Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

iji ay." --f -jr-'p 9 0-1 IHelp Wanted D-llHelp Wanted D-l I Help Wanted D-l Help Wanted D-l Help Wanted El Help Wanted D-l .1 i i 'amm a mohtt oor wwk. I clerical hlp in fast-paced pniMOTDI ITTIflN I iHelp Wanted AUTOBODYPERSON must OOKSTO MANAO vUI I nUu I lull D1 4 THE HARTFORD COURANT: Wodnsysdoy, Ottobw 33, 1985 on I Power Boats-Acces. B-25 1 Help Wanted D-l have at least 5 years expri-i--, part TIME I lfMnsioia i 7. Hartford. I East Granby.

outlet mciuoe i CTiptB ALARM INSTALLERS Wanted. anct. Excellent wonting con-1 3DnApm, Sdayt. Kaypunchand I siora operation i I typing, ng, computsr i h. tr.inP! Call Mr.

CASHIERS (2) Wantad. Expert- SEil S. nri I vacation I firm needs you ara an wmwcytica accountant ii l-V. L. WINTER BOAT STORAGE S12 S.rlinc"d.

'84. 4.000 ml, experienced, hop. JolJ Mcal, South Windsor Bank A construction prelect tuper for Conn, dot i hvil. I aim nralirnn Mil AM Mrl- I TUUW 01 vivos. hardworking kawasaki HUA Mr loot.

Includes haullna. urv. Full time. Mon-Frl. lifcTorwwn, Repldiy expenuiny company hat Immediate nead for uvaral experienced In-Italian on a tub contract balls.

Excellent commlulon arrangement. Call Ed or Chuck 528-V674 book tailing axparlanca pra-1 ftrrad. Raqulr anargatlc. I tall starting Indlvlduar who I n.i.. anoortunlty.

I hlneklna. launchlna. nu iiwiiwoy. moMn. Trull WaI Ai(U anca avollabla.

Apply In par-1 Tufano Chry.lar Plym- Banklno lupm. ana winu iiMiutw accountont f.l-n prarvrrvu, with at lat 2 years business axparlanca (cost accounting a bridge renew prwi. have previous DOT experience. Excellent selary bene- Bonlu Dll HAN 13795BO. 528-7065 aft.

Nlnls MO '64, 2900ml -''mwnnn 177.1531 aft 6:30 Convenient location oft Rout hourt. Apply. In person, 24 I CI Ln.H Couth WJlnrfuir I outh, 205 Columbus PKUUt UTtKftlUK 1, Medlson, fct. wa-mw. Send rosuma to Courant Box I piusj wno WBUIB uae 10 WVIO Boulavard, Now Britain, soc uilfh nPlMflnd hutlnaSS In l.i DtMll auto or call 644-310 for Pull tlma, 10am-7pm or flnUh.

I 0737BM HTTP. IT. OOliJ SALES I aitH BHdgporl. Ct. 0608., KTM 430 excellent, WINTER COVERS "Unbe-r-ifSof" 5M-sS; 527-0711 I Movable Prices" Rot Proof TT.

PrOOT Bio Proof. LlnhtWa aht-T 0 eastern Connecticut. Send I partl chain has position for I J. VS. I Experience In NCR 775 pre-1 vllia niPT Telephone vour resume and salary re-1 S.ti.i.nl Manaoer Trainees, I I or win train.

Call Mrs I iOKIMG ij your resume and salary I ferred or will train. Call Mrs I la looklna for ASSISTANT workers for perma I Morel. South Windsor Bank 4 I CASHIER SALES Permanent I full and part time positions et I requirements to P.O. Box 143, Lebanon, Ct. 06249.

Attention Mr. Hunt. Individuals tor various duties Down Grommets- i-i. sm.w 10 Ft. 139.00 22 Ft.

S49.00 Cashiers full and part time. Salespersons full and part tlma. We offer a competitive n.SUlUKI ItM 230 Quadsporti 41 gShaalar. 11700. MO-OWl I '74, TS125, many new! I Trust, 289-6061, exr aa netlonwioe reiau cnain nowi nent DOSITIOnt.

MIih.iii-i opportunities. in our packaging A assem For UniOnr! AMinite 25 Ft. 145.00 suburban wa AUTOMOTIVE COUNTERPERSON opening In prospect piaia. salary and benefits package LlberaT company rin UIIHCU ntiiiiiM rm. 558 Hanover ACCOUHT4HT Bradley Field I BANKING TELLERS experienced gr auw Class II Truck Driving bling oepTs.

no k' necessary, will train on spe-i Good benefits. 666-5666. Merlden. Open dally Sat. Bishops I wltn excellent opportunity orfuonramant.

ADO In per SPE'i-T KrlS. 7Hor7 "I ni k. ioiar.iaa.ino lor en I New Construction Sit Immediate opening, a Muni our norta rie-l roroor. W.H. EXDerlence SUZUKI, 7, TS2S0, axe cond.

locatoln. Public accounting experience, 2 years preferred. Familiar with months end closing, tax preparation son at any Moto Mart Auto BRICKLAYERS nam.n nolrahln eKDari-l roauirad. SuDerlor benefits Si Sun, 'til 4. I7VS' PENNVAN 110 HP Inboard outboard, exc cond.

Trailer. $1500. 660-1497 after epm store near you. ence prejerrep. e.y"-".Yr-J-! right! 44 Jerome Ing opportunity for Security Trust, Ave.

I Non unon. Experienced only. S50o.fiO. can jja-smy avos SUZUKI '70 GS750E, rblt. t900bo, must sail.

64A-7835, SUZUKI 'II GS-75E, New tire, CASHIERS AND STATION AT; JffiSSS, Operation TBHDANTS wanted for Mobil SSS'SemSSSl short- Climbing Ability A Must Service Stetlon In arming- "'c' Vnd telephone Bloc FlL, Portland i-rttSff AnSHt 043 Far- requlreS. Opportunity for M24W39 advancemenVt. CONTRACT DRIVER wanted. ana auamng proceaui Excellent growth potential, salary and benefits. Sand resume Individual.

Top pay pian, exm-i eioomTieiq. i. rxwiw. call 447-206 1 anyrime 1W2 If LARSON bowrlder, 140 IO, power trim, trailer, many lent working conditions, goooi and salary requirements to I All Skills BROCKWAY battery, saw. aw-JJro benefits.

Apply In person: extras, txc cona. aaw. 473-6071. from 8am-5pm. I I pia.se call 82 OR250, mono shock, irtt laoalTei cd.

sacrlf. 561-2152 SMITH COMPANY We offer a competitive salary I 244-0235. corporoie wr, unainu 05-214, Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks, Ct. 06094. Equal Opportunity Em- -U Katana 1100, gd end I I JSSSl I.

We ere looking individual who is ooilidui BALCH PONTIAC-BUICK 240 South Main St. East Windsor, Ct. I CASHIER Self-serve ges station I and excellent benefits Including KIAlll UIDIHO I needs Mon-Frl help, 2pm-l patsreduced fare air NOW HIRING OJSSSXSSSSSt BANK TELLERS FULL-TIME BO. mutt till. Jim, 521-7583.

I nIOU BO. must sell. Jim, 520-7583. pioyer Mr-. accouHTANT Exoandlno real boat.

Fully cusromizeo, mun see to believe. Ultimate In math'aooiitude required Ap- iovlronm.nt.nd public contact qualified to manege "SUZUKI '15 Quad Racer, many extras. 11500. 745-4117. ply between 4am-2pm, Mobil, I with the hatlon't.

leading air-1 Ji 1.. 40 miiuoo riollar titate development group with a 850 million downtown diversi cruising, aenoua inquin New England's leading mill-1 -06 ilu4.t I ana. Htfd. ft ft only. Call anytime, leave lim, com in na I fied company.

Person must WOrK aittriDUTOr 11 nil inn iivon- I tied candidates tor: Gertford conttruciion pro-Maadt common sense ac CASHIERS for morning message, I we are now looking for be awe to essitt ia TYPISTS SECRETARIES WORDPROC. OPERATORS CRTDATA ENTRY OPERATORS CLERICAL countant who It a self-starter Sunoco self-service uas ia-i ticket tloo. 1U New Br ia at the UNITED NUc SUZUKI GS1100L new, 3900 must S2500 or B.O. 247-4464. if THREE WHEELER '05 Trl-Z Eo (yellow), exc.

i--l8O0BO. 560-5337 aft 3pm. "'TRIUMPH '49 Chopper Show I WAREHOUSE HELPER II DRIVERS- 101 with computer aoiniy ana in-onlaltlwa nature. Resoonslbll- West Hlfd. Apply In person 8-1 counter in: XT BAVLINER '84 Cuddy cabin, trailer, fully equipped, SS.000.

