standing in its owii grounds, well back 'from tuc aereeiifii large snrunocnes ana nne old trees. It is approached by a carriage drive, and contains 10 good bed-rooms well fitted with cupboards, large vestibule leading into tine panelled hall, large dining-room, drawing-room, leading into conservatory lnorning-roi kitchen, scullery, two w.c.'s. and extensive domestic offices Adjoining are large aud roomy stabliug for six horses, coach-house harness-room, mans room, and loft over: coachman's three-roomed cottage. The outhouses comprise piggeries, hen-house, and cow-sheds-good paddock. Tne pleasure grounds are very extensive, and comprise a splendid Lawn surmounted by rockery, and a belt of fine old elm tres Large kitehen-gavden well stocked and in good condition, about li acres.

Thc above residence containing in all about four acres, forms a most desirable residence for those engaged in commercial pursuits, owmg to its close proximity to London. Rent 110. Apply to Mr Alfred Richanls. lai-d- agent. Tottenham, Middlesex, and 8.

New Broad-street, E.C. (233-3-4S2-2.) o. LYME REGIS. Furnished COTTAGE to LET to Quiet Family, from beginning of September; for three months, situate on high ground, commanding magnificent views, containing six oed and dressing rooms, two sitting-rooms, Ac, good garden Apply to Jenkins, Sons, and Ellis, in all about an acre within easy reach of good market town, and favourite seasiile resorts. Apply to Jenkins, Sons, and Ellis, auctioneers dud estate agentr, Cannon-street.

F. C. FTIOWN RESIDENCES, l-urnished, Unturnished, and for SALE. Messrs. WHITEt KERRY, and TAYLOR have an exceptionally large number of HOUSES on their REGISTERS for DISPOSAL and LETTING, of which owners are now open to negotiate on very moderate prices and rente: full particulars supplied gratis.

Auction, bouse, and estate agency offices, 1, Halkin-street, Grosvenor-place, S.W. VSTORTHING. To be LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, HOUSE and Grounds, six acres; three reception-rooms and seven bed-rooms, bath-room, two dressing-rooms, and usual offices: two-stall stable, Ac; one mile from railway station. For rent and further particulars apply to Charles Paine, house aud estate agent. 20, South-street, Worthing.

WEST HADDON HALL, Northamptonshire. By order of the Mortgagees. This Capital RESIDENCE, with about V) acres of land (niore if required), to be SOLD for .4,0.0 centre of the Pytehley Hunt; immediate possession. Apply to Messrs! Osborn and Mercer, estate agents, 28b, W. 1 R.EENHITHE.

To LET, Furnished HOUSE for month or five weeks from Aucust 10: three fiv. bed rooms, dressing-room, bath-room, day nursery, billiard-room, large garden, tennis lawn, stable, coach-house; moderate terms. The Mount, (-reenhithe, Kent. SUMMER MONTHS. Three guineas per week.

Prettily situate RESIDENCE, handsomely Furnished carriage hnrs, stabling, with lawn, kc, about two acres. Photo and all particulars of Messrs. Harrison and Sons, Buckingham. WINDSOR FOREST. Most Charming and Tastily-furnished RESIDENCE to LET, Furnished: large entrance hall, four reception-rooms, 15 bed and dressing rooms, stabling for nine horses; charming grounds and kitchen gardens; within easy drive of Windsor, and on the borders of the forest.

Apply to Mr. Mason, estate agent. Windsor. rr.HE SUNDRLDGE PARK ESTATE (between Bromley M. and Chislehurst).

The Trustees, under the will of the late Sir Edward Scott, now OFFER a PORTION of this delightful Estate for the erection of Detached Residences; freehold plots of one acre and upwards may be purchased, or long lease would bo granted at moderate ground rents. Plans and particulars may be obtained on application to W. Gibbs, C.E., 5, West Kensington-terrace, aud Sundridga Park estate office, Widmore, near Bromley, Kent. SURREY. Furnished RESIDENCE to LET for the autumn and wi.iter, standing on a hill among pines with extensive Views; soil, gravel aud sand; good water; 11 bed-rooms (13 beds), coach-house and stables, lawn-tennis courts and pleasure grounds: live drive from railway station (L.

aud S. W. Railway). Rent moderate. Refer to Beiton, Camberley.

TVTEW-FOREST, Lyndhurst, the prettiest village in England, the healthiest and cheapest to live in. VILLAS (yueen Anne) to be LET every accommodation unrivalled views rent 27 to 30 guineas. Lumby aud agents, Lyndhurst. N.B. Most suitable for artists or annuitants three packs of hounds.

CIRENCESTER. HUNTING-BOX to be LET, Unfurnished, on a Lease or yearly tenancy from Michaelmas next. The Craubams, a moderate-sized residence, with good garden, containing seven b. and two dressing rooms, with the usual reception-rooms and kitcheus. The house stands in a pleasant situation, and is approached by a drive, with lodge entrance.

It is close to the Royal Agricultural College, and one mile from the G.W.R. Station, whence there is a good train sendee" to London. The meets of both hacks of -the (Lord Bathurst's and Mr. Butt Miller's), the Duke of Beaufort's, and the Cot-swold Hounds are within reach.

The-stabling sufficient forsix horses, with coachhouse and saddle-room, aud adjoining tlic house are three grass paddocks and a straw yard, the whole containing about 15 acres. For terms, Ac, apply to Mr. Robert Anderson, land agent. Cirencester. BECKENHAM.

Capital FAMILY RESIDENCE to be LET or SOLD, on an elevated si'e: pounds five acres in ex.ent; 10 minutes' walk from railway station large double drowing-room. 40ft. by dining-room. 21ft. by leaning into conservatory, librarj-.

20ft. by 14 bed-rooms; rent '4U) per annum. Apply W.Levrns. Railway Bridge. Beckenham.

lOC'KINGTON, Torquay. To LET, for the summer thebest tenuis lawns iu Torquay: withiutiveminutes'walkofstation, mouths, or lunger, a iianusomeiy-iurmsnea ana KSaTa XcomnHad views, and contains four reception-rooms, billiard room (with full-sized i t-iMoi hA rn.n.s hat.h.rnom. nnil -mod offices I stabling for two horses, two conch-houses, dog kennels, chicken run, Sc. Apply Cox and Son, the Torquay and West of England House and Estate Agency, Valuation, and Auction offices, 12a, Strand, Torquay. OEVENOAKS.

WANTED. Furnished, for six weeks, try in from the ltlth August, a Detached RESIDENCE, with good garden six or seven bed-rooms, stabling for two horses if cook and house-maid left preferred. Send terms and full particulars to Major care of GODWIN, BASLEY, and Surveyors, 28, Ladoga Belgrave-square. S.W. ORRABRIDGE, Dartmoor.

Gentleman's Furnished HOUSE, standing in own grounds, to be LET, for August and September: reasonable terms: bracing air: romantic scenery: good fishing: close to station. Martyn, Bryn Seiont, Carnarvon, Wales. C1HESH1RE and NORTH WALES. LIST of RESI-j DENCES to be LET or SOLD sent post Free, by W. and F.

BROWN and Chester. DORKING. To LET, Unfurnished, an Old-fashioned PANELLED HOUSE: eight bed-rooms, three sitting-rooms, shady gardfcn facing south: rent 70; or. Furnished for August and per week. A.

C. Powell, Dorking. 5TYE RIVER Summer Months. A Charming RESIDENCE, close to the far-famed Wvncliff. and near 'Tintern Abbey; contains two sitting and five bed rooms (eight beds; rent guineas.

Apnlv to Messrs. Ueal, bon, and ltegent-streetjS. W. (Folii? U.Ofei.) BANKS of the THAMES. Sunbury.

To be LET, for two months or longer. COTTAGE, with garden to the river fully Furnished with accommodation for six persons and three plervant: rent. tive niucBB per wvek. including use of boat. Apply to Messrs.

Son, and Chartres, 20, Regent-street. S.W. (Fo. 1 VER THAMES. Wf 11 -furnished small tached RESIDENCE; good garden, vegotnbles and fruit; bunks river: also use horse, phaeton, and boat: EXCHANGE SEASIDE HOUSE, similar advantages, or LET, August 30, August aud September Siinonds, AVraysbury Villa, Weybridge.

WESTGATE, facing'thTaIutenditig "VISITORS REQUIRING Furnished HOUSES for August and Ser-tember, or longer, are invited to asnd uarticulars of their requirements to Messrs. and TEMPLE, who will by return of post send a DESCRIPTIVE LIST- of those most suitable. Address Estate Ofhce. estgate-on-Sea. WESTGATE, close to the sea.

Well-furnished Detached aud Semi-detached RESIDENCES for August and Peptember to be LEI at moderate rents. Agents. Rogers and 1 Temple. I y.tULliiUrlA-.l irUL l-URVAHIl fr.l PAKTWrnT.Al!.' of PumicVioH HnTTSTCR I APARTMENTS tube LET ia'thispaimiablewattirint-place on application. State requirements.

lOUTHSEA. To LET, Newly-furnished HOUSE, th or six weeks dining, drawing, four hed-rooms piano, gnns i week. Apply Angola, Livingstoiie-rOcd. jI'RNpj'iu' the ea); Furnished for the three r'r. Pi guineas per ply to 'ii, nod i 'iiartres, 20, Begent- MniUwumo.

