St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

-v- a fa- i KKIIUY. 8C SILOUISPQST-DTSPXTCT NOVKMHKH 2, 1973 MOTORCYCLIS 1SS DOGS CATS 202 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 251 HOUSEHOLD GOODS TOP" PRICES ANTIQUES Trivil Trailers. Cameari, iW 243 AND DA.RIiI.MO 'female fleklpolnt 81a mtii kitten, 8 weeks. 524-0600 BULTAOO Pursang, '73; 125 CC. new, make offer.

773-8835 DIRT hIKB enthusiast Interested ALUMINUM WINDOWS 180 itlonal Vehicles For S.I. tu itai wSffuT K'fiu i5 PRIME-HOUSB-SINGLB HUNG, S1DESLIDER PICTURE. RE FREE to a food home, aeveral Interested In estates with or 624-6928, 10 to vuuhk oirq qogs. imobmiv field' Irian RADIO. TELEVISION 251 COLOR TY BARGAirNB Weatlngtrause 22" w-cart $U9.

ROA 25" w-AFT 249. Sllvertone 21" $139. GE 25" $199 Also Freight Salvage Stereos MID AMERICA INDUSTRIES 10477 St. Charles Rock rd. St.

Ann, Mo, 423-3300 EWiSP. 1 CLBAR. 3-TRACK in Belonging to your own private motorcycle country clino? Bend name and address to Cycle, Box Boats Motors Aesassories 223 COMPLETE line of racing and crulalng aallbouts. Korte Sailboat SalesInc. 314-753-2100, 7i53-2674 DUCK HUNTERS! i 25 ho electric $598 Late Model 20 and 25 hp motors ROCK HILL BOAT 962-9225 BLCO, 93', all) original, 3 atate-rooma and 4 Ibunka, 5 heads, 6 flnka, 2 ahowera, Dyer Dink ma- hOKanv Dorev.

hnarrilnir alolra ktl $12.50. MANY SlZtoS IDEAL FOR IPREiIO'HT DAMAGED STEREOS Deuera, can oin-K74-V4D2 QUALITY Labrador aipe, 6 weeka AXC, 5 males, 3 lemales, 90L-3607 SMALL MALE DOG, looks Tike small Etvirllnh Aheen rifts' vpi-v Inu. Beautiful Spanish Console, huge 70" cabinet, AM-PM, iuefd haner. 8-trark iitini HOUSES. McMAHON.

3405 CHIP- av, mivniPTllBIU, mo. ttoUlY 1970, electric tart, 4005 miles fSS.dltlon' semi-chopped, $1750. 18-S33-4818 Or 235-715 riiWA, 7 73-9226 nn if- CI ICQ r. color console, $150, tenine, -onarda TV, EV 9-0700 lAVt AIRSTREAM TRADE-INS $AVE USED TRAVEL TRAILER SALE BAsem*nT BALE" "Ali. OA WnV 8t' chf' R.

rd. 423- able, tioU8broken. 727-0348 mru oat. iuv. .1.

niK NpnmM, nr. and engines In evfjlini Ani'ti. ftnPIY'i Dresser," excellent, Shrine motor, rail after 8 SEE J.C, GORDON for atereo 2831 Hampton, Large! EIo llatel in HORSES AND VEHICLES 20S onaw uaraen, juureKa RATHRinnM I.AVTMaVrrrw AUTOMATIC washer, Maytag, $80 via nni mi p.m. 391-9684 nmna CUm COMPLETE with TRIM $37.95 UD iMNRY SUPPLY 3124 Couteiu XLCH Sportster. 5000 led Vl.tkanl p-xjaco,, HORSES BOARDED We havet excellent facilities for boarding horses.

107 acres of rid- Ine area. MnriM Alan hnniFht onri '66 Air Stream 31Ft. Awning, Priced to Sell. ORIIMANN CANOES, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. JRNNlMos dKISS ojuiJiKrWM set, dining room, pole 1 11, BATTER1E8, $5 ANT UP Juat Junks Recharged 13201 Doraett 40' easto? 244 $6,150 $5,770 One of a TAKE OVER PAYMENTS Mediterranean Stereo AM-FM Multiplex tape deck, over 5' long, like new, original over $600, balance due $299, no cash down required.

Full factory warranty. Call Mr. Patch, EV 9-0700, Leonards TV '68 Air Stream 26-Ft. "Double" PLASSIFI-EJ SPECIALS: 2-Dlece riAinweAn i HOUSBROiATa-New and: used Mlv- HARLEY DAVIDSN7i73, S-w-t JejNjOUi jCustornpeJnt 432-8772 uvirw room $119,95, Set of SHURJ9TART 739-6700 or yueena in the water and renv Air Conditioned, Radio, HARLEY-Davldson, '72, 65cc, 55 to go. The Used boats aire com- Kina, aale.