548-6230. 27ft Albin several mature people to work In our main office and branches as tellers. Good clerical ability and math aptitude needed. pro AUTOMOTIVE INSTRUCTOR Hartford Technical Institute's firowth creates an opportunl-y for an auto professional. A minimum of 5 years dealership experience.

If you'd like to move up In your cereer-we'll teach you how to teach. ronriirfatea mutt be dependable I Hies Include monthly reports of current operations and construction project, analysis organizing capabilities to build a supportive teem. Sala- -ry to Excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to Courant Box 0244SM Htfd. Ct.

061 IS CONTROLLER. with good work record end pre-1 dlesel, 47 hours, ke. tompneiy reoiT, qisck ai i a an muiii, tot'ehrome. 11,600 Ask for Paul, I loadedl 417-563-7102 1904 aft cabin, VIDUS WXB M.IM, miWM. I.

narlanr: nreferred. and approval ov invoices. Direct intarfaclna with own Bradley International Airport Windsor Locks, Connecticut Equal Oppty Emplyr CLERICAL er-managers. Mall resume to iTkthloan Rronoao. vide a paid training program before you go 'on Previous bank experience a plus but not required.

A friendly, congenial at- 1 lan KQDert nneygra wb. ailTOMOTIVE MECHANICS I We offer competitive wage-1 benefit package In working! conditions. I I Growing closely held buslnau weekdays 0am-4pm. rowMi. '83 750 TSS, mint t'-fnd, low miles.

Asking S2750. Rick, 644-1485. mlth awoarlanra In front end. I Metro Center, 100 Allyn St. Hartford.

Ct. 06103. WAREHOUSE WORKERS Qualified canaiaaret looaing to. a fnfura with a aroarosslve I brakes and exhaust repair 27' SEA RAY' 1984 Sundencer Loadedl Excellent condition. In water.

Musi sell. 041,000. I413I-543-1903 3f Express cruise by Columbia Yachts, '68, ell fg, T270FWC, trades? S19.O00. gaaj Permenent full time 11 and part-time position open for shifts, 11 Sundeys avail. Experience help- ful but not needed.

Ap-1 ply In person to Mr. Ill Wlnlck, Crown Super- merket, 2471 Albany Ave, West Htfd (Blsh- II OPS ljpjjpPj ACCOUNTANTS for permanent blR AGO 'S3, 920CC, 6K ml, 2 sets Must have own toois. icmperi-i iuo Full scale benefits. I See our ad underinsurance" I company appiy in person my. Imospnere in a peepia-orlented bank.

For Information, or an tHantora are i responsible for financial reporting and controls, payroll, accounts payable, general accounting, 3rd party regu etions and raimbursem*nt end Invest- nlnM UU 1-44! of pipes. 52500. j-445-2072. staff positions wnn rirm. Send resume to: Klrcaldle, Farn ton Day doino Interesting Apply at K-Mart Automotive! AM-12NOON 1 AILANIH wo.

Glastonbury, 728-3344 Randall A McNab, 105 Sllat I attlgnmentt et leading compa- YAMAHA 1M2 YZ100J Ha650. 677136 Service, 45 Shunpike Rd hi I Cromwell, CT. EOS. I I appointment lor Interview, call the Personnel Dept. 225-7401.

Bur Deane Wefherstleld. nles In your area. BROCKWAY-SMtTH CO. e-YAMAHA 550 MAXIM 12 SSI DOatS-ACCeS. O-ZO I AUTOMOTIVE-Parts Driver! ImentS.

fosuion reooii dagree In accounting with 2-4 years experience. Healthcare ACCTS-Salarles S20-S60K. Area nt! inierrinanciei wnn CLERICAL Service .,247 Main at, new Sttewroom conoiiion, vuuu smiles, SI500 or bast offer. CallBRISTOL CORSAIR 24'; '49; 7.S a- nofora 3 m. 568-3021.

1 knUi'n fine nwtmilfl. 75 Old Broadway North Haven, Ct. BROILER PERSON, Bus peo teen a mgmt career opprys. 209-1511. M.S.I., SO Founders Plata, E.

Hfd 06100. fee pd. between snops. uver a.i good driving record. 52 hour! week.

Fringe benefits. Call! in Ct. U6U3U. tuc. IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS APPLY TODAY I experience- piaiwn send resume with salary history to Courant Box 02344M Htfd.

Ct. 04115. mi inwt 1 MK.UmOB7364AZ7eV. tea CHEESE STUFF r-haaui a. Stuff, a raoldlvx- lamana aaw ai apvviai, ww ArCMIMT EXECUTIVE ple, fUllpart time, "lynia BARTENDER 1 full time, 1 part Only, IWOaani ww, niny backrest, excellent con-1 cATALINA 25 1982, undamaged dltlon, asking 81500.

820-5784. I hi "inVia Clean, fully iwiiy ijw. Dy lyioria. kiaon, uiiy COOK, BROILER Banquet and ASSISTANTS See our display ad today In this Section. terSOn.

I nturol oonrmat foodtl Providing unique, state-of-the-art, pnoto finishing service uillf o.oKIIh aori aarwica tiona. y1" YAMAHA fn tH A '77, 450cc, kingqueen I equipped. Hauled. 523-S795. I Yc fairing, radio, luggage I jj quality boat by orlg.

I ac (, minor work owner. Full electronics sail lal v. owner. Full aleetronict sen ai between 3pm-6pm, Brocks I J0 now TCCeptlng appllco-Restaurant, 1245 New Britain I ca.hlers, stockers, and Ave, West Hartford I counter help. Please cell for ap-l account! Including archltectur-1 short term and long term at- pantry positions, rai i am.

ii, time. Apply In person. The Gallery, 14V New London Turnpike, Glastonbury. CT teat. Deb, 646-4607.

AUTOMOTIVE SALESPEOPLE COMMISSIONS TO 40 time, gooo pay, oenei" parage, vacation. Entry level position leading to management. Apply Oekwood, Restaurant, 17 Park Rd, West Hartford, Ct. rack. tDoxaassi One of the lead-1 oointment 234-0621 advertising ana corporaia.

signment Inventory. Racecruise 1 Training provided, car needed. I vacation. -0600. 236-0781 The Travelers COOKBROILER Full time.

Ex eauiDoed. Mint, pncea to i Articulate, proiessiuiiai fvi- ing invaaiiiiaiii CHBFt MllAlfl, Banaii.i YAMAHA 10 XSUN mint, loaded with chrome, must sell. stBTCNDEB impi No Sun sell. 203-633-4404. I sons, can jonn at for a full lime security cash-1 lor sAiiat ha knowledoeable In I prep, general kltcnen worKi Home Equity Centers 'BO.

Call 568-3253 any time. CLIPPER 30', sips 6, 3 sails, VHF, OS, KM trailer, loaded. days or holidays. Hockanum I Restaurant. East Hartford.

Cell 564-8360 for interview ap-1 perience requireu. m.wm-. starting wage. Opportunity for advancement. Apply wettwrsf leld Steek Club, 1330 Silas Deana Highway, Wath-rsflld 563-734 saoranrie Ford Is now acceotind aspects of operations of bro-1 kerage business.

We offer an I attractive work environment I KELLY SERVICES YAMAHA 10, XS4S0. Special 2, mint cond, many extras, BO. v-iAiacaa1! tooul. mint 817,500. 673-2393 OVBS.

applications for 3 sales profes Greater Hertford arae court-1 CRK urvlc. department tclub. Call for appointmentl between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.l bn(ing, poiniment. sionals, frevious expvi and compatitive teiary.

ACCOUNTING, ZYGO ACCOUNTING OPPORTUNITIES JUNIOR COST ACCOUNTANT Ask for Chef, 444-0103. 527-3201 Rreterreo out not lust have a desire to arn up- BARTENder Part-time position available. COOK First cook's position S250wakly. EOE. Can -cond, everything new.

Must I DAYSAILOR 25', fb, ttructural- nail. BO. 449-3494aft 5. I ly sound, cosmetically nds Yn-mni wrk.slOOO. 544193 alter 6pm.

-a a-auxuA. umn. I rilMCV bal Skimmer 4W. oars salary available, must queiine- CHEF'S ASSISTANT for busy cafeteria In Enfield. Experi Hartford The Cast Iran Building 249-0635.

Apply In person with references. Scoler's Resteurant, 330 No. Main St, West Htfd. BULLARD OPERATOR. Experienced.

Good benefits. Apply In person to National Welding A Manufncturlno Company wardt of 550,000 per year, neat appeerance a mutt. we offer to qualified candi etej nue an internal oromonon. 241 Asylum St inciugeo, aaw. aar-JiTa n-c- ence necessary, wunaa MM elude preparation, personnel! HHHPH--H ar'auv mo.

ovallaot. awtra ZYGO CORPORATION, an in- in banquet, saute, end broiler work. Benefit package available. Pleat send resume to: Courant Box 02375M Htfd. Ct.