Uist uf Eastiiourua and Susses on. 1..7 street. Loin' fcffll.ste.fii i OUTH SEA. To he LET, Tr, i i llaudsomely-furnished GENTLEMAN KtsiPL.M'fc,. tacn-g the sa, containing three reception, seven beil rooms, boudoir, norary.

servants' hall, aud excellent domestic omoes, nttu Pitn-room, and lavatory; rent, 10 10s. per week (open to an For orders to view, apply to Messrs. Love and Cooper, estate agents. Southsea. Printed List, of Houses gg5ggg BSjagaB "flPatipo YDE, Isle of Wight, Fumitihed or 'Unfurnished a hottsks hv tiie sear, or ior snorter net or for shorter periols also- Procertitw fbrSsle; printed roister tree on application a ll Marvin tnd Sons.

9. Lwoa-atreet. Svdc, W. ot upartmtat PRINCES-GATE (in the first block). The GROUND Ll.ASE of ONI-, of tll.c ITVTTCSl- I T.

Apply to Messrs. Lofts and tare, W. tv 1 5 i. All Branches AKMY PR.EHMLNARY, 18a7 and lSv. to UA fi- titiTis.

H. v. niomst ATE. Mi U. U.

Dalgety. homson. Mr. P. B.

Lucas. Mr- A. Lawsou. Mr. F.

Owen-Lewis. Mr. S. SwaJiey. Mr.

E. L. Saunderson. Mr. S.

G. French. Mr. R. E.

P. Gabbett Mr A. B. (ireentield. Mr.

A. 1.L Aiylne. H. M. D.

Hollms. Mr. A. Oweu-Lewia. Mr.

A. M. Jones. Mr. E.

O. S. Allen. Mr. G.

H. Carew. Mr. F. W.

Musaenden. Jdr. C. B. Ricktnan.

Hon. N. Hill Trevor. Mr. Gordon MolStt.

Mr. N. Wilkinson. Mr. A B.

Lassetter. SANDHURST and WOO. AVifw M. Barlow. Sandhurst Mr.

Claud V. Chapman. Sandhurst Mr. W. J.

H. le Sandhurst Mr. Matthew p. Buckle. banahurst Mr.

Reginald Y. Morris. Sandhurst Mr. Bernard E. Church.

Sandhurst Gordon Mofiitt. Woolwich Mr. R. A. Bright.

Also 17 Militia Literary. Fine buildings. Large and competent staff. Great advantages in Frenchand t.erman. Small classes.

A EM Y. REMARKABLE SUCCESS. Of the 15 Xi. candidates sent up by ALEXANDER WALKER, Hereford House, Brighton, to the November-December USt.7) Examinations. Thirteen Passed, viz.

Mark i. iur. a. a. iarieooj loitn Sandhurst 2 Mr.

E. H. Baker 21st SaniUturst 3. Mr. F.

V. Smith 48th Sandhurst 4. Mr. G. D.

Price 2tt W.I.. Sandhurst 5. Mr. H. E.

Raymond 61st Sandhurst 6. Mr. T. R. thenliam.

3d W.I.. Sandhurst 7. Mr. It. W.

Burton Slst Sandhurst 8. Mr. J. B. Noble 101st Sandhurst with It.Ood 7,470 7,334 7,192 4,106 3.6S0 o.

a. Boueau lodd Woolwich 10. Mr. F. Lamb Milina Literary 11.

Mr. R. M. Cadell 12. Mr.

C. M. Ingham Brooke. Militia Literary Militia Literary 13. Mr.

F. Blake Alilitin 3,201 These results are, it is believeiL superior to those obtained by any Other army tutor at the same examinations. Fees, 40 guineas iier term. A RMY and COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS at JtSl CAM PACNE SOUS-VENT, Bex, Switzerland. Monsieur 1U TUETEY.

B.Sc, Paris-12 years experience in Army Coachiiur-assisteil by Capt. E. H. WHITE, bite R. Marines and I ivier.

raduute Ititermeiliata Arts, Loud and Herr F. SCI'IL S1LR, Munich late Professor of German andScieuie at LttMartmitre College, Lucknow, PREPARES NINE PUPILS for the above Exams. T.JSU1!CEsSia SINCE MARCH. NO FAILURE. Mr.

Ed. Ktiig-Harman, Sandhurst Prelim. Mr. H. Joyce (a tqruier pupil), Sand.

Frelim. Mr. E. L. RollillSOn.

Edinlmr-h Mntrienlntinn References kimlly iieraiitted to Lord Walter Scott crescent, S.W.: Sir Edward G. Jenkinson, K.C.B., 13,1 Richmond. S.W.. kc. narentsof nnwiii nnntlii 3.

Grosvenor- Downe-terrace, Apply to Monsieur de Tuetey. who will be in London in August; orto Messrs. Askiti, Cabbitas, andKillik.38, Sackville-street, London, W. ARMY CIVIL SERVICE, "and ALL EXAMS. SPECIAL INDIVIDUAL PREPARATION by Messrs.

BUSWORTH and STERN, B.A.. Whose results are the HIGHEST RECORDED. 39 out of even 42 Pupils successful, and of these two-third3 had pre-viousljj- failed elsewhere. Tne percentage of passes is equivalent to 13 chances of success as opposed to one chance of failure. Separate teaching; no classes.

One Tutor (at least) to every Two Pupils. At the March Prelim- and April Militia Literary Exams, seven Rcnmore" Pupils competed ALL PASSED. i-U X.1J.X, O. W. INDIA, HOME, Civil "Services, Woolwich, Sandhurst College Scholarships, Foreign Office, Sc.

Messrs. WREN and GLRNEY PREPARE RESIDENT and DAILY PUPILS for all Competitive Examinations. India Civil Service Twenty-two of their Pupils were Successful in the late Competition. College Scholarships. Nine have been lately won.

H. C. Class I. Three Passed in the hist Competition. The prospectus shows similar successes lor Woolwich, Sandhurst, and other Competitions.

V.1" l0r tile Army Preliminary Examination viU BEGIN on h. Mr. ten is at home on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. No. 7, Port is-square, W.

MR. WOLFF RAM, The MANOR noCSE, Lee, S.E, WOOLw 'H EX AM IN ATI )N, June, loSS. 1 ne following CANDIDATES PASSED from Mr. WoUTram't Woiffram's Establishment Exam. Woolwich Name.

sley, R. P. Connor, W. F. T.

W. Younger, J. A. H. L.

Place. Marks. 6.099 a.Utiti 5,021 Yi Oolwicii Wooiwich Woolwich Woolwich ILITARY EDUCATION. MOTTINGHAM HOUSE, El'ham. liathnlin

n. Oamiidatcs for the Examinations for admission to the R.aL Woolwich, R.M.c, SauiUiuist, for the Militia Preliminary, Literary, and Final Examinations, and other Civil Service Examinations. Special attention paid to modern languages. At the last examination out of four pupils sent up three passed. Pupils have the privilege of daily mass in tne house.

Principal, Rev. E. von Or. bach, F.R.G.S., late tutor to their Royal Highnesses the Princesjif Thuru and Taxis. AT Last Montli's WOOLWICH COMPETITION-MrT PKl'l'CHARD presented FIVE CANDIDATES.

aU of whom and four Succeeded, 36th B. Kirwin marks H. C'ricbton 5oth W. Maddocks 57th A. Perreau 4,373 Work continuing throughout jirescnt, recess exactly as in term time.

Address Rev. A. Pritcbard. Wargrave, Henley. Oton.

iXFORD and CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITIES. 8cm e-ial Individual PREPARATION hvM.A. lUktahM fhMhH College, -Middle Temple, by staff of University tlouoms men; large housf, near Crystal Palace, in healthiest part of Upper Norwood: Pi bed-rooms; pri.ate study if rciuired comfortable r.ome; liberal tanle: pleasant society cricket, tennis, holiday work taken; schiiois examined. For terms, references, and list of previous successes apply Bankside, Luubam-road, Upper Norwood, Surrey. ARMY, ROYAL NAVYTand PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

CAVENDISH COLLEGE, Southampton. Principals. G. G. WJX.IUASOA.

B.A., andW. J. GORMAN (ex-student College St. Vuieeut, Mahues, Beliiuu), formerly tutors at Military and Royal Naval Schools. Individual Coach ing.

Latest successes Saudliiirst Preiim. four: Naval Cade: snip, one: Public two London University, one: Law one: Cunhriilno I three (two honours). No failures. Number received Twelve boarders, thirty day scholars. A LIE BUUlx, bei Gross Berkel, Prov.

Hanover. SANDHURST, WOOLWICH, and Other OO.MPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS. SPECIAL PREPARATION for the above. Strong Stall of University Men. Individual tuition itud attention.

Work continues during Vacation. Special Vacation Classes are now being formed for study of German and trench. For terms, recent successes, references, apply to Principal, W. HODGSON, M.A.; or to Messrs. Askin, Gabbitas, and Kulik, 3S.

Sackville-street, Piccadilly. ARMY EXAMINATIONS. PREPARATION IN FRANCE. J-, COAVLES, M.A., St. John's Oxford, assisted by 14th Wrangler three Resident French and German Masters, EECEIV F.S a FEW PUPILS at Famine, on the coast near St.

Male, Of nine Pupils sent up for Examination last October and December. Eight were stul Three for Sandhurst, one for Woolwich, Three -h Militia Lit. and One for a Consular Appointment. WOOLWICH and SANDHURST, Itib7-S. For ELEVEN out of THIRTEEN sent up PASSED in Subjects; Nine on First Trial.

Also FOUR out ot FI VE for Further, Three- on First Trial, with First Marks in Mafciiematics (Sandhurst, December). For names, references to otficers of distinction, and other i.arents, kc, address VM. F. WALKER, A Waldegrave Park, Twickenham ARMY, UNIVERSITY, and CIVIlTSERVICE JSXAMINATIONS. The Rev.