Call 428-4935 CIRCLE ZH STABLES 3147 AD1E RO-AD ARABIAN grey gelding, 15.: handa. stratRht Egyptian, ver typy dial) face, great topllne ani BUMOLAR ALARMS. Why nav high price? systems, parts, Installations available. Fixture Mart wring and mattress $79.95. 36" gat range, S140.95, 10 cu.

ft. refrigerator, 41fl.9S. 5- TV electronic equipment, selling $4,695 '68 Air Stream 24-Ft. Come tee, really nice. '71 Air Stream 25-Ft IB 370 Cold tot.Ttorii!iHenT 1 70 Air Stream 29-Ft.

"Air" 1N90 Awning, Radio. Just IV, flew '70 Air Stream S4 670 Extra Nlc, Folly 53.470 '69 Air Stream 29-Ft. $6,995 Has Everything You've Ever Wanted '69 Air Stream 31Ft. "Twin 56 670 Won't Stay thlj Price Ul 4516 Easton JE 5-7128 uiutnie, Auove prices ouefter IH yrs. 524-6190 USED TV'a.

300. all" makes 2.1 tegs, nas English, Western pleas CABINET SINKS Wall bftflP. White AVncnrin nnnmh muvu nis an refer to it at lime of urrhn ure ana culling morse. tone, harvest gold. wood, metal r.e Jlcljvery.

Terms avallablp and up. Dealers Invited Muntz, 6800 Natural Bridge. EV 9-O700 Color TV inl. lOA'IR-W'AY ffnilRlSJiTITPW AOOK 1451 Chouteau FUN SHOW, Nov. 3.

Twenty class- HARLEY CHOPPER, "54, 723-1877, 925-0823 after i HARLElY-DlArVISON, 1200. 3 wheel, price $1500. 298-9520' flee. $495 full price ORI88ANT HONDA SALES 3160 N. Hwy.

140, 31-3000 NEW '73 HONDA OL 350. fully equipped, fuH warranty, S25 down. APR 12.82. full price $895 FLORISSANT 'HONTIA SALES Dr. Martin Luther Kin EV rHItnHD

In. ..1. oun lent condition. Less than 9 nun '67 Air Stream 26-Ft. "Double" $4,670 Air Conditioned, has Almost Everything.

'67 Air Stream 24-Ft. $4,670 Lots or Extras. You' Must SeeT SOME AS LOW AS $2,495 mww nine p.m., 3.uu rides In wry class. Tor Information East CoUege. 534-2293 old with stand.

$150. 383-2272. m.stij re-vuiKiuioneo. we are uie houseboat capltol of the lake. Link's Landing.

Lake of Ozarks, Oaage Beach, Mo, HOUSEBOAT, 30' Drifter "c7uiier, inboard, outboard Chrysler 318 engine, A-l, l-258-3598 Hi-MSEBOATS, new, used, traded, hauled, Joe Orossmann 727-3616 HOUSEBOAT, 1972 Burnscraf 43' loaded with extras, 867-5881 IMP, 1970, 23', 210 hp, full canvas, mooring cover, stereo tape, tandem trailer, excellent, S5850, 618-466-1863. 6odfrey 111. LARSON '66. 16 ft. 95 hp Mercury 837 Si tandem trailer, $1500.

iw-lTJJ. Oltt AlMBi KUAII DINING used. Large selection. 8-9-10 FIBER DRUMS, 50 gal. locking top and weight limit 600 good condition.

storsao and movlncr ask for Dale 1972" COLOR TV-Stereo combination. Spanish cabinet. Coat 21 2rr) ENGLISH Weatern horses, 2 thor-oughbred fllliea, lumping pros- "laruna at iu epecisity 820 Dr Martin Luther King Dr' usage, 434-2110 peciB registered quarlerhorse sell $800. 771-2795 NEW 73 AIRSTREAM CB Radios. Brownlna.

Tram. fill. oiuiuK, years, io nanoa, trained In reining, will jump and has won 5 LEFT CLOSEOUT PRICES FIREPLACE wood" for sale, small or arge amounts, Mr. or Mrs. uiov n.

nwy leu. 3i-30oo wkezer uprlKht, excellent, $90 tronix, Pierce Simpson, BIG Dis aumner, Yqj2-322B. wjn39U0 counts. Call 781-1283 fWlTQrT na.lJB FIRlEPI An nn.H, An. $14.95 un.

1 Color. 4243 i npeea evenis permanent regia-tered Apppalooaa male, 10 yeara, 15-1 handa; big yearling Appa-loosa colt, has won at national ap-Pjoved Appaloosa shows. 1974 'MODELS NOW on DISPLAY. Bank Rates 'Financing available. Open Dally 9 til Bat.

9 til 4. FLORISSANT HONIDA 9160 Hlway 140, 8311-3000 HARLEY TiAVlnfarv 1 jQPJyIjJPjJnhlg livered. 644-1856 after 6 p.m. Manchester. 652-6728 JOINTER.

Craftsman 4V." aland ruinmiuKiu, lamps, tools, many RADIO I TELEVISION WTD. 2Sf and motor, 831-7539 NAUTILINE, '70734' 225 hp aln-gle screw, many extras, trim taba, radios, am TKn UI.I1UC 2LLL JH0Ar1AS CAMPER SALES FACIYMRY 1 h.o ..1. jao. KITHHIEN nalhtnpta npw nOOLnf" COLOR TV'S, too prices paid. Mid sejl.