06115. Parmlngten CLERKS NO FEE TEMP 1. salary and commission to 40. between 490 Cedar Newlngton, CT. or call 444- 2485.

EOE BULLDOZER A PAYLOADER MECHANICS 5 cm H. run ii 1 M.VMIUH iiu aonnisTicaTBO 1 aimanurv COOK For small retirement through Friday, 4 a.m. to 2:30 B.m. No nights, weekends or olldays. Salary commensu contt.

sloop. Cpmp. outfitted I non-contact measurement In-1 760 Hepmeadaw St. 2. Demonstrator plan.

I 3. Blue CrossBlue Shield. 4. Dental coverageprescrip RIGGERS. Pleasant working conditions.

I romoatltlvawaaesand I OPENINGS tor fast comi. cruising struments, has an Immediate! 451-0203 Snowmobiles B-22 KAWASAKI "76 Snolet, good condition. 8500. 872-0875. rate Wltn experience, biw tions, maior oneoicei ana 114a inftiiranea.

i.nt heneflts'EOE MP Fori Aptitude for figures, some exp. SLSSSSSt JSnllck FreslI "hh calculator" data! oriented. I benefits. Year round I employment. Mellon I reaoy to aepan tor for Junior cost ac- now.

Teak diesel, lodlac, I countant. ext. Inventory. Replacement I Ann 1 c.t I BnoM.IKHUIaa home for women, it you i- cooked lor your family and know good homestyle cooking you don't have to be a professional and would fit Into our small friendly atmospherO. 5 days per week, 35 hourt.

Coll 522-1835 it 203) 741-3441 xt. 1251 from neat penmanwip otner ot. I Start work SKIDOO 71, 300CC, gd cond, new I merine, 11a? 1 S. Paid holidays, vacations and sick days. 4.

Profit sharingpension plan. I New Britain 1 Court St. 223-8458 Enfield 7 Hazard Air Operators, experiences' gwr- ators with John Deere, Case and Caterpillar. Must be able to follow grede for cuts and fills and finish work. Apply Th Butlr Company, 121 Shiald Wst Hartford, Ct.

between 3-5pm, Monday thru Friday, Saturday between skills. Earn top pay. Windsor, 209-343. 4:30 to II a.m. or p.m.

eng. Asking saw, ooi-zrou. Soundings for 859,000. Price leMalntalnlng "curat end drastically reduend now, due I timely reporting for cost and ing now. canor 7.

union. YAMAHA '44, like new, asking S1700. call vn-im. evenings. Brand new taciniy ano constant fraioloo nrnaram.

apreparlng required lournal CHEFSCOOKS I COOK Full time, In new cafe for 410 Asylum Hartford Contact Mr. Richard Nlles for to dire personal sit. 404-2420. GRAMPIAN '73 34ft ketch. Center co*ckpit, malor overhaul '85, sails, dlesel, extras.

829,900. 529-4444 or 543-1585. Oam-llem. BOB'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE going out of business sale. Selesperson wented.

Alto truck driver. 242-2226. luncnes ano nappy our. includes ordering, light shop- 7ZM131 antanvmiculuKheB MPl I ea.akll.horfoaatof tharlverres- BOATS sitmis ana cieen up. v.an cont dentlal interview.

fvlORANDE FORD ALL SKILLS Work this week aet peld this week. Call 1 U1DH Tamna. 527-5779. AH4IO antriet tor cost 01 aaiva, iowi end Inventory Performing manufacturing variance enaiyslt. conducting audits of bills of materials and product structures.

ahouM hawa an As Appllcantt now being accept-1 taurant, ala cart end banquet nnnQ id for weekend A weeknlghtt. I facilities wantt 2 good people! Bal BE I time Full or part-time. Apply Steak I with hotel and restaurant COOK lng COOKGRILL COOK needed BKKPR P-C. S1S.4K. Hlfd.

sup- 6 Her has opening for xp'd kkpr to hndl AP, PR, oor aa A thru TB. ALTERNATIVE CAREERS 250 Webster Square Rd Ntivver Boats-Acces. B-25 ub Restaurant, Rout a I rlence. we expect pertprmence, I aka share, clerk Vernon. I creativity and enthusiasm.

We I offer tan nav to ant persons. I to start Immediately on en in- Del Hi If Vl. definite basis. You will review Send resume to: Courant Box! Manual system. 1-person of-flc.

Free perking. Good benefits. (Fee Paid). Come In or send resum to ROBERT ual personnel. "Finan ppiicetions, postjip a ijuvi 5ZZ-63UU for busy family restoureiii.

Part timefull time, day and evening positions. offjr excellent starting pay, health and dentol benefits, vacations and chance for advancement, pleasant working conditions. Apply Farm Shop, IS South Main W.H. 02395M, HOrttoro, CI WPI la CADLB TV ieIM.UK nvvuvu immediate for Hartford area. Career opportunity earning S400-S700 weekly.

White truck A lA.lt roauirad. Exoeri- TjtAYLINER 1985, 21' Cuddy Ceb-, 230HP, OMC A meny xtras. tendon trlr, elec winch. 7454034 aft 4pm BAYLINER 28 Encounter Fly- plus orner cieriaj at auuva. Earn too hourly rate, CAPI sociates degree in Accounting oucoie cmien on oy or equivalent and 3-5 years ex- ronmental and consumer issues perlence in Cost Accounting, with the Connecticut Citizen Ae- Famlllarlty with computer sys- tlon Group's community out- tems would be plus.

reach staff. Career opportunities available. Training, 7vso offers a challenalna. pro- benefits, travel. Salary: S160- CHEFSOUS CHRP 828-3546 In fine.

IN-WATER BOAT SHOW ATSPICER'S ALL 1985 ERICSONS O'DAYS MUST GO ALL REASONABLE OFFERS RESPECTED cial A EDP 111 TAL benefits A never pey fee. Call or come see Rente or Susie today at CAPITAL automotive Service Center! Pearl Htfd. 278-7171. enced only need apply. Will I Mry and benefits.

Call pay subsidy. Call 609-227-8764 1 Itmm, Town Farms Inn. Experienced iavoprldge, ivtw, ire Deem, rwmi Sunns. 4M hours, all features. I fesslonal environment where I $200 bonuses.

Cell 527-9291 TEMPORARIES, 99 Pratt COOKHEAD COOK needs 2 mature, responsible! BOOKKEEPER. One of Hart-persons to change oil, filters I ford's newest restaurants r-and lube autos and light I aurts specific cherg book autos and light Call Joe, STl-lSeSdaytl individuals are rewarded tor 1 eoe. CHEFSOUS CHEF Self-starter, culinary background. Able to Htfd. 278-1313.

their contributions, we proviuv Barlenee helolul ALUMINUM SIDING HELPER fJSSrttnltum (Temp t. Perm) Part Looking for someone to add I time Diversion A patience Is I gJghR som this CABLE TV LINEMAN (MF) andor Splicers. Experience mandatory. Must hav rell-abl transportation. 342-1805.

CAFETERIA Full and part-time but not necessary. In Out Oil aaa-jnio eves '81, 2750 Victoria Sunbrldg. I-O, Volvo Penta. "TTfxcellent cond. 824,900.

Days eves 295-0385. the name of th gem on dimension to our organize- and Lube Centers, 278-7428. competitive salaries anda wide rang of company paid benefits. For Immediate consideration, pleas send your resume to: keeper full or part time aai y. Great opportunity, benefits and futur advncmnt for right person.

If you'r experienced: don'f miss ay Inter-vlew. Jane Kelloy. 521-2452. tlon. Apply In person, Pum-i aiitassotivb Tire Chenaer- some experience needed.

I pernickie pud rosii Elm Plaza. Enfield. cashlr, cortee wegon, utility r.no aaooriav.Frldav. Ma No experience necessary. S5.00 per hour A up.

Ceil Rest Rj2 SMina Evnlnqs only 7-9pm APPLICATIONS now being accepted for Counter Clerks A Assistant Store Managers for our West Htfd facility. No a BAYLINER CONQUEST 11 3T I Broad list of used boats at yard Mn.r ne ra anw ana mecnan- jor Medical. Call 275-543 I b-1 CHILDCARE PROVIDERS Ma- I ically inclined. Phone for in- 280 Volvos, ac, 12" beam, I Many Once-ln-A-Llfetlme Buys Wh morel Full ZYWJ LUKruxa I ivjn Laural Brook Road Mlddlefield, CT 04455 EOE MF ask for Chrlt. nra naraona needed for full- tween tervlew, 458-2233.