J.SCOTT RAMSAY, assisted stoke. ADETSHIPS. Messrs. PAUL and MANN A3 PREPARE a Limited Number of PUPILS. 75 per Gent, of their Pupils have obtained Cadetships.

At the cent Exam, in June Two Candidates were sent up, and both obtained Cadetships, with high, places. Address Ivivernells. Milford, near Lymington. Haute. ROCHESTER HOUSE, Ealing.

At the recent Examination for Woolwich the ONLY CANDIDATE SENT UP from this house, Mr. Carpenter, PASSED FDtST. WM. C. NORTHCOTT, M.A., LL.M., Wrangler, late ClassicaL Scnolar, Cains College, Cambridge; WALTER W.

NORTHCOTT, B.A, Trinity College, Cambridge, and Univ. London, Captain Battalion Yorkshire lio0'iment. PUBLIC SCHOOL. MEN (To). A distinguished Graduate of the Royal Agricultural College and Diploma Ai ember of the Royal- Agricultural Society, RECEIVES PUPILS.

Aiivertiser, an experienced land agent and a most successful tutor for the Surveyors' Institution examinations, farms his own land, aud is about to carry out engineering work3. Half the fee may be earned back by any student who cares to work as he would in acolouy-. Fiint address Jft Si 17, Strand, TO TUTORS Expert enceii). REQUIRED, BOARD and ADVANCED INSTRUCTION (classics and mathematics) for a Youth tiged. 10.

requiring great, tirmuess- aad tact; must be a cheerful home, with tennis, terms not to exceed jKIOJ per-annum. Reply, with full particulars, to J. Evans, 17, Wellington-street, Strand REV. J. R.

HAKEWILL (eight years Head Master of Public School) wishes to RECEIVE a FEW BOYS to Ed urate with his Sons. Auxious to receive a boy on mutual terms in exenauge fordanhter of 12. Rectory. Market Harliorough. MAIDSTONE GRAMMAR SCHOOL-Preparatioa for all Public Examinations special division for modern sunjects moderate tamis; the numbers have trebled during the last live years.

For prospectus aud honour list apply-to the Head Master, School House, Ajaiih-tonei BEAUFORT HOUSE SCHOOL, West Drayton, Preparatory for Boys from. 6 to 14. NOTICE of REAtOVAL. Miss BROWN will REOPEN this School in SEPTEMBER, at Southsea, in, CONJUNCTION with Mr. F.

BYERS, M.A, in order to seoure the advantages qi good head master and sea air for herjjupils. Terms 60gs. per annum 27; South Parade, Southsea. BRANKSOME PARK, Bournemouth. Rev.

G. S. ROGERS, M.A. (Marlborough and Corpus, Oxford), having provided additional accommodation, is PREPARED to RAISE the' NUMBER of bus BOYS from 26 to 30. House on high ground, in nine acres of pine and heather.

TUNBRIDGE-WELLS. ROGER BUSTON, M.A., Einman. Cambridge, PREPARES BOYS under 14 for tile Modem and Classical Sides of the Public specially successful with backward boys three scholarships in the last two yeans, two being on the modem aide-: limited to 3U. Address, Hurst leigh mHE LEYS SCHOOL, Camhidgei. Head M.vstbk The Rev.

W. F. Moulton, M.A. (Lond), hon. M.A hou.

D.D. sold medallist, prizeman, and hvte examiner London LTniversity member New Testament Revision Co AUTUMN TERM COMMENCES WEDNESDAY, Septimbar 19. IjtARL'S-COURf SCHOOL, S. TheRevT B.cS with esperianced Tutors, Prepares for Public Schools, Alat nc. Law, Medical, or Army Exams.

IndividualorClassIn-struction. Bourdera received Special carefor backward or delicate bo vs. WINCHESTER. PREPARATORY SCHOOL tot PUBLIC SCHOOLS and Other Examinations; high situation; south aspect large playfields, gymnasium, fives moderate fees. The Rev.

J. L. Oglo. M-A, VV.estfields, Winchester. HIGH SCHOOL, Stamford, PREPARES for UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS: Miss MONRO, Head Mistress, receiver Boarders iu the School House.

Separate cubicles. Terms on appl ication. CHISLEHURST PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Chisle- hurst-common. BOYS PREPARED for the Public Schools-Exhibitions gained at Repton and Aldcnham in 1885 and 185 Prospectus and references on application to HUGH VAUGHAX PE ARS M.A Next TERM will BEGIN" on MONDAY, September IT. A FEW PUPILS, superannuated from public sohools or necdiue personal care owing to backwardness or delicacy, are RECEIVED Toy the Rev.

G. E. REES, M.A. (Lite scholar of Jesus College, Oxford), at Bagendon Rectory, Cirencester. Successful preparation for matriculation, responsions, moderations, and greats.

DUCATION. ANGLO-FRENCH COLLEGE for YOUNG LADIES (Est. 1881), Streatham-place, London, Highly recommended for nersonal care and attjnt.inn cateil Jjiiiitisli and trench Governesses. Visiting, masters. Diet liberal.

Lofty, large schoolrooms and dormitories. Terms moderate OUNTRY HOME for CHILDREN. South Coast, two hours from London. A LADY will UNDERTAKE the ENTIRE CHARGE of ONE or TWO CHILDREN, to be brought up with her own two. Large, comfortable house, in very healthy situation, near the sea ami South Downs, For full particulars and references, address A.

AL care of Messrs. Bates, Hdiidy, and 37, Walbrook, LONDON, 35, Einperor's-gate, South Kensington. Re- Attractive EDUCATIONAL HOME Life for YOUNG MDll'A Religious and moral training and mental culture. Great educational advantages. Royal Academy examinations.

Special atttn-tiou to music, languages, literature, and painting. Address PrincipaL EDUCATION (High-class) for YOUNG LADIES 20 eminent masters in regular attendance; resident foreijpi governesses special advantages tor science, languages, music, and art the house is large and detached, ou gravel soil, with lovely surroundings near the Crystal Palace. For prospectus address "Principal," oss rs. Street 5, Serie-street. Lincoln 's-inn.

WESTGATE-ON-SEA. Ethandene. High-class edu- cationfor Girls. Principal, Miss Perkins. EDUCATION at Brussels for Daughters of Gentlemen.

French and German rapidly taught conversationally and first-rate instruction in music and art home comtorts libcial table; careful super. isiou near Potestant church inclusive feints tJ For interview, address Lady Principal, Messrs. River, Regent-street, W. OARIS." MadamrPONCEAU (3, Quai des Chemins de Asaieres) RECEIVES in her family some English PUI wishing to learn thoroughly French; exceptional references to English parents. LAVI kTO.

20, RUE D'EPREMENIL, the only French Protestant School in Havre, conducted by Mademoiselle de 7ERGNE: familv life: best, mrlour mil Kmr.l. r. received; jS pur month inclusive. HOME. A Doctor aud his Wife, with two young Children of their owp, re anxious to Hear of One or Two mof to bring up with them.

Address Spottiswoode, 32. Cxaveu- EFINED HOME OFFERED i Private Family to "Neil, tl, Vvm lant-road, STT4stOBe. ,71 Louses will be iil-AKE, Cadogan Square and Place reef. Carlton House-terrac rh-tu "'1 Me and Pichm and Oueen (iat, Herefoid-wdenJ" Crafton-street Til :1 street. Ac Messrs.

TKOLLOPe' jC's iB ti DiuchsoeiJtrtcrio8iaw8. me ample domestic offices. with gESf 4-stall -tabung ui mews rear leaIw ground rent. Owner havingTnotl er I -nee to effect, a above umn. i -pi ACE.

The 40 Years Direct LEAS ten. and Modernised FAMILY rent only 240 annum. The premis nr." n.s, ball and vestibule. EASE ofa J1LY RKSl. premises com- fitted bath-room.

1 i e. l'y'newly-dramed and .,.1 Lr.T for the autumn, winter and v-n 4s in the following choice situttions V.v- Cadosan-square and Place Eaton" v. rierterawv and Street, Park-lane? Ic-P- be forwarded uj.on note at renm're tt street. M'est: or 7. Hobart-placeTs lfI'ishcd in the beautifiTl -h A.r UEXTLEMAX fi II) 15.

ParKament-s "LtTaW to a and a pliant dri ile EFi.i-urnished, a veiy Ciiarmin-, bv eamaee drive, with two 4m heautifiil yaft the accommodation afiords 12 horw-s; lovely garden grorn-ls and to Messrs. TkSlloPE, 15 -To be LET, Furnished, a beaatifollr-: FAMILY MAXSIOX in fa k. exactly opposite Oowes with magr.itieent pleasure grounds 21 bed and dre biliard-room noule ball-room amjOe HOUSES. 1 and FISHING in IRELAND. To be LFT I i rti an OiU-fas-hioBwl with prdens and park of ahout 100 acres bum- hi -unus.

eamtal aalninn i.V"u' rai shooting: rent only 890 1 TK1 'l'E. Parliament-street. S.V KKN.SlNt-TON (three minu or LJ.T, on three year? 1. enrejiauts, a spacious audi utes from Earl' rs agreement, without f. a uu complete COFM K.

a laree square, and containing t.t!ed: domestic "tJXt pjivvtv iiS annum. i juiu weu-roaa, S.W. be SOLD, commodious HOT SI Vgvinov. tloor. The aceomraodatton ce-mprises 10 bed and two conservatories, four reception-rooms I'a-ff pnbnc eardeun very open at the rear uricl i Messrs.