1st time disolav of new upcoming assignment, tou will be responsible for maintaining attendance records, checking time cards plus other clerical duties. I months office experience required. Earn top hourly rat, CAPITAL benefits A never pay fee. Call or com see Renee or Susie today at CAPITAL TEMPORARIES, 99 Pratt Htfd. 278-1313.

r-sell-new boat coming. i 914-368-2186. CAFETERIA PERSON part time. Positions working with Infants A Fringe benefits include paid! BOOKKEEPER Accts rec with skilled nursing facility background for full time position fit Windsor area. Knowledge of Till 19 program and IBM ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE nu ki.

ct a AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION INSTALLER Wanted. Experienced only apply. Call 278-2697. Ask for Paul fCOOKMOUSE- II 1 KEEPER needed for 1 busy prestigious xc- utiv household In 1 West Htfd. Various du- 1 ties which Include I cooking, housekeep- 1 ing, plus more.

Full- Wm I tim. Excllnt salary 1 A bnfltt. If intrsf- 1 ed pleas call Claudia Wheaton, 349-1474. Monday throuah Friday, 11:001 a Ia 4-M Drlwate rinwri- I Sundays OoDortunitV for ad- Organized Individual needed JSJnTexS starting for busy office In Manchester. commissions A healtK awuffloM in r-w ini.

Sunday (Final Weekend) to "Take The Helm" Of A "Sun MO arniMr" Or "Sea Sorlte" vacation, ticx time eno msur-. ance. Call The Stork Club, 659-3002. E. system 3436 deslrablt.Pteaw I t0Wn club, cloud holidays.

Ap- AUTOMOTIVE Zlebart Rutt- Hno riwrnt aiiu umi i py parson, -i ax. Dam DMMr I im.nSk A A.A A A ra Crom 21 To 31 Ft. All I O'Day Daysallers A Cruisers We are now full-line dealers Refreshments Door Prizes Exhibits by Eldrldge Yard Boat Craft Service Shops Friday, Oct 25-Sunday Oct 27 9AM-5PM SPICER'S SAILBOAT SALES Eldrldge Yard Marsh Rd. proofing nas a position aven-ahla for ao imderald techni Ing light typing. Company bn-1 atTan.

American Rental I clerk Tvolna. Ilaht bookkeep- Rd West Htfd. CHUCKER OPERATORS We are now accepting application! for production oriented nertonnef ooerate multl- university auB KK I Center, 191 Pai 1 Park cian. High-volume shop. Will orovMa Valnina for mature.

-With Full Stand-up Salon, Gel-1 Ml lev And Shower Featuring! "Queen Size" Aft Cabins -I a Demonstrations From 10:001 on phone, full-tlm, full bene- 04095. OF HARTFORD motivated Individual. Over-1 AP, AR-Gon'l Ole. W. Hfd.

Fe I tit*. UBiene r-iqpia, nlnOlo rKi.kora Pav com. u. A to ai ionn. menturate with experience.

I CLERKTYPIST Full-tlm, able pd. aai. open, nn. r-nvitva, COOK-LINE with atrona culinary back- cust. quotes, iiwbiwh voi.

w- Full insurance pacxage, in-i to work inaepenaenny. vtui time available. Company i BOOKKEEPER Bradley Field benefit! 3 Valid arlvrW- 30 LeWIS Street, cense. Apply In person, 12041 general ledger. Knowledge of I i Main St, East Htfd.

I AP and AR. Excellent Uartfnrd. Ct. and NOanX, a 3f-TJ3a itc. Dependable person.

en try, River Marina, Chester, Conn. STake Rt. 9 To Exit I Thru Town Of Chester To Intersection of at OA Turn rioht And assist Office Mgr. Varied and I ground. Must be abl to work challenalna ooDortanlty.

Call I saute, broiler A pantry. Mutt be ARCHITECT SENIOR DESIGNER JOB CAPTAIN eluding dental ana prescriptions. Excellent working con- O'DAY 22', 1974 with 9.1 Mercu-1 Snolllng-Snolilng Hfd 527-2451 growth potential, salary AUTO PAINTER Immediate ry eiec. start ive. asaw-w.

IM JTake 1st Left Signs Will MUSt tell. Call 223-4-44. accounts dltlont end Kim 724-9651. I2-4. Mon-Frl.

Iretpontlble A able to work Apply lo JAF Manufacturing, typist needed far Inlghti. Slmtbury area. Ask lor Lntirty Newlngton, be-1 SSufrFull- Rich or M.rk, filWS- Iween 9am-3pm. I oositlon for reliable, do- IcoOK MF. We need people lo opening for experiences auto Painter.

Good starting pay lh hoooflt. Tall 940-1415. I mark The way suourpeni fuilv eaulooed. CANTON CLEANER PAYABLE I -i aisac clebx Wathersfleld I Individual. In.

I c-ABAREB '44 Bill Tribo de A'fTrm' wrvlSf, "frt AUTO SALES. Growing metro ing A-E firm serving more-1 aeaier look na for bentlts. aena resume uaion-ing experience and salary requirements to Corporate Air, Building 85-214, Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks, Ct. 04094. Equal Op-portunlty Employer MF.

BOOKKEEPER for a large mi- rloo noolarahiB. Duties In Join a small congenial offlc I --r- rfnwniMu. 1 fionai and oovrnmntai worn tun iiiiiv, ii-aimiw for competitive provide meals, uniforms, A good benefits. Apply In person. Ground Round, 3025 Main sign 31 ft sloop.

tails, good condition, flbergless, S17.5O0. 529-4444 or 563-1585. NEEDS HEP office, Shelby Mutual insurce 1 eludes benefits, lan 47e-jaev Co. Requires good typing for appointment. skills.

Knowledge of general I includ-offlce procedures. hour CinTVno.nd sSS tSlng. office. Mature Individual need-1 clients. Successful candidate I COLUMBIAN 14', full canvas, IH motor A trailer, must sell.

WS1625-BO. 289-0244. Bruce. COLUMBIAN, Cuddy cabin, 2V, g-T-WI. Full canvas, 140hp OB g.t.

awd trailer. 58MS47, 5pm-lpm -V-EOG HARBOR 37', will Full timepart tlma. 4 nositions ooen. Will experiencea salespeople to handle It's Increased volume. Excellent pay plan.

Can achieve 135,000 to 045,000 yearly Income. Apply in person to: Bob Landry, Grody Chevro-let, 21 Isham Rd west Htfd. Glastonbury, ew-uio week, txceneni company pu -i h-ur, n.aotiabl. Part time, hours negotl CanOeS-OtherS B-Z7 Suntt SyaSle and other offlce bMrd clude organising boat sale records and bank financing Call 9am-4om. 249-1391.

benefits. Call Mr. Michaels, ICOOK Needed for halfway (rain. Paid holidays, no I nights or Sundayt. Ap-1 563-3 Flatwater payable experience plus.

Will- from Preliminary jBdtign by West-1 Kg to train Individual with at I through Construction Docu- i piy at: sett wwaiwia i I CLEANER Needed for full time. nt bast most rigid survey, load-l kavak. Built me I Lovely vaniwti. nuoed. Alto 11'4" Whaler 401-80291 tlda oatt( 1595, 442-1323 ask arrangements, aaiary negotiable.

Experience required. Please send resum to: Bas-sett Boat Company, ATTN: Mr. Gaynor, Box 441, Westbrook. CT. 06491.

COACHING Immediate openings. Varsity wrestling and freshmen basketball. For Information and application call East Windsor High School at 423-3341 lderiy nign rise apanmenr building In Wethersf leld. Paid Borf Kaootlt. Coll nous for ex-oirenaers.

tuem-4pm M-F. benefits DOE. Car needed. Call 527-0101 by 111 or send resum to Admin. Asst.

134 Collins St, Hartford, Ct 04)05. EOE i least 2 yrs ottic experience. 1 mem pnaaa. Call lor an eppt: I tViR.sanv isfisiTE 94' 'AS Cabin for Butch. Galley, head, tlpt 4, AUTO LUA.

OWV Rosumetto: -site. ne A rOmnass. 292 Inboard. CARETAKER Experienced I 529.7595 for appointment, part tlm. Matur non-smok-1 9M opportunity Employer.

aBAMEBtllEEOED New na-: I BOOKKEEPER Full cherge to I SERVICES OFFERED eves. 13,500. 582-aa I COOK or person willing to GREEN STEVENS 278-3050" SALES GL, pb, ana t-. must avnerieneed. Indeoendent I "tao ori.

on Berlin Turnolk. COLLECTIONS TIME Vv ALDERMAN A MAC NEISH Architects and Engineer and reliable for contractor's I Monday thru IMPERIAL 594 Riveraate kobo ohio Flexible erranoament. I 9am. Toll tre 1-800-343-1801 ruirp fiffprpfl C-l I accounts receivable o- West Springfield, MA 0109 Office. Stxceiient salary fringe benefit.

Berlin area. Pleas call David Angllss, Rant adlustment, or wages I CLEANING, excellent part time 1 Dolly, good hourly rat 1 oartmenf cient Kenaoie per- learn, siutstanoing opportunity for the right individual. Good starting pay, flexible hours. Partners Restaurant, Manchester, 649-2811, Rose mary or Evelyn. COOK Part tlm.