HOWE IX. SON, and BOXNf Vu iTeiephone. Aio' iARDENS. ONE of these Favourite f. asiject and gardens at the rear to be LET u.

Fiimisheo, and in perfect order; 10 bed-rooms RWfW" i'ffices rent only eisht Messrs. HOWELL, SON, and BONNLN, South Kensington. Capital FAMILY RESIDENCE, cou-: rciom hatii-rnom, five reception-rooms. -Agents HoMLLL, SON, and BONN IN i A KDENS. A Lady wishes to SELL SES in this favourite position, on very low jU: bed-rooms, bath-room, large r- m.

study, and capital library; comijete ofliees UuWELL, SON, and BONNLN, U6, CrouweU- near Ealing. To be LET, for a nnitaisbeii. this charming Old-fashioned FAMILY nhnt in a finely -timljerr-d park, approached by witn two lunge entrances, and eurrounded by c- -tinds. The refidence is in most perfect order, aTrjinsem*nts, good stabling, excellent walled particulars and terms LSTSiEET, Berkeley-square. To be SOLD at si no.ninal ground rent, of a Charming I.

ai- iod d-roonis, three reception-rooms i eieehent offices the whole in most perfect i arrangements. Apply to Meirs. Curtis I. it ltr-SHrt. if -i!" -V 1, TfT 17 i 7 j.i.i.

jrurnisnea, lor ii.M..-i-i a uiouerr.te i HOI hLh. newly uecorated and elegantly apply to Messre. Cowtan and Sons, estate --TOVCARDENS (near to). A Medium-I i si he LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, or the seven or eight bed-rooms. dressinK-room, r-iom, dining -room (with direct access it) Isnatory, eicell.jit basem*nt; sanitation ex re: n.

cm te Address Owner, care of Keeping's HAMIl.TON-tE APE. N.W. To be LET," LFSUjKXCE, containing three re- 1 il-ri-nuis, and bath-room; excellent offices: sanitary arnuigeni. nts perfect also guod -Apply, oy letter, E.L., Abbey librarj-, 67, Abbey IA E. Sloane-srreet.

To he SOLD, the AX LEASES of Charnrung HOUSES, overlook--u- been enlarged, and fitted with every are perfect, and entirely uew. For r. i. Ca iogan-piace. 'A.

To be SOLD, "San Eemo," a 1 L. the grounds of Kiddepore Hall. 10 1 i-f-nd Station: containing three recep-i gnnind liour, eight bed-rooms and batli-- i-A floors frontage. dejith. f5 r- Price X0 cost U0Q to buiW.

300 at 4 per ceut. Apply for particulars to and Handsomely-decorated i. -i i. inr siu. jmeriey, Having IU -J-txtCi hot and cold supplyj, well laid-out lease 77 years ground rent 10.

Price -er, 0. Address Mr. Melvern, 17, Weiliug- A Charminjrly-situated vrj opn front and back, to be LET, or SOLD, i--ins six bed-rooms on two floors, bath-'- i id', foiir rece.ptiou-rooms stone staircase to -'-r ri-pair: rent, on lease, 0o ptr annum, or rriii -t a ground rent- Price 1,000. Apply ili y-nin-ternice. Redcliffe-snnare.

or to Messrs, nji lauuias, Wetherby-terrace, Earlsxjurt, or 8 N.close to Onslow-square. To be FFRXITUIiE of a Charming BIJOU repair. Good garden. Rent only 'j0. ''I Mr.

i lias. E. Joy, auctioneer, 1, Thurluw- loyiui. ijouaon. "rJ-KRs a charming and most Comfortable snj ifi Person, not over 35.

who will give slight ser-: -j-'. line good references. Address 10, Avenue- I'L HOLIDAY HOME for BOYS or oj the healthiest most beautiful sp ts in the r. cire and kindness, and very moderate lirsnriage. Sutton Valence.

Kent. oiie an Invalid, living in comfortable IJsmsga'e. wish to MEET with a LADY above inlM and Share Expenses. One who would not I-ir the invalid, who has her own maid. i West Citff-road.

ttamsgate. ui GENTLEMEN REOE1VE1) in a in pmiH-v, near S.W. and District Stations: co*cking, bath: tennis lawn, and tricycle 1 vrnis 2 highest references. i-street. Lady living in her well -apwinted re- TWi i gardens, and facing toe sea, wishes to LADIES to RESIDE with street.

Bnghfon of W'i-ht. BOARDERS RECEIVED i 1: iw home comforts; private sitting- i'. i--. Summer hill. the refiaed.

comfortable Home of a tWdgnineaa. ii, St. Marj- Abbotts-terrace, ty. r-vorv com fort to be had for Ladies l.KRi;YMAN rt HOUSE in West Brighton ''i giie-t into family; highest references 30 Western-road. Brighton.

thf of a LhIv of Rank near large reception rumns, reading-room for iu-c: s. Hon. Mrs. care of Harrison s-Ian-. e.

SIJjKNCE, Brighton. Albany House, jtheveiy home comfort: the iaciug iVest Pier; excellent cuisine; iu- a "i'onug German Ladv. speaking It- Etiglii, BOARD and RESIDENCE in i no other boarders: n-igbbonrhood iarucuiars to W. Young's "J' i -Tree. KKsiDEXOK or PK1'ATE APART- Queen sgate, Hyde-park.

APARTMENTS' comfortable sitting- i -i-r'uiiu drawing-room tioor; close to ra-i ii S.fc. (very superior), large tans- lii-d rooms, bath-room; manservant; may now be secured for winter months. South Kensington; pretty same Hour), baths, hot and cold: low Sijt-iii'oi-r; highlv rticommended. Apply ii mcestei roatl.So-.itli Kensington. Snpeiwri Wteole HOUSE 13 ii' --i i attendance.

J5ar the Park and I'-iiii" lors-gate. South Kensington. APAKT.ME to LET; 'j'goom. and rive good cook--'iisingt on-crescent,, W. (close Esf).

A 11 1 i am iniic. khTMEKTS (Superior), by the day or week: niiis suite good attendance, page, and ierate. Apply to Housekeeper. bt LKT, iu a pretty detached i i. rui DIXING-BOoM, DRAWINO- bath nod perfect sanitation.

Or i I uruitJaed. Teruis moderate. F. Secrett, A's" I NS Grosvcnor-gardens, S.W. WjH be VACANT at Michaelmas.

YESTUXD CHAMBERS. i r' 1 f'r i ma: v-'th evt rv i. atl-iidani it now be engagei.l in uic of Piccadilly Club- 7.. lias- ini-excellent lv aiiii No. 25.

'tt FAMILY FLATS. Braham- 'laban'-aardens near Courtfiel.i-p-idens, 1 ur-ter-road and Earl s-court HW tvio to tliree sitting-rooms. II pass- nger lift, sanitarj a. au eipm sanitary engineer: rents architect surveyor, 24, Grays- -i. on ue pn imses.

LET. comprising drawing, uis. kitchen, and bath-room: front bydraidic lift, hall porter, back -clt. XWa-HuiBjibrej-s Uwbiooi, It, Ksiagton, Earl's-coHrt, and por particulars apply to I JST!" Town ana Country of tequircmenrs E. -Direct LOWNDES ESTATE" il.

I. ol a Si acinus FAMILY i. i m'1''--' hed-ioom cconimrjdation. and ex premises will 1 remodelled and wit Lv v.a?. ic: early possession; stablini.

i TKOLLOPE, uunfc 0411 be An exceptionally Well-arranged ,1 f-r PlPOSAI composing ample I' an 'cold fxsient sanitary system. Lease uw Price very wen-rate to V- TKOLLoPK. as above. tnect 4f 1UVK-STREET -To be SOLD, at i It tie Long LEASE of CamwodiSw ftifcfc I i r.i ini pir aimum: 12 lxd a.

fu office 4taU 'httS ii f.i I i'i'- -lTintea lists or detailed informa- ii.uiwell-road. S.W. Tp in cliurcn rooms, reiHiir, bed six witt only pasture suite good sii five 42a, above been quence, 10 London railway for JL5 kitchen 11J lient the Mr. ON yiews; courts, Son. and cook Messrs.

three ment i door. F. Ol Ketijn Jj months to J. the contains tbree hall. be orlers A-c, gardens, M3 Full Thorpe.

and gas ri 1 i tt-otii I five with three Ejisom. M-j toM. stations, be I entry and mil, A if if-nui situation situation line, Jfl pleasure imrnilo nislied care E.r. eight gunlen JL elegantly and usual wood, and im4m EES J' hJK! have hri rt-tt La tin hi ''II! utr GCtj at 1 tj is -IiUtj iuci mil ie co iihl en si cutug sa: olvi it ISO Mi did left ovcrca tied. V.a:4 i' nti lite V- -rr firXrati r' S.l- fm which it i "1 marftet vou.pact Flip; one of t.ho la commands;,u JJiJ1.

-i' nrnisiif-ri at j. standVnrhigh containing four In riv- 4 rooms -r in 'r aid study and eellent outbuildings d-mestic offices ai A.df'veif Ufc bath-room, and einVr.leTl recpP "liard, and 12 bid out: Vi offices: the grounds are ATfiPTn ji lunn. ITZ: toVtht d. be LET, for the summer conta uing four co*ckI rerti, uR'- ln Perfect and Ittssuv' roomL fnd rooms- blllard room, 13 horses. Coadirn "I cov Stabling for tennis lMnyiS.tS acres, 12.

on Bentouleas adjoininV may Tlso "3 the rear; 30 acres of rich and Lee 1" and n(ar "Emsworth. To he FT SofTwo acres. VMhm aTirl'i? WMNCli, in ception-rooms, conserv.toA f-itehen garden four re- rentvery oot two miles-from a statiom ntt-coamfeblr gSStSSla I t1h aiSuttsMtr of ceY Ml Walton5 LE A slbTofalnost dressing rooms. lcbaS HESTER-SQUARE LEASEfor of two drawing-rooms and bAudoir, 'three rooms' basem*nt, stabling for three horses. Agents.

i rooms on ground floor, Agents, Walton and Ltc, nuuin street, w. DM lEfej-STREET, Berkeley-square. To be SOLD the LEASE and FURNITURE ofa cfiarming RESIDE V(T3 oedand dressing rooms, fitted bath-room, pretty drawiw-room' Mounf-strelW61 aimuiD-0rde" view of Walton and Lee, 20. be LET, UnfurnishedT or hrLD, a Desirable FAMILY BESIDE VE -spfendid reception-rooms and good bed-rooms; full basem*nt termi GroU' MeBSrS" Bro aDd DulV-sS GREAT CUM 1 IE LAND-PLACE (near). To be LET" an Excellent FAMILY RESIDENCE, containing 11 bed WnV reception-rooms, and good domestic offices re" 135 witii low premiumApply to Messrs.

Brown and as above Mmmm- LET, a Capital JlOl bL for a Doctor or Private Family; it contains 10 1 bedrooms, large drawmg-ronm. three rooms on BwiS, bSiT" and to Messrs. Brora and Oa, JJuke-street, Grosvenor-square. EYE RIDGE Chertsey, Virginia WaterT Ascot, Englehekl Green, Staines, Haliford. Molesey.

Esher Walton-on-Thames. and SurrounrUng large or small Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSE'S and ESTATES, in anof the districts apply to Messrs. WATERER and SONS, who have established in the locality for over 60 years, and have-, in Cense apersonal kuowleiige of everj property. All available places CURREY, Bytleet. To be LET, on Lease, in thisdeli-lit-K-7 ml village, a comfortable Detached RE8IDEN mnfiimna thrpP ffOOrf rflTt inn-rnonii- 3 minutes walk from Bylieet Station on the main line of the and South-Western Railway, and about two miles from Weyondge.

For particulars apply to Waterer and Sons, Chertsey VVeybndce Valton-on-Thames, Surrey. SYDENHAM. ONE of the Finest MANSION-HOUSES in the district, conveniently situate on the main road nar the station. It was built by a former owner, and specially adapted a large family. Contains 15 excellent bed and dressing rooms two bath-rooms, large and lofty drawing, dining, and morning rooms biliiard-room.

fine conservatory, delightfully shaded and well-timbered grounds, Kitchen garden, stabling for four horses, coach-houses yard, ic, the total area being about 3a. lr IS? The FREEHOLD to be SOLD, or would be LET on Dplienhani. Tewson, Farmer, and Brtdgewater, SO, Cheapside. (40 WTOBTH FINt'HLEY. FALLOW LOD GETTo-be SOLD or LET, a GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, in good condition containing four large and lofty reception-rooms, 10 bed and dressing rooms, office-, and stabling; summer-houses, vineries, pits, and flower gardens, rosary, nut walks, and meadows in all acres.

80, Cheapside. 'LATHAM COMMON. THE CEDARS. To be LET, on Ijease. without premi nn.

ONE of these commanding and Favourite HOUSES, facing the Common, with coach-house. and stabling in rear, now undergoing thorough repair, and Can be decorated to suit tenants. tor particulars apply to the Trustees of late Mr. A Jones's estate. 3 and 4.

Lincoln s-inn-fields, W.C., or to H. O. Martin, 7. Adam-street, Adc-lphi. HARROW-HILL.

A Furnished HOUSE to be LET for three or longer: commands very extensive eight or nine bed-rooms, bath-room: large garden, tennis and meadow rent 5j guineas a week. Apply Messrs. Real, and Chartres, 20, S. Y. BEXHILL.

A Lady wislies to LET-her PRIVATE RESIDENCE for a month or two, containing three reception five bed roi-ins, Path-room, tennis lawn House well Furnished could lie left, jilite and linen rent seven guineas a week. Apply Bichcs and Gray, Bexbill. OLD BROMPTON-ROAD. Desirable RESIDENCE to be LET, Unfurnished, containing three reception-rooms, bed-rooms, and bath-room Hchen and servants'-room in buse-j small in front and within five minutes of Gloucester Road and South Kensington Stations omnibus's pass the Apply to Scbarien and estate 3, Glouctster-temice. South Kensington.

OUTH P.ELGRAVTA.' -Superior LODGING HOUSE in a good position, to be DISPOSED OF. Moderate terms. Excellent' connection. Ill health cause of leaving. Address M.

Vickers ood, 34, 'himoa-atreet. S.W. 10s. per week. A Lady will LET her Comfortably-cSw furnished 10-roomed HOUSE for the above Address C.

iL, library, AVest Kensington-terrace, W. TkTEW FOREST, An Old-fashioned HOUSE to LET, at exceptionally low rent, for two or three 11 bed, eight dressing rooms, and five sitting-rooms. Apply J. 2, Manson-ptace, oueen's-gate, S.W.

SOUTH KENSINGTON. Luxuriously Furnished and elegantly DccoraW RESIDENCE to be LET in Thurloe-sqnare. property of an officer leaving England for three years the house double dining-room, drawing-room, and six bed-rooms, w.c.'s, bath-room, and large kitchen accommodation, servants' perfect and modern drainage system, ic; the rent would 300 guineas per ann. for a small family. Further partieidars and to view from thc sole agents, Scharien and estate agents, 3.

Gloucester-terrace. South Kensington. CJOUTH KENSINGTON. To be DISPOSED OF, a Furnished HOUSE nine rooms. Address E.

83, Drayton- S.ft LACKHEATH-HILL. To be LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, an Excellent FAMILY ltiCSl-'JKJSCE, containing eight lied-rooms. dressing-room, bath-room (hut and cold), diuing'-room ll'ft. by library or morning-room 17ft. by drawing-room 8ft.

hy 19ft. (all exclusive of spacious bays, small boudoir, (hot and cold), and ample domestic accommodation the recep-tion-'-oomsare elegant! decorated, and about 14ft. high gravel toil. particulars at Mr. W.

WhiMJey's House Agency Department, 26, West-bounie-grove, Bayswater. CHARMING COTTAGE to be LET, Furnished; suitable for married couple or two bachelors. A pply Mrs. The Cottage, Hampton, Middlesex. SUTTON, Surrey.

GROVE LODGE, to be LET. on Lense one mile" from Sutton Station: three good reception-rooms eight bed rooms, bath-room, good domestic offices, stalling, various outbuildings; garden and paddock, about three acres; and waiter: recently rebuilt; rent Lii. Apply Mr. Mr.lerave-road, Button, hurrey OOD SHOOTING to LET Ll acres, 21 acres wood partridges, pheasants, an.l ground game: two miles from West SSJE3 stafcior and S. C.

also 040 acres, together or in two witinn two niinmes of Billingshurst further particulars apply Mr. S- Bjagugj; Statmn-road, Horsham. Sussex. TTT'VTTXT: HOY to LET. for six months Sutton Montis oitse (close to Blaclcwood Vale Kennels) completely Furnished: excellent stabling for seven horses: ftmr guineas a week n.

13 uftn Mnnt.18 House. Suarkfonl. iir-roDcr. A.irj: u. xx.

xa.i BALING. Moorside. To DLL, purmsneu, tor a iew weeks or longer three sitting, seven bed-rooms, large garden guineas weekly. Anstey-Cha'-e. iPSOM.

To LET, Furnished, "to Familv jthout children, for one mouth or lonyw, an Old-fashioned HOT hE, large, productive gaMen, near church and two ra iltt ay stit 101 sitting, four or live bed-rocma-Apply to luller and Moon, teCjuired RED, at West Brighton, tor a few weeks from 33 close to sea, a Small HOUSE for Lady and Oentle-dren or servant left preferred L-State lowest terms August t5 Hanco*ck's. 7. Bish'on's-road, London, W. COUNTRY HOUSE, delightfully situated on 11 slopes, and gardens three acres within 10 min.iteswal halfway Tietween London and Southsea. SEASli.F or LET for Hazelbank, Fnth HiU, Godalniing, -r SUSSEX.

COTT GE RESIDENCE three sitting and sev.n bed rooms. 32 acres of land, chiefly grass. $tT excellent BtabUna and farm buildings, all in perfect ordei, to SOLD: owner going aluoad. Apply, by letter, r. "i Mark-lane, London.

ERTHSHIRE HIGHLANDS; Atlvernser shooting: also -fine ii.i nis noi. ni. nuuu. i.i-ii,-;,.,,,.;., at low rent, with lmmeuiate Address a.

Mav yraawnny- REDHILL. ForiHshed detached Rouble fronted HOUSE be LET: three reception, five; bed rooms, amone dressing-room, all large and lofty: garden, close to com ma mil way Mns. Hornihrook, Heather Lodge, Led LADY will LET her HOUSE in nonmraoutu, uu to St iter. Church, forrix lJffiZ i desired- tST 'Tunt object Care-Ul xiuoress a. u.

ujrtx iaii LEATHERHEAD, near Dorkmg. PRIVATE HOUSE: two sitting, thrrebc f9Sgffi immediately four or five weeks; bi YTzsi lmmetuateiy lour or nve ntcn---. t.v,-i unH whm in-in- oH Rii-ri Ktationer. UHtm rn-juu TVPTmpnnrp pQmpiVTrAL ESTATE of alxmt bealiUfnliy SfflS grounds and gardens, situated a U' tn h. Si ll Vj liv or ti Fur- atwi t'o he f.RT term of years.