Bloomfleld- lortarrare has Ideal DOSitlon loh for rasnonslbia person to I on umvv talenhone work. I E'lus bonus. All phone work. k.it ho ortlrulata. self-moti commensurate with services norformed.

P.O. BOX 10363, CPA, 721-eeyo. Full time. Good benefits. On! AHentlon! L.

Slrulnlk, A.I.A. perioral no opiny uiro. lo Slmtbury office bu Id- A BEAUTIFUL JOBI Flat or thingle roofing. Siding. Gut-1 ters.

Chimneys. Carpentry I I BOOKKEEPER-Full charge. I lim wood, CT04110. vated, aggressive, and able to 5riupr qualltyl "Best prlcMl" tbrgless Runabouts 1 Cruls- SMAN MARINE 425 New Park W. Htfd.

9a-4294 busline, can rcenee, fa-ajjr. i prasioent inas. Exoerience helpful, but! Already large and still growing domestic and foreign dealership looking for experienced car safes-people in their tSS-SSSSSS. CARPENTER A Carpenter, nerlence necessary. Immodl- work.

Reasonable, zjo-jiaa. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DEPT. of distributor in South work without supervision. Experience with collections or Insurance helpful, but not required. Will train the right at opening.

South Windsor onlomant Co 09 Sullivan helper. Carpenter must have extensive all around experience. Work year round in A MOVING VAN Leaving for Florida Oct. 24. Barrfeau I not necessary.

Our company I will train. Hours are: pm, Mon-Frl. Call 453-5511 ask I for Don for interview appoint-1 Windsor needs person to ap-1 ASSEMBLERS. M.H. Rhodes I ply payments and credit on I lne- accepting applications I "LalrJSIDB STORAGE AVAIL- South Windsor.

Call Moving A Storage, Sunbelt I for someone who likes food preparation, children and people In general. Perfect mothers hours, Menus and receplet orooionned. Trainlna provid for our nlorawork ODaration. Manchester erea. eae-uT perton.

uttice tocoij Founders Plata, Eatt Hart- aai 1 Leon schweir, 28Y-S4U6. CRtTfuII time position. Good I pay. Excellent benefits. 289-1 ment.

eoe. Specialists, 249-9373. ySftt ending Company, 229- 'PHIC MC. Good starting rate A excellent I benefits. Apply Personnel D-1 I BOOKKEEPER Full cherge, 1 I-T-mi-, system available to I u.

BUB I. rrzvu7pv. sKaw rn.Hflo,oV0w.Tr'ten.",.n5 fitment for lnt.rv.aw. 282- ed. Benefit package.

EOE. person Ottice, xpenencea in rlauhle entry bookkeeping panment, ingmpwi -w poJERSEY EXPRESS 31', 71, twin -in? a in hrs. hrldoa. well Call 242-3355 to apply free Tanca typesetters on hourly basis. Flexible hours.

I vV.ooI with Good Avon, ywwi, c-c ASSEMBLY A PRODUCTION through trial balance, plus quarterly tax returns. Call growing company. 9pm, Monday-Friday. Please I cations. Assist In sat up and rtKlUHNEL TTTjiqulp, alii reasonable offers 345-8020.

JOHNSON 215 motor 1911, low usea car oeparx-ment. Top pay plan, demo, insurance and more. DUN BRADSTREET Equal Opportunity Employer 525-2130 10 a.m. 10 9 p.m. tor appointment.

Call 1 1 tor apiwiiiuii-iii, ask tor Joe. EOE. sphere, near Wlndwr-Hart-1 openings for men A I ford line. Call 270-9910. EOE.

1 N'0 Jipar fence neces-1 CLEANINGPART TIME Eve For detent. w-w. CREDIT CARDLOAN PERSONAL COUNSELING, 1-80M48-8855 FORMER DAY CARE teacher will babysit your infant or toddler. Call 247-2033 after 5pm. Rreparmg manuraciurea omes.

Hourt flexible. Jen-ten's Inc. 793-0281 or 247-5209 CARPENTER Experienced framing carpenter to be assis avtii.hrs, exc cond, win strata S3400. 488-8105. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE I sary.

Bonuses, long a. anvil COLLECTION SPECIALIST ning position open tor a rioar- i COOKTp'lriP PEOPLE AND DISHWASHERS Full-tlm potltlont available. Apply In per- son. Seafarer Hestau- rant, 431 S. Quaker Lane, West Hertford, pj Clerk plus diversitiea aitice 1 term BOOKKEEPER Call 525-1403 or duties.

Typing helpful. Ask uorfforo- 727-4131 I tARSON lTVt, 1984, OB 150 01, prop. E-Z in. Mmrs. Fully equipped, heavy cleaning In the West I administer collection program.

HartfordFarmlnoton area. I Experience preferred. Knowl- tor BOD, ZJO-IZBI. tant to loo foreman on ivr dentlal construction. Mini' East Windsor 427-0272 I P-SSS CCTCONTROLLER.

S4JK EE Service in my home. Pick I mum year, exp.rl.nc. fWiW 'SLSnHZ 223-2230, ask for Peter. Full charge bookkeep-1 needed for South Windsor retail store. I Take eherae telf-ttert- I ASSISTANT MANAGERS siO'500.

5y-oy atter epm 4511 ISk for Kevin. I g'u ramint, Cour.nf Box up and delivery. Reasonable I rates. Catering to the Greater I Hartford area. Please call be-1 WARSON 22' Cuddy Cabin, deep fcWC.

210h.o.. I fi atauiaiA BBBtnu Full tlm. I 4aiww, nuu. -i. vwi j.

I er needed for this fast I SX 0- VHF' carpenter Experienced. I lo do cleaning of apt complex COLOR LAB needs E4 flint tools In Hartford Must hav. aretor. pre- Solid bkgd in a mfg std, cost environment a must with a mln of 7 yrs exp req'd. Will handle all fin'l and cost reporting, budgatlng, forecasting, fln'l planning A special protects.

Supv. 16. Eastern Conn, location. (Fee Paid). Come In or send return to BAREST HALF PERSON sayouD.o.

Ktv. tween 4-9pm, OBB-iaar. TYPING ON COMPUTER hiislness letters, leaai environment, omputerlzed general ledger and accounts receivable. Light typing. Applicants must have s.

years bookkeeolna transportation. i.aii "Sa aood frlnoe benefrts, modern COOKS. For breakfast, lunch A banquets. Mostly days, some evenings. Experience in restaurant or hotel dining preferred.

Meals A uniforms provided. Apply in Harl.y Hotel, I Bright Meadow Boulevard, Enfield, Ct. Mon. thru Frl. 9-5.

AUTO SALES o.ia. -mikOBSTER BOAT Webber's 34' fbrgls, 235 hp gas, extras. $22,500 BO. 599-3562. CARPENTER Experience nec-1 documents, thesis, tc.

Call I ssary. Must have own trans- CLERICAL Commercial Casu- Mitchell Ford hat 464-0258. RESTAURANT portation tor roi a.i, oai. to AAASTER CRAFT '85 ski boat, I experience and be able I to work under pros-1 vn-sw Chi care services NEL, I opening for xpri-enced talct perton. Salary and commlt-slons.

Pleasant work coda, rate and process new business endorsem*nts and rooaoit. Good enolvtical "Financial A EDP 111 Pearl Htfd. 270-7170. ciean Dunainu, iwii-ii 5pm. Centry Leborotorles, 494 School SI.

E. Htfd. COMMUNITY LIVING Instructors. Perm part time hours, weekday mornings, and all weekend shifts In MR group home in Portland. 342-0413.

area. Full-tlm and year-round position. Must be de-pendable A reliable. 278-2940. UTU.

vtsjir I n-TIM eDo you earn S400 per weekfup I sure, salary commen- 1 aiirata with exoeri- ADM IN. st. meamng.u.. I CARPENTER High quality deck ing conditions ana good benefits. Contact I ence.

Position I available Immediately. I ITi III IlitlTI ITTM CARES. hrs In water. Asking $13,500. Zfl-0666, 426-4tt5.

REVGLCRAFT 14 3.8 Chryster, 12750. 242-6587. and problem solving skills. Insurance background preferred. Free parking.

On busline. Aetna Civic Center work in community agency, i --t S15-16K plus good benefits. 60 1 tklllf I CHID DAY AI Lalla, 421-0321 Non-smoker. LOll I ARnOW'S construction, must nave excellent skills, tools, transpor-tatlon. Call 233-3644 Elaine at 528-2443 or I Branch.

240-oaui. cue, iwt-. iw SCARAB 30 2 (454 trs, trlr, txel 1 289-0157, Mon-r-ri, COMPANION LIVE-IN RESTAURANTS I I -European Plavrounds- I as0EB1TER Immediate 0 Den- fi FDir.i riotall orlantad Indi- I I 9-4pm, for interview. cng. TO-yy4i.

berWrng. benefits, ho.pl- Ud.um A toCen- talliatlon and pension plan. tClTOurrteTlOMjIn Htfd, Ct. 06106. AAEOE.