All Y. of Messrs. Son, solicitor 11 Li ilUOIl. 3 UN'ITNG RESIDENCE, one mile from Sparkford Station: drainage and water perfect; three four stalls, two tennis lawns: warn prmhice inclusive suitable for large family. API'" Llandford.

Buckland wton, Dorset. TOLKEtsTONE. To be LET, for the season or longer, a Charming RESIDENCE, recently compieteu delightfully sittrnte near the Lees Promenade and sea. furnished, and contains dining-room, PUftifSHfi; conservatory, hbrari'. fopr large bed-rooms, hyl? servants' oifeces are on the ground floor.

Apifly Jotm house agent, Folkestone. DINAN, Brittany (4i miles from). Furnished HOUfe to be LET, by the month or longer period large ntt ekuc-Utc carden. Apply Cftptaio 3s. Wobum-sauaxs, lanaos.

hed i WollUandwotia tensive views it fitUw spaeious recej.tion and out pn-fta There is SB tVB llouse the vallev PHs-Uke bind in front slopes thc llite lToprietoi ia If tki Ce esbte ljas ''fen faruiedmany pasture a fiLI of cultivation, and com inmentXi Trh for residential pur to Moswb- Walton and L7-V sf 31 inspected the rnonertv Si Mount-street, Loudon, who is of 1 or no id ktjp HEIDELBERG COLLEGE. HEIDELBERG. Dr. A. HOLZRERG.

M.A.. Ph.D.. Heidelberg. A. P.

CATTY. B.A.. Christ's ColL, Cantab. W. LAWRENCE M.A., St.

John's ColL. oxon. Pupils Prepn red for Army, Civil Service, and all also for Commercial Life: modern buildings: each boy has a separate bedroom: playing lieldsof seven acres; boat club, swimming. Dr. Holz-lierg and Mr.

Catty now in London; address Abbotsfoi'd, St. Margaret's, Twickenham. EDFORD COLLEGE, LONDON (for LADIES), 8 and ork-nlaee. Baker-street. W.

he ART SCHOOL will OPKX on OCTOBER 4th. The COLLEGE SESSION will BEGIN on TH 1 RSDAY. October 11. 1S83. B.

SHAJD WELL. Hon. Sec. BEDFORD COLLEGE, LONDON. RESIDENCE tor STUDENTS, and 9, York-place, Baker-street, W.

For particulars apply to M. ASHDOWN, Iady Superintendent. THE COLONIAL COLLEGE and TRAINING FARMS (Limited). Hollesley Bay, Suffolk. For the Training of Youths for Colonial life.

The College owns ar.d farms a tine Seaside Estate of 1,330 acres. Prospectus on application to the Secretary. A GRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Tatnworth. StTEN-rV T1FIC and PRACTICAL PREPARATION for HOME and COLONIAL FARMING. Thousand-acre training farm, managed i n-t irely by the College riding, shooting, fishing, boating.

Terms moderate. GRADUATE (Harrow and Oxford) about to spend VK" vacation at seaside with two pupils desiria TWO 14 yeara' most successful exp-rience for universities and public schools, highest rcf erem j. Address H. May's, Piccadilly. THE VICAR of a Small Country Pariso.

a oeantiful part of Surrey. RECEIVES a FEW PRIVATE PUPILS. Great success with Backward and Delicate Boys. M. care ot P.

M. Richards, solicitor. 3, Westminster-chambers. Westminster. EDUCATION (Choice of 5,000 Schools and Tutors Gratis).

PROSPECTLSES of really good English and Continental Schools, and of the most successful Army, Civil Service, and University Tutors, senr, gratis by Messrs. Bl fclR, English and Foreign scnooi agents test, itotj, Kegent-street, v. HOLIDAY TUITION, EASTBOU RNE. BOYS (under 11) RECEIVED for Vacation. Tuition adapted to individual requirements.

A Few Vacancies. Rev. A. A. TOMS, M.A., Hartington Hirne.

FOR SEPTEMBER -MILITARY EXAMINATIONS. Geometrical Dra wing Tutor highly successful ptip-la. Tutor, 1, Alfred-pface. Soutii NOTICE THOMAS OETZMANN aud CO. deiore it to be most distinctly understood that they ar P-anofert? Manufacturers ONLV.

and ibat theironly addressisii. Baker-street. Portnian-square, London, W. PIANOS. 10s.

per Mouth, on the Tmcc Years" System. Carriage free. Tunings free. Become the property of the hirer, if the payments are kept up. THOMAS OETZMANN aud 27.

Baker-street, W. Only address. jHifi UTRIOHT IRf)N tiKAND PIANO, 7-octaves, S5-'e0 with brass nin-uLite. eotisit rus-ted for extr'ue cle laies. being boltetl and screwe.1 ihriingbtmi.

Poerid Une. Ex-cei goo I and cbean. sent tre.s OM AS 27. r-street, London. W.

ERAED'S PIANl 18. Great Marlboroiigh-street. London. Messrs. ERARD, Makers by APPOINTMENT to her Majesty the QUEEN, and their Royal Highnesses the Cm ce aud Prince.

oi WALES. New Pianos, price ..0 guineas upwards, payable if required at fixed periods, to be arranged an the time of urcb.ise. Pianes, not quite new, at advantageous ttrices, Pianos for Hire. Registered Trade Mark, "Patent Erard, London," forminj tha of tn niaooa. OU.

BrtlNsMK.Vt) and SONS-PATENT SOSTENENTR AN03, Rettiruci from Hire, mil h- Pure based At crcatlv redo-i'd pri'es. Ulustrated laid Priced Lists Post free on appUcmtion. JOHN BRTNSMEAD and SONS. IS. Wigmore-street.

W. J. B. CRAMER Have SEMI-GR AND and GRAND PIANOFORTES, gootioriicr. Admirably adapted for halls, institutions, or clubs.

Prices from 22 guineas or two guineas per quarter on their Three ears' Hire System. iy be hired by the month or season. Also Col.LARl. mid SHARD'S NEW COTTAGE PIANOS from l' guineas cash or four tinea- per quarter.

CRAMER'S PIANOS, and ORGANS. 40 to 4. MMrGATF sTRESF, E.C. A 0 an SONS, iA. Great i l-ci(lon, v.

GOLD MED.VL INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, 1SS5. gold sogietv of arts, ljtss. PIANOFORTES for at fmm 2a hi 2j0 Kuinea. PIANOr RTES for HIRE. TUCKER, 2S7, STRAND, W.C.

Esttibliahetl fi(J Two Spring t'hick-jns anil Rb. Sausages, or lib. Bacon, js. ts.L 'I wo Spring Chickens and Toniue, 7s. kL Welsh Mutton, legs.

rr, at saddles, Tib. to 101b at shoulders an-1 Rest ends, iCjUb. Devonr.hire Clotted Cream, fresh daily. Is. and Is.

6d. per jar. Deliveries to ihiily. Country orders must be accompanied by a remittance. THE AMERICAN TOOTH CROWN COJIPANY" (Registered), ew Bond street.

W. No Teeth reed be Extracted. Artificial Teeth, Without Pbites, at most moderate fees. Artificial Teeth, by Suction. ditto; Crown Bar and Bridge Work, ditto.

Geld and other Fillings, ditto. Loose Teeth Tightened, ditto. Decayed Teeth Saved, ditto. Roots of Teeth Saved, ditto. Painless Dentistry, ditto.

American Tooth Crowns are made either in gold, platinum, or porcelain, the exact colour of the Teeth. They avoid the necessity of extracting either teeth or roots: Any patient requiring dental assistance should lirst consult, free of charge, the at the AMERICAN TOOTH CROWN COMPANY to see what advanced science can now do for them. The Speciality of this Company- ts to use all the newest and best appliances in order to cany out the highest branches of Dentistry wit the smallest inconvenience to the patient and at the lowest possible fees. THE AMERICAN TOOTH CROWN COMPANY, New Bond-street. AMERICAN DENTAL INSTITUTE (Limited), 6T, ST.

JAMES 'S-STREET, S.W. (near Piccadilly). 34, THEREOF-SQUARE. South Kensington. 44.

FI.VSBURY-SOUARE. E.C Established for the practice genuine American dentistry at uniform aud moderate fees. Specialities The Adjustment of Artifuval teeth without any rlaies cr wires whatsoever. All teeth, however badly decayed, permanently saed. Loose teeth tightened, and painless treatment).

The nrivticy of the most refined dental practice is observed throughout the Institute. The attendance are: Dr. CL-FT' OPD, D.D.S., New York Dr. HUNTLEY, D.D.S., Pennsylvania University. Dr.

GOE. D.D.S.. Boston Cclleze. Dr. GERRY.

D.M.D., HhrvanUUniversity. Dr. HILL, D.D.S., Iowa College Dr. A'EO, D.M.D., Harvard University. Dr.

1IIL1 D.D.S Boston College. Dr. GAVERICK. D.D.S, Pennsylvania University. Dr.

CURTIS, D.M.D., H.urvafri Ptdvessity. Graduates by exan-inatir of recognised American colleges. No appointment or fee necessary for consultation. Hours nine to six. Pamphlet free on application to the secretary at each address.

iOUTH KENSINGTON LADIES' DENTAL INSTITU TION, organised mil. P. Partridse. Licentiate in Dental Snrerv. ofthe Royal olb-ge of Surgeons, and for the protection of the public amy negisuTcu ivn.e iteci.

jr.i-.rna;. o. c.n tor tne introduction of Scientific DENTISTRY, American and other principbrs, at moderate charges, especially to servants. Prospectus forwarded. N.B.