Box 1442M, Htfd. ct. inn, ah nnases or interior eno uu.Liricu isitruii ao ft. oHihor racer. APPLICANTS ONLY ll-tufBi.

Annlna tT-Ill vldual with good mathemati-1 We have potltlont available Im-cal ability. Accuracy a mutt. I mediately for mature, retpontl-Heavy phone contact. Diver-1 ble companions 5-7 days per slf led duties, able to work in-1 ween for companionship and ahamiu Drlor Insurance I hom*o mananement to the elder- kitchen remodeling, years experience. Full tlm year-round work, company bene-1 PiushfjrsYf, 102 Camp-1 Held Hartford, CT, between South catholic Hiah School I AUTO SALESPERSON i ova riDTf Asyuitt eiiumw, Ji headers.

Radlar clocked at 94 f71 miles per hour. $24,000 cash I fltt. call 234-3381 petore yam. rm. sand massaae to f.v.

experience helpful. Freelly. we offer credit union, IRA I and St. Augustine I I -abbemter Needed to work -w iMki hriaht individual I lift. Danartment R.

Blsl Call 075-7219 cnurcn. rza-ozu. larxing. i.ii mwi. uvuui.iii,iim for the group insurance de-1 at large apartment complex i cl aTion.

aouin wngwo BOOKKEEPER ivlc Cntr Branch. EOE MF. vacation pay. oortmont Needs aood tvolna I assistant MANAGER needed Mlddietowncromwen Ia, imu woman's hiah fashion Full tlm position In I area. Full tim yearround no-1 CLERICAL Diversified clerical ana communtcanun wui, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES PULLPART TIME IMMEDIATE COOKS COOK TRAINEES FOOD PREP DISHWASHERS Apply In Person: ABDOW'S F.

93'. centerl tltion. Experience necessary. duties including typing 45 to en iwom. ilina end ma rdistrl- shoe ttore in Bloomfleld.

Call Janna, 234-3874 or 523-7247 Ismail Lltcntieia area i office for experienced hookkeaneroffice I willingness to learn and da-1 toll-oriented. College educe-1 tlon it a plut. Call 233-9831 be-1 Due to Increased tales we require additional sales personnel. Must have proven track record and experience in high line Imported and domestic sales. Excellent opportunity In greater Hartford prim automotlv area.

Apply In person to Valley Motor Cars, Call 632-1300 or a-A-r-aazi I -ABBSEsiTEES. Career orient keep trying. manager. Full charge I tween vam-apm doiSEA NYMPTH '83 SS175 Fish Al HOUSEKEEPING work done, Ski with 90 HP Merc A 7.sl bi reliable woman. Call 827 by reliable woman.

Call MEDICAL PERSONNEL POOL 5494)870 COMPUTER OPERATOR bulion. Outgoing, pleasant personality essential. Considerable telephone and pullc contact. Able to work under mmiuim onri adaot to ehnna- 127- ed persons experiencea in re-1 modeling looking for year! rmioH omnlovment. aood I Itnrougn trial aaianbe, financial statements.

ATTENTION ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 8972, e-opm. --Merc. Never in salt, canvas, trailer. VHF radio IB Ha Addlna Ma- payroll, tax returns, i benefits. Mutt be depend-! TO MARKETINW rolno drjeratar needed Puhl contact and aen- PRUrauiuaai.

-T orooolrad Indi. antenna, 443-4487 after 4pm. I fng priorities. Advancement! I aral office work includ or office cieaner yrnn own Ivldual with excellent phone! SI Aioany lurnpiov. Route 44, Canton.

able, hav tools trantporta-tlan. House of Hanbury Builders, call 444-1537. transportation. 549-5022. opporiuniiiv a ivi tiki, lorfivimial.

Frea oark- ino tvolna. pleasant i nil Silas immediately lor 2 month assignment, 30 hourt per1 week. In Hartford area hotoital. manner and gooo typing to at- list busy manager in elf areas. I Pa-ltion for assertive Individual mg.

For appointment call I 2404301, Aetna Civic Center Paintino-PAnerinc. C-17 CARPENTERSExperlenced. surroundings. Salary I commensurate with ex-1 perlence. Send resume I to Courant Box 02443M I Pleasant co-worners, norm wi cruiser, am i i.k Camper top.

Refrigerator, stove. Fully equipped. Boot A IS 'trailer, 121,400. Days 421-5529, Wt 589-2351. Must sell trained In computer operations or possessing equivalent school- I BACKHOE OPERATOR Experi- I Will be doing various I 1 Harttord Good typing, 1 years I Branch.

EOE, MF. wemerstieia Route 44 Avon 195 Hartford Tpk K-Mtrt Plata) anrad narson in street exca- praming crewieaoer. Appiy: D.H.R. Construction Co. 34 Connecticut Blvd.

East Hartford. 289-6801 jap iNTERiuHssAiBKiw-loxpenenc. xcnni growtn. Htfd. Ct.

06115 I other office amies, ror i more Information, I please call Janice at aimers. i 10 l.Bfv. vetlng and working around! utilities with John Deere A I fcesBKibnia non reirievai orgexnixaiiuii in pric you can oppreciei-. LSEARAY 24' 77 sedan bridge, I If swim platform, pulpit, electri-P calcohol stove. Hi V12V re- Purchating and data entry 1 J1rr Fhix-oariance reau red.

Suburban lo-1 4381 L-2 (DOS-VSE, CICS). FI0X- VANNAHROWE 11 Mountain Ave. Call 569-7752. KELLY SEKVIS-Ba, 249-4585. EOE MFH.

cese backnoes. Appiy Duner Company, 121 Shield west I CARPENTERS ROOKKEEPER oarttime. Butv ca BAIIITIMA SERVICE I Rloomfleld. CT 04002 Sl. Excellent atmosphere and Ibl.

hours, 1 1 faie. excauan 41 Kan Street West Hartford Bar aeptnsounoer, ynr, 1.0, Hartford, Ct. between 3pm-5pm, Monday-Friday and Sat- G0mHPMerclO. Exc cond with! Qualltywork, Interiorexterior, 1 243-0843 fee paid I Farmington omce neeos an 1 Experienced tremers to worx 1 SiwfTts Call aarsan. insur-1 u- in lhm ronntw ral I Penerus.

dii experienced person, Insur-1 r0und In Htfd. County, A Starting salary dependent upon experience. Excellent fringe IIIOMI anca agency experience a I United Carpentry Inc. 247- Inahv. Asking 115,500.

AnaaiMlSTB ATOR NEEDED I tree a.iiiiioica. wi UAWoUil I benefits. Send resume to: AUTOBODY Late model colli-1 urday between earn-nam, slon repair in small butweU I BAKER, experienced. Good "SOJ-JZII must. Pleas can Eiizaoein at C-24 COOKSALADBROILER Full loaded.

In SflOW PlOWing equippea snap, ebst wiw i hourly rate fringe oenetui. Allen O'Brien Intuance Agen-1 cy 244 Main Farmington, I for a growing noma neeiin-care agency, must hav at least: RN license. Bachelor'! Degree, 2 years supervisory 249-7721 PERSONNEL Fe PJ ajCDJl IMP CLERICAL Full tlm, dlversl- NlRAC, Mj. fled duties. Typing, "llng-l Personnel Department oavroll and recent on.

r-T a asets uifaVaar vie i CARPENTERS Experienced. Must hav own tools and transportation. Full-time work New Britain Farmlng-ton area. Call 471-1244. Apply In person.

Nutmeg Bake Shop, 30 Eden 1 BESirjENTiAL and commer- CT 477-94BB. time, experience necessary. Apply in person between 10:00 A M.ind 11:00 A.M. Comet Restaurant, 247 Farmington Ave. Hartford.

i-i7 fully ln.ured. Call for Southlngton. COMPUTER OPERATOR 2 vrS Old Savbrook. ask tree estimete. oae-ieaa.

BAKERS WANTED Full and area. Call Doug Kelly, 528-0935 AUTOBODY Quality person for quality shop. Will earn quality wages plus. Alco, 28 Com-merce St. Glastonbury.

AUTO BODY REPAIR Busy shop looking for experienced Small growing experience in n-aiiiiiai-, m- cedent communication and management skills essential. Send resumes to Courant Box 02470M, Hartford, CT 06115. CARPENTER BOOKKEEPERS I Burroughs exo. oref. Call Eves.

518-399-3622. firm seeks carpenter. Knowl- Kit time, iyooa wages ing neflts. Dunkln Donutt, 1084 1 666 Maple! 5PS, 1-800-992-8640; 453-5019. UUMkanhut Corn.