With defei-enceto the community, nor connected with anv of ()ld Bromptoa-road (directly opposite London and Provincial Bank). No branches. All consult? tir.ns free. AMERICAN DENTISTRY. Dr.

PAGET, Surgeon Dentift. 445. Strai Charintr-crrsr. Stationl. SPECIALITIES in ENGLISH apd AMERICAN DENTISTRY.

The painless adjustment of artificial teeth piatesor palates, also without springer or wires, by atmcspl.ric MessiM Cbargca mcst.mcderate. See d.scnptive I aaiphkt ser.t gratia and post frea. I ountry patients supplied in one visit. Consultation tre daily ten till live. SCOTT'S BILIOUS and LIVER PILLS.

SCOTT'S PILLS The Safest Medicine. yR, SCOTT'S PILLS Prepared Without Mercury. yR. SCOTT PILLS-Cure Sick Headaches. JQR.

SCOTT'S PILLS Cure Indigestion. JJR. SCOTT'S PILLS Cure Costiveness. yR. SCOTT'S PILLS Cure Nervous depression.

JJR. SCOTT'S PILLS Are a Tonic Purifier. JR SCOTT'S PILLS Restore the Appetite. "pR. SCOTT'S PILLS Purify the Blood.

IR. SCOTT'S PILLS The Bosfe Family Medicine. JR. SCOTT'S PILLS Mild but EffectuaL DR. SCOTT'S BHiIOUS and LIVER PILLS.

Some unscrupulous persons, for the sake of making a buyer profit, may try to persuade you to buy some pr-paration of th'-ir wvn Do not do so, but insist on having. Dr. Scott 's Bilious and Live- lills which are wrappeil in square green package bearing tho name of the proprietor W. LAMBERT, 173, Seymour-place, London. by cost for 13 or 34 stamps.


The Cheapest. (Situations rOacant. FThrbb- Lines, Evert Etitoa Link 6d. Stasips will Not BE ACCEPTEn.l ajRBI5 GtlVEBN EsS ICe. tuicatedl good French, high-class tv music, urawuift anu painting; ae salary HX to 3m Address 2, Woodview-ternice.

Afanningham, Bradford. Yorks. WANTED, a GOVERNESS for Three Children must be cheer-ful, musical, obliging, and domesticated in a Quiet Country Family good references' required. H. F.

Widis, Delcombe, Biand-toru. CAN any Lady RECOAIATEND a Youn? Swiss Protestant Lady NURSERY GOVERNE-S who can teach English, French, music, kc. for Boy and Girl, aged six and five years Please write, stating all particulars, to Airs. Hobart Tyler, St. Hilary, Cowbrid-e.

Glamorganshire. NURSERY GOVERNESS WANTED for Three Crh-ldwrrrTrTdeT seven; must be good needlewoman. Apply Mrs. Flint, Westgatc-on-bea. HEAD NURSE WANTED Protestant: age from to V.

thol roughly experienced good needl6wonan-; personal character indispensable. Apply Lady H. S3, Sloape-stnaet, till Saturday, or write particulars. HEAD NURSE. -Thoroughly experiencxl- Woman RtlqUlRED l2L Tf.r?e Children, five, three, and one; sjcor.d nurse kent; wages 22, all found: to reside West Cliff Hotel, Mrs.

Lord. W.est Cliff Hotel. Folkestone. 1 ED, who is thoroughly recommeuded by a Ladv Charge of Three Children, youngest two years- "oid needlewoman Church of England preferred assistance given state wages. Airs.

Amierson, Green-lane, Wavertree, LiverpooL for ne teiir. exceatdressinakwr'cbunto. 1TX in Scotland. State wages, kc, to Mrs. Lumsdcu, Balmedie Aoerneenshire.

ANTEDrbv a Gentleman fbacbelorl of rrai.f r.tiif HOUSEKEEPER, to Take Entire Charse of Small meut: must have snini. rif and terms, "-Colonel "JC 0 CAN any La.dy RECOM AIEND a Good COOK, about 32' Strong and witling: kitchenmaid after 1 p.m.; no beer or beer money; abstainer preferred. Write Lady Bautin, 16. New Quebec-street, W. Wf ANTED for a Country Rectory, a Good COOK active good manager kitchenmaid kept no dairy or baking age 20 to 40 wages Apply, by letter, with full particulars, to Messrs.

Avis, stationers. Uckricld. Sussex. ClOOK W.VNTED for a quiet -situataou at Kec'sington for One Ladv- age not to exu-ed 3A-Apply by letter, full particulars, to VNTED, CuOiv and HOl'siI-PA ll LOril.M AIDf-State wages ANTKD, Good PLAIN CUUtv in iTemiemau Familv ttiim Char-pfur mAfcwmnaaMfa 3 1 1 wages 22, all found except beer: age. about iiersonaUy or by letter, to S.

0, Sltooter s-hid-road. Elackheath, S.fe. WANTED, a Good PLAIN COOK': kitchenmaid arter agB aoout 28: personal character wagai2 and ad fcund-Awly to Mrs. Irby. koyl Collie.

ChUwa, a S. 4 rf i VNTED. Si'nele-hatided I.U'Vn.)..''.! in Family character; helpgiveu wheu necessary. Mrs. Cane, Stubton Hall.

Newark. fAN and WANTED for Indoor Work kept Small Family. Apply, age. od salary reouired. to A nmnewon brothers, Lamlietb-hiU.

i'. 100D Working rkiug lit' 1'LER REiU I where a footutan is kept; town and country. Apply, by letter only, to A. ry. Knitrhtsbiiilge.

S.W. Single; Bi'lb nis tjagvr UW1S8 INDOtdC SERVANT WANTED immediately; must speak trench and lo personal character required. Apply, Mrs. Hamilton, 1, Cadoj.a:i square, S.W., betOM tnree clock. 1 A DlTYoung Man as FOOi'MAN or single hamb age about 21 must understand lamps, plate, ic Write, stating height and requirement and formal experience.

Captain Hill House, Hants. itnati0R5 gicqiurei). Fona LnfBs, Extra Link. 6d.

Stamps will No uk Accepted. 1 COMPANION or GO illl.Mw, oy young, well recommended foreign i-ady (Protestant): teaches German; French. English, Ira wing, i aiming, needlework: accustomed fo trai el. Address L. at SheUr.y JJlJ Leadenli all -street.

E.l'. ,4. a in lesiieetaifce Fi nuly tor a tdTUAp JM TIONas CiOTPANfON. to Attend an Elderly Lady or InvalirL and ma benteli generaUj usoul is of a very cheerful ami hrighi lUspositUOn: the highest referercs from etergyman and the Nuns of the Assiim.tion. where educated.

Apply SE. C. Convent of Mercy, Crispin-street, off Bisiippsgate-stieat, London, LADY REQUIRES SlfUAVloN as Uselul COMPANION, HOUSEKEEPER, g-d references: age 23. Adihess 3, Lansdovne-srreet. iWcst'.

4 LMY" wishes to RECOMAIeX'D a Yoti- Laib- aa rmt-t PANION 'travelling or o-hervt-el eras NL RSERY M-s. 23. i S.W. AN Enjiush i Loiy, alter long residence broad, desire S1TI iu r.iivla-ndorCol.mi ..3 FINISHING OOVER. NESS or LADY'S OMi'ANItiN Italian, and Uennan, smjjniJt, ami all hii.d.

of neeiilework 1 li, Strand, LI'Y. just from the Con'ioent. desires a DAILY tOLlDAY EN" A ENT as GOVERNESS or AM ANU VSp. ti.rt cr Loudon; very si'pi-rior lunr.iigcs, music, dia.vni,-; huhest -i-f- ncci Advertiser," Chamberlain-t-Wt, nd. N.W.

IUbAVni EN- A' iF.M i U1RED 2 .1 1 reign 'GOVERN ESC- Junior, N'tr-eryl, COAWAXIe sihools anil fduc. i 1 Uaffcnaj A.tlbert, the Gil'ton viovernes 'I I R- street. W. 3 1 ks a RK-APPOSNTMEXT tlH.r-n -n Fren. i.i i Lil tii I.

Ileus reteienccs Stella," F-i lawn. DAILY ENGAGEMENT Ij years in in Crotv N. WANTED by Kxprrieukd COVER. i. Fernie Kuow TOXPKRi ENOED i'OVEifXESS RK-EXgAgEMEXT; Ktiitiib, Latin.

mu Imya p-i fv, i. rive in 131 -ar." -Hiss C. Adiam, High AVer warmly Rl 1. 'tiV DS a tincl and EiK'ii iENTLKViJ.v:.. vu ed-eatel daiubter ilivc I n- Sirilei.i:..

ei ii.i.i.i.. irerticii-anfll! nt libival il st pEi; 5 Ber.i. v. fHC i EAfENT 'VilllXE'-S i wishes German. Hiirnh -1L ENtlA Fr-just'c, nnsr, diavi-ic.

Latin ami (ireek: 1 i ei'i-rencra. ill 'i i ic: W.i". If A.I RSE uviu v. i'ii her ro: tv.

i is a very ni ciiiewom tn. ana tc et F.eia li and to young Aiidr s.s lull. nine. lot M.lj. i-iotr A.

m-t A. 1' Gr-man c.cel'.eot iirdressert tn'tr years cha. icier; riresses, hisbb ri-oatu i e.stmmid to tnvel: r-f-t-l-iin d.i-.-i:ia -r: Fn-ni Priiile and 'it. 21" Ke Ch Court 8 xlish JD: Exci F.i-iieii vi. I A 1 1 MAID; S20l ADY RKCOS1M7LXDH cu.

A oios her duties; S4 w.mM go ,7. Glourr. S.W. LA C- 'tEfOVMCNTrS t.i'rb a ged- -TV SCHOOLROOM MAID ami to Wast Ymmti l. isiies; I untlerstaiuis drensinakiuK.

Address ftuslb CchUo tej otige, Welw yn. i DESIRE PLA.GE SKi-oNDE ID dins amiile ES I-ato; Eaton-nuir(. anted. plaiXcook ea or Take of tusime; resneotiible Married Woman htmbsnnii tl si e- en premise'; good references Mrs.

IV. 'A'. f''iipnenhaiu-rial. W. A t.DY"i uiiiio.isr,.

i bea I. PPER ar.d DER IOL l.JIA tlcarj'. 47, Ut par W. LADY nishe ftECOMMFNO h-. wbrtft thi-ce an ke-it.

either HOUSEAIAID or wns rip-Apvly firKvlIandf. Ltngle y-nark. Watfowt 'A GLERGYMAX'S WIFE" Ei o.M LN iS a GoT.d Ai.VlD. Address Mrs. Heberdtn, Newton House, Farquhar -nxid.

Norv 4 slplUSEMAlDin a Small PuniTy. or ar riL kent: 7 uontlis' character: three yearn previous aire 21. 11. strottuii strui-t. Piccadilly.

I.A.GY is anxious to RECOMMEND TWO Good KITCHEN- wages iTS aud i.12; ail iound. Write Airs. 3 Cbelston cross, Torqua TTENDANT (Male); ngaeil ins. good refcrencetb nl -e, Sav.ilgate. Kent.

A. VGENTLEAIAN wisb.s to RE. oAL.U-.ND hi. late BUTLER, as Atarned Man, where two or more in livery are knot; age 37. Ad-dress A.

L. II. lientiiic-i; W. BUTLER or UPfTriR- A LET where one or more in livery kept; Single, age exiierienced wiliini: and long good characters. W.

Wood: mfe. NAV. 4 AMBASSADOR, wishes to find a si Tl'i ATION for hie VaMt TV ai VALET or BUTLER and VALET: sum-rior eoiicatlon knowledge of heighfc "ft. age 27; liingnnu. s.

A.liUi l'Lilfor i. Eiston-S'iuarc. t. LET-SITUATION as Valet or Groom oi tne fcaen.era WAN TED. Address S.

llayham Abuey, Lauiberhurst. Sussex. "J10 AN-COOK desires job in the country from rth August to end of vl October, with family: large establishment; yean. Icsti-lionials at hand to forward for examination. Address "Salve." May's.

WS, Piccadilly, W. C1 "tHEF Prancais, L'J ans, DE.MANDE PLAt'E Famille: tn-s eonrses references: ans dims la niciuii famille. Sadreser Knicht-ihi'iiige. S'A' NATION Aij OURIE.RS and tit*VVlirdJNG SERVANTS' SOCIETY, 31. Dnke-street.

be to intimate that most trustworthy, expert-, eiiced, and ivell-rccommended may be obtained' by a pply Lie at the'-r otl'ee. VG EX ft. H.MAN wistics to Ktli-uJlMKN a Young Man as FOOTMAN under a butler; a-e beigbt, ha-. bec five years in -ervice. Captain A.

Hill Hou.o, Lyedlvirst. Hants. GENTLEMAN ins who t.iorouu'bly all duties; rides and drivel Weil- Married: age 32. Anulv Edward K. Nnrmun.

Ksui IVKakfaa Lodge. Maumtigtr e. Essex. A GENTLE.MAN ECOAIMEN DS his COACHMAN, who has been with him upwards of three years; acei: used to town" also pair of horses; discuaged. C.

31, Hinton-road, Loughborough A LADY wislies l.ighly to RECOMMEND her COACHMAN; rc. pectable. and neiiA; drives well Unmarried. Mrs. T.

Shardeloe.i. Auersham. AOACHMAN or GROOM and COACHMAN Married: can bt KJ well recommended ride and lirive iair or single understands hunteis; used town and country, country preferred; left through reducing estabbsumeut: three years' character. Uouchniau, 8, Lev lane-road. Hatena in-park, New-e' WANTED a.SiTU7ClrftN GROOM th coachmap aw rules anu drives well 2j years' good character smart, active aud.sober.-W.

IV.rsgr. 4. -side. Kr.ightHb-idge. 4 ENTLEM AN REOOAL'iiEN DS his GARDKNEft: rk.

cnenmbranei. very rciBeetnbie. elfieient. and hardworking. Apnly V.

caro. of A D. Robertson, Cavn Ieys, AsbU-ad. Surrey. Ssaant places.

Tvro Links, Is. Sd. Every Exma Link, 5d. Staxk wim No A Head TXvxgU in a Gentleman's Family: L-uly's First Baby MM- preferred; good references. E.

St.iverton. nr. Cheltenhum. Ueaj 7 years' experience in nursery. M.

A C. NL'iws or Useful AUm; age good character. E. 34. Wcstmi.i ll 4 tube or CuiLi.itnN si Ma in; age 2t fond of children good jTSfc iteedlev.

Oman good chancer; years-' cxiierience. A. yt. Terraris House, FtaehU-y, N. A U.VOEB Nfltsis age 20.

AI. Phicuix-yard. Caveudtsb- A Thoroush. Lady's Mai spaiiig French and German e.xcelr lent dressmaker, hainlre.se1-. packer accustomed to tiavel; eetobject to go tiiAiusrica.

G. A 29, St. Georges-place, s. W. Lvovs Mail; Swiss Protestant tirt-class hail (Lesser, inilliuer, and pacta speaks four languages two year' Ida, Stopfc.

Blanc, S.vis Home, Blomtield-roud, W. A Tiiorough Maii to One Lady: good and -Ti. dressmaker; age 27 well recommended 6d Upper W. A Us ful M.V'.n thoroughly iecomtivn.U -1 bv lady trustworthy, Xm willing; would travel Mrs. 2J, St.

George s-road, Eccleston-wtiiare. VSSjJWlS'i MAinwith Country a lirst-cUiss -lre. makeris reiiuired Dressmal-xr. S.W. Working 1 lo iiKEK 11 to One or TwoGenMcnienfor Useful AIoi Co Elderly Lady.

M. care of Miss Moccawcu, 28. 1 iiiei V. 3 C.viti-:T.VKR!t mrnished or iinfuriiisbed: hi jhest reierences; mother and diiugiitf r. MfH.Leach JfTL Khn ry-strwet.

Pimlico. A Cm-H-HtH'stHHiRfiUt, w)u-r i Wpt; good cha racte; lowu or country. 27, College-place, Ntvy. AS -horough Cook or aiKUbaking; miideui cooking; good character. Mra.

Craioytou. Court House. St. Lewes. Thorough GoCiUCook.

where kitcheomaid is kept; town or jCS. country good per-onal character wages 46 to 50. S. Kurnham library, Maideoiiead. Gooii 0.

101c in i i'i-i-'. Family: -jOod personal character; Wary. ITS. S.W age Jo. E.

St Mieaby VS iim vij; taffj age gmjd references; disengaged August 10. 11.. Dilston Lodce. uupm 1 wvi. I'laovt it.b Hoti F7tLoL 1 re, i i afjc 14 tw .1, 7li "Minis k.wb; goon watsus.

f. ol, I'nlse-lull, S.W. AS HorsEMAiD of two, or Second where three are kept: SE. 3 gd 2. Lower 1 S.w! AS Thorough where parlourmaid is kept; age il-wagus ilS, all Iound; go personal character.

E. 1L Coleherne-ti rrace, South Kensington. A lioLnL-UAlU ill a i'livali. Hot. nnd a vsl.

iviitiam-roii AS second L.vrsiutVMAlt. in a Gentleman Familv 7 years' experience: soad character; pres.ut lady olng auroa'd Ls-nnndge, Kent. ,4 Blti.ku 1 -ar and i id. Norlaud-sonaro. character One good 8-t where a footman is.

kept; Sin-de liTisEt hunting and shooting uod vhZ 3s. Ji.m-ti.m. S. A Thorough Wt.ikiug Rtfri.Kt':. with a feotinau or tiiTch.

iJiV'I" sk. Caei-lcon. Monmouth, lure A 3 years' excellent; character tqttWWtor: H): aft. Oiu, Victoria 'b-" A DLTLUa or V.M.E'1- tor the shooting season; 4 job ror Scotland or permanent; exceUentT.ti.i,;;i-Tir: XV state salary age Lansd-. me-plac' Bri-hti A Valit or Flit-sx Footman, on job thro.ig)llh;),it,;,r A age lU.Jn.-i P.roen,,rTlnh' 1 r- r( road.

Bromnsoii-roaiL W. .00, ilauv A little w.K-'fe.."f.",kn' Palw French well and F. M. 03. New (Jiforil no wages for one mouth.

4 S6.tttiSie-naii.led Lnuoor Serv a A aS Scotland; Twickenham. S.W? nL1.nt. 5, Grove urruce, AS Co an oFgroom and I'ovnvAv- i f2-knowst-jwn we'd- eoni.trJ,V.F AN f*cknUn: 4y, mJ tl Veaia' good personal xmtairecuow wttntn nmmmmb diu.

The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.