SEA RAY 3P weekender, 1978 edge of framing -and trim-1 li ei jf Et-PIOYBSENT Need lob with solid futura? Meln East Harttorg. Hartford, 9am-3pm. Censtruction ADVERTISING BY PHONE. We ming necessary, van iwi 1 w- ft xksa paWSu with ability. 487-1919 Bin-twin mora zunp, ou nours.

io S37.900. Cell 875-3710 after 4p. "ISEARAY 34 Sedan Bridge '80, loaded wantions. mint cond. carpenters Trim sneet rock experience helpful.

Year round work with benefits. Call Allied Builders at, 446-2888 nM0 maa 1 AAA pay S4.w-se.uu per nour tor peopl to advrt Is our. business by telephone part time mornings or evenings. Call ery, 484 Main Mioamown. office personnel to grow with I CARPENTERS Minimum benefits.

I Help Wanted D-l euro Duoy tW lWll. mm. r-. experience. Uniforms, paid holidays, and vacation.

Call 524-1891. AUTOBODY SANDERS A TAPERS NIC clean shop. 344-81 paced office to handle varied duties such as time card calculations, petty cesh. Insurance claims. Inventory, tc.

Call Stan at 249-1403 woora exnerlence. sell, serious offers. Call COOKS Openings lor lull time CONSTRUCTION Equipment OBSTRUCTION Equipment yearround employment. -I e2a-sajy. mir.

BAKERY CAKE DECORATOR I oonor rooks Good nay noeratara for doier and back-1 dinner cooks. Good pay. Paul, 446-52W. r-SEARAY -81, 24' Weekender, 260 A BEAUTIFUL BUSINESS cabpentry: Dependable per CLERICAL insurance iS.um I Route 83, Vernon I.r."A" UI Experiencea. part nma, 9am-3pm.

Call 568-8298 BANKING. Peoples Saving! Benk of New Britain hat open-inas far aart time tellers. Pri ADVERTISING A Bill L.TIME CAREER. WE OPPER: Complete Training -Good Pay Excellent Benefit Program It you are Interested In a career, not lust a lob, apply In person between 10am A 2pm, Monday- Good worRing conoitiuns. Good pay.

Year round work. Call Maaco, New Britain, 827- 9580. mature A A.nm. anni ppum rnnirl Mfliyl fia.Sl?.i "TL0R I Restaurant! Fvn in all abases of bulldina. -UI0 HIIIA.V"W.- "ready for winter lay-up.

Days Big-time earnings, benefits. Sell I son wantea wit some car i n- try or rigging experience for Modular home erecting. Will train. 245-2071 eves 747-n. "restau- See our ad under Avon.

34J-yaui or PRODUCTION COORDINATOR pointmem, AUTOBODY SHOP Looking for site work through finishes. I This Is full time rants' or experience not necessary, we will train. For mora Infor- ti -BEAR AY '82, 23' Cuddy lmm(al. mere eng. 45 hrs onlyJACCOUNTINOCLEBK ennyan iimwMUL days! ate opening for a tak-cnarge ate opening for a take-charge CARPET AND LINOLEUM IN- I reliable person, must nave no.

I CoturOaw tools and 5years plus experi msimiH a rm iuhaim STALLERS with 1-2 years ex-1 wlth mid-tiie general con-1 COOKS-PREPS, line, A ben-tractor East of the river. Send I quet. Full time. Apply In per-resume to: Courant Box I son J.T. Reilly's, 75 Marlbor- inrf uMnoi wltn 1 veer ac I ERItllRIn I- I partment, 224-7771.

EOE. ence, tan uave at oayze 1 New position in fast paced advertising and marketina deport CLERICAL 1TJ. jr (203)621-4441 eves. 14.R CULBRO DR. I auto CLASS-Exoarienced In-1 bamv tun perlence in restaentiet wo.

Subs welcome. Call Amato't Carpet Service, 470-9559 it no I 26' Express Cruiser, 02422M Htfd. Ct. 06115. I ougn Rd Pomona; WEST HARTFORD Behind 430 Oekwood Ave.

counts peyabla exprlne to work with en automated AP system. Data entry Prl: ence required. Knowledge ol Permanent full tim. I CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN I COOK SUPERVISOR. Looking H.P.

Merc Cruiser, under! voiAto hrs, loaded woptns, like! CUSTOMtR StKVlUt answer, leave meaaoua. EOE MF fMFI. Extser. with 1 and part time, immvai-I a onooloos for per- ment. Must have professional manner and be to learn.

Will oversee production and delivery schedules tor all ads. orlntdd nnlnnow, 747-406B ettr apmi vacation, -sick aays ana otner hooofits naid. caoltal Glass. rirolnooa. road construction.

BOOKKEEPERS PTFT. Make general leager system plus. Full I son with good math and I DOT bridge rehab. EOE. Re-1 75 Grassmere Av.u W.

Htfd, I -he Cromwell office of Amerl- your own nours. experienbv SEA SKIFF 28' wllylng ARL Stolnleu tteel flth Jssl 505 New Park preferred but not necessary. detail aoiury. naaing 1 machina experience I 234-1934. I can National Bank has opening piy to: r.u.

BOX a t-vreat-vllle. Ct. 04010. Call 529-4991. uni niOA in, Euur- ovr ti.ninni I AUTO LOT PERSON to prform I for customer service represen- tor a loom onameo uiun.o'w Individual to work full time In our Dietary Department.

Must have a knowledge ol therapeutic diets and be able to assume responsibility. Send resume to: Gtwiwood Health Center, 5 Greenwood Hartford, CT 06104, Attn: Food Service Supervisor. box e. west nentuiu. tnuHpoat.

Must sell. S2200. 443-807CI I CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN I son from Southlngton or surrounding town needed to measure rooms for floor covering. Will train. No selling.

Dally travel required. Economical transportation a must. S7-S11 an hour. Call Mr. CT04110.

yrlous dutlM. tail toig mo- JJ rlence needed. Must hav flood helpful. Primary duties accounts receivable end general office. We offer an excel lent bene- manner, etc.

Send resum. for Immediate consideration. Bennett Agency, 1 Marin Park, Haddam, Ct. ci tort, 289-8421 for detain. MF needed for Briageport 1 hAuil ramiHAV.

Must be ex- I SPORTCRAFT 15Vl ft, 15 hp, aiihTING CLERK See our itraller, S1I50, Sl'pJi a7 clerical skills. For Interview contact the Branch Manager at AUTOMBILE MECHANIC Mer- 1 lit. Boraaaa Diua our I periencea wnn sewer, aram- PUNHILL TEMPS, 282-0701. BOOKKEEPER 04431. 345-4500.

iPfipORT FISHER 31', 2 eng. f.b., sips 4, gd end. 82500. 272-8687. 435-0305.

American National Kaufman. 421-3017. agea roaa cunairui.iiuii wwm. Bonlv oolw if vou are an no- store discount. Apply Sunday-Saturday dur-1 ACCOUNTING CLERK Immedi CARPET A VINYL INSTALLER ate opening tor inoiviauai cedet eenz or toreign car experience preferred.

Top wages A benefits. Miller Motor Cars, Greenwich, Ct. Mr. Koppelman or Mr. Rose-year 20629-3890.

STINGRAY IS I ing store nours. gressive Individual with self I starting characteristics. E-xoanancea oniv, tun-time This It an entry level opening in our Finance nanortment. Dutlet In COPYWRITER full benefits. Subcontractors I Bank.

eoe. ANALYST Cuddy cabin, 140hp IO.I perlenced In accounts pay-1 ADVERTISING SALES Man-lullfop. trlr. $11,000 453-4420. able and payroll.

Excellent I Trainees. Entry lev-it SssrT-Tnr mpeny benefits. Please call position a. natlon.l 75 hp, extras. EXC.

EOE. 576-8100 Entry laval oositlon also, paiene pioors, m-in. I COUSTRUCTIOM HELPER. colleaa araduate. En CARPET A VINYL INSTALL Rptt Xir5B.tR Cole.

5f389. publishing firm which plans I AUTO MECHANIC Expert next tOOlt JCPENNEYCO. 300 Westfarms Mall Farmington, CT E.O.E., MF oororf. with Own for ERS, immediate openings tor Some pointing, general worn 1 on new homes. Farmington I glish or Journalism de-gree preferred.

New I Saaition in fast paced clude bank reconciliation, som fixed asset work and general accounting duties. Some previous experience preferred, but we will to double it's size in the wear. Our rapid expansion Cong. ASK. S63UU.

aas-aaoc ieves-1 rsbNRUNNER '85 220SB Aft cab- avnerieneed insteilers. Incen small garage speclalUIng In) individual area. 673-zay eves. in. VHF.

DS. tabs, tandem nr abl MTtAn avB'4 In bud- tive program, exc.ll.nt earning potential. Cell for appt, aCBUl U. Benson CONSTRUCTION LABORORS 2 tnr, more. as-wa.

StTiHansuranM and ui with ii Teast yeors lori irolfda Sifam securities Investment analy-forms provided, call whhwi advertising and mar-1 keting deportment. I Send resume for Imme-1 opens opportunities for sever-alquallfled individuals. Management available In 3 to 4 months. Extensive training. Our branch managers eern years experience in general ronstruction work required n' TROJAN '44, 33 ft, twins, fwc train.

Position is full time per tor interview. Initial 1485 Palisado Wind-1 tor. Commercial Floor Spa-1 CLERICAL POSITIONS B-oiiohla and navabte open gets and DCAA audit, knowledgeable of DARS A FARS to maintain controls over pricescosts In procurement process. BS acctg. -required.

(Fee Paid). Come In or send resume to ROBERT HALF BBBtnUNBL. "Financ al A UTO MECHANIC-National emphasis on fixed Income. chain needs kPrlncd I positions reports to senior i Join positive company diate consideration. Bennett Agency, 1 Marine Perk, Haddam, Ct.

04438.345-4508 claims, eoe. -morepowered in gen, snow--vsq hotcold water, -lie tips 4, fully 87000neg, psf 33-2824 days; 541-0560 vas. able. a manent and otters good company benefits. Apply In person between am A 12 noon or between CARPET A VINYL INSTALL with knowledge of lackham-mer, compactors, working with asphalt and concrete and catch basin piping and experience working In the street.

Apply Butler Company, 121 Brake Specialist. Good pay A I agement. Starting salary low to ERS Minimum a years expert- incentive i rtna sort, is vpiy BOATS '72 Cruiser. 120HP. ings in epnvlenent Hartford location.

Prior experience helpful, CRT experience preferred. Diversified duties, excellent ing pension. iau uva. ence. Please apply in parson: Carpet Glent, 221 Brolnerd EDP 111 Purl IO.

with cut. cp, evs, full Inttm, H.D. galv. trlr, S4200 or 446-4407. Roao, narrtoro.

anieiu v. .1 n. between 3-4pm, Monday thru AUTO MECH ANIC-Transmls-1 On in mov. for personal interview call 237-7030. AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION Full tlm.

opening for a mechanic familiar with operation and CASHIER Cheese A Stuff a rap may traoe tor car. ra turn i I. brg cruiser, Ibgs hull, d.f., whf. I r. A water, slos 6.

Friday, Saturday poiween Htfd. 278-7170. AMCCOUNTANT 2 A 4 pm WMKqeys. AMES DEPT. STORES, INC.

2411 Main Street Rocky Hill, CT 04047 sions-experiencea. -xcenvm working conditions, high pay I benefits, free parking. Send resum. to: P. O.

Box 1942 Hartford, CT 06144 Attn: AP Manager. EOE MF Personnel Department NORWICH SAVINGS SOCIETY P.O. BOX 1041 Norwich, Ct. 04340 EOE COUNSELOR Fullpart-time, needed for halfway house for ex-offenders. Call 527101 for appt or send resum.

by 1025 to Admin. 134 Collins Htfd, CT 04105. EOE. COUNSELORYOUTH WORK Bam-nam. idly axpenoing natural uui-mos foods store, is now ac $17,000.

Both mint. Paul, 273- for SKIIIM person. s.ait nuw. 4089 Or 453-7494. A chellenglng opportunity for WK-Oji*z.

cepting applications for full tim. cashier. Plees call for appointment, 236-0427 EOE AAP MF CLERICAL RECORDS CLERK. S209 weekly. Pleasant downtown firm hat immediate opening.

Handl. filing, moll and aenere! Office work. powenut, on tnr, temperature and hu-1 wantea tar large wnvnimu. compass. Eves.

47M442. I to refine and melntain lob cost I a'" I previous GM ac- CASHIERS. Local convenience rl svst. analyte profits, ano pre-1 miaity I o.io it ore- isiBi i rs set 'an 94H. NavaOff-l CONSTRUCTION MANAGER-Single family houses, over SO units Including utility mains.

Send resume P.O. Box 171, West Mystic. Ct. 06388. CONSTRUCTION SUPER to assist Project Manager In Hartford A Waterbury area.

Minimum 5 years Please report on lob site, 100 Kant St. (trailer). West Hartford, Ct. 523-1214. lo.ra cast reoortt.

develop I nance "r.7jiV ill! l. lo. Duties will also ferred. In-1 wt uiniajttu w. no if keeping knowledae re ER Needed in resiaentiet institution for emotionally disturbed boys In Connecticut.

Degree in behavioral sciences preferred, but not necessary. Sports background helpful. Please send resume to: Courant BOX 02474M, Hartford, CT elude various of flee I New naven araa oana net open- quired for a position as Riven- -Vshore twin 240 Mercrulser.l pfocecures and controls I qulrwl. Hours are ty4 Transom exhaust, OOmph, excl ISi.tln billeting and partlcl-1 p.m. Monday-Friday Apply to: pSS fill flnanllil planning for al Portonne "Deportment THE WILLIAM W.

4 montht-1 year experience a must. Excellent benef its Fee a ano Ross. BUSINESS functions, we otter a tun ubii-i l1 store, uon-i start at minimum wage, apply to Chucky's Country store, 675 Wethers-field Hartford If you are looking for a higher starting wage, steady employment A career opportunities. Full A part me, ail shifts available. SttfSw Rinp bj oMrati'ons VTfl VJSSSJSi Insurance, paid vaeatronsand wnomi.gn6r 1 wmm 4 PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES-CAREER EXCHANGE, 459-1 UJro.

rapidly growing suoconrractor. WELLSCRAFT 23', '84. 200 hpl Send resume, salary require- ItELLaviinr o. aw hi avn. i ax 1 I n.

rnnlrolUr PirrtoS 'i i-try. BACKUS HOSPITAL 324 Washington Street Norwich, CT 043 EOE 3511. Jf Slon A some extras. Exc. cond.L steel Tech, 105 OldWIndsor Rd.

KSr: "aii sirTt. In CI 10514 EOE. a. I LBI1 nut tarsi na win. 0B7-5ySAMner pm.


Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Connecticut? ›

The Hartford Courant is the largest daily newspaper in the U.S. state of Connecticut, and is advertised as the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States.

Who is the new owner of Hartford Courant? ›

The Hartford Courant and other Tribune publications were sold to the hedge fund, Alden Global Capital, in 2021. Cuts to the newsroom accelerated under new ownership operating in the challenging news market.

When did Hartford decline? ›


As a result of the national recession that occurred during 1989-1992, many of the companies located in the region underwent an economic restructuring, resulting in a loss of jobs, a decline in population, abandoned housing and a blighted and underutilized downtown and commercial district.

What time is The Hartford Courant supposed to be delivered? ›

The standard delivery times in most areas are: Monday-Saturday 6:30 a.m., Sunday 7:30 a.m.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

Which US newspaper has the largest circulation today? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers. This includes more than 3 million digital subscribers as well as 649,000 print subscriptions.

Does the Hartford Courant still exist? ›

Founded in 1764, the Courant is the nation's oldest continuously published newspaper in America and the state's largest daily. Our mission is to deliver the truth every day.

How old is the Hartford Courant? ›

The Hartford Courant is the oldest continuously published city newspaper in the country; it began as a weekly paper in 1764 and became a daily in 1837. Yale University Press is a major academic publisher that is recognized throughout the world.

What is the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

How do I complain to Hartford Courant? ›

UPDATED: December 12, 2018 at 8:37 p.m. Please email your question to custserv@courant.com or call Customer Service at 860-525-5555. Originally Published: November 5, 2014 at 4:35 p.m.

How do I cancel Hartford Courant? ›

You can cancel your subscription anytime online at Courant.com/customerservice or by calling 860-525-5555.

How do I contact the editor of The Hartford Courant? ›

E-mail letters@courant.com to submit a letter to the editor. Include your full name, hometown and phone number (phone number is for verification purposes only and will not be published).

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

News Corp's business-focused The Wall Street Journal (555,182) and The New York Times (267,639) remain the biggest dailies in the US, although their print circulations fell by 14% and 13% year-on-year respectively.

Who owns the Connecticut Post newspaper? ›

The newspaper is owned and operated by the Hearst Corporation, a multinational corporate media conglomerate with $4 billion in revenues.

What is the highest circulating newspaper? ›

List of newspapers by circulation
S.no.NewspaperJuly-Dec. 2022
1Dainik Bhaskar3,566,617
2Malayala Manorama1,920,096
3The Times of India1,872,442
4Amar Ujala1,744,512
21 more rows

Which newspaper has large page size? ›

A broadsheet is the largest newspaper format and is characterized by long vertical pages, typically of 22.5 inches (57 cm). Other common newspaper formats include the smaller Berliner and tabloid–compact formats.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.