$300. Call collect 6993 217-346-3240 America, 423-3300 Warehouse, 15 styles '822-4100 GAS HEATEfRS, New and wed Large selection, starting at 19 til 9, 'HI A. PORTABLE and COLOR TV'e, an til 6 M.AiK1C VOITR OWN TP ATT.WP mi renin BOARDmrj, and Specialty. 20 LDt. Martin Luther condition, Men TV, EV 3-3117 Brake axle, dummy axle with eprings, four 6 ply tires with Wheels.

S150 per set. lnna! 730. TM "0 rom Old Airport Terminal Building 5217 N. Lindbergh (Bridgeton) WE WII.I. take vour discarded TV GA3 Range and Heater comfolna- HONDA.

'72, i4-months old, 9000 mllea, must sell getting married, $650. plus helmeta and Meterlc Joojsfe2-42o HONDA. "'73, 750. 4-cvllnder. 4000 EwivuSf18' "er- Cal1 tter 5J7-4392 HUJtSS anvt Mn1fllA na.1,.,.

r. Disabled veteran. 383-4084 PE 1-2217 0030 or 1-456-2555 uun. box sprmB ana mattress, rent, 244-1 Big Bend, PA 1-1591 Radio, TV Service, Rentals 240 FOR SALE; 4 privately owned MANURE, well (Pecan Shell. Wood Chips.

487-3575 OAS BTnfiVlTi la ik norses. 2 retrlfltprni jn -a "'V1C wren, eu uuaner norses. SPECIAL COLOR OFFER JnfiT SI. 99 PER DAY! HONI1A. '11 METAL Wh'iip 1-5-galted American aaddle bred, 1 OL175, good shape, VHF-FM.

Haller, depth sounder, 25' Cabin Cruiser, 1959 OWENS 30' Cruiser, twin 225 en-1674 generator' alr' 739- RA'NGER. '73 bnsa boaT-i5fr; equipped, 115 hp Mercury. SAIL BOAT Comet "classTexcellent condition, fine racing record, KLKBV vtnnum a i Sales and Rentals. 355-1347 to 9 p.m. 700 miles 6 p.m.

6091 BIG SCMEEN CONSOLE, '74 MODEL. SPANISH STYLEl EASY I Trucks, Tractors, Commercial cauiuui con. io montna oia, tsor-rel with 4 perfect white stockings. HI! rilllv milrnnfaaJ ail accessories. sieO.

Leaving MOVING out of tnwn. 3 air Condi. due Trailer 172 able also. l-6e5-5il6 and 1-665- HUSKY, '71 360-cc, 8-apeed, super clean, must sell. 846-8524 aft tloners and various household ItemB muat he anlil.

7.21.2a2fl TO RENT, OWN IF YOU CHOOSE. NO QREDIT CHECK. CALL MR. T'a NOW AT 6191 Delmar, i3i-5400 kiitohen cabinets, new 60 off. iii THREE stogie axle tratlere for p.m.

JtaiV1ieS, 022-41VU evea J01-5666 days LIVING room apt. ft Tnh. "acn" Motor, 7731444 NEW TIRRt RARGAIN.4 VW OLD ENGLISH 8HEBP DOG Pup. 863-44411, free to right home TV FIX IT Widdlcomb, unusual set, beautiful Cadillac, Master Charge, 5820 iONDA. '73, CL-350.

less than 3OU0 miles, beat offer. 776-3768 HONDA, '72, 350 Scrambler, must SAVE. Bring It In. al makes. 8824 St.

Charles Rock 426-2288 uiyiuci, mw. 04-2004 or 371 nampion, ru 2 9674, MO 4-5683 PONY mare and colt, verv srentle. new aaddle and bridle, S100. 535- llinn TRANSFERRED Muat aell '67 Oalaxle, all power, air, 2 door sedan, 966-0159 after 6:30 p.m. or week-ends.

PALLETS. NEW AND IIRRln --i wmc unci. 0-flD19 SLICIKCRAFT BOAta M'Y IRlIVBR HOME 899-0903 ATTPmejajna 22 SEWING MACHINES GOOD CONDITION, PA 6-3419 HONDA, '71 173. cood condlUon, REiGISTERED nuarterhnriiA. eplrl.

AND BOX SPRINGS. Direct from uesi uuer. vf-UOOU PIPE, plastic, A.D.S.. Ing, chestnut, flaxen mane and tall i AUTO REPAIRING, Factory. Save on Discontinued ltmS.

L. MRVRR Oor. p. lengths, perforated and non.nprfnr. VI 3-6920 ouu.

HUSKY, '71. 360 CC. 8 apeed.liu-per clean, must sell, 846-8524 aft- TRI-30NIC '71, 15' walk thru. 90 hp I-O. almost new, Cost $4100, take $2500, will trade car and finance, St Louis Motors, 3600 S.

Klngshlghway. 351-S110 fllABAim 49 A SB aeaas Ma a VI PAINTING, POLISHING 173 ding Co. 4801 Potomac, HU 1-6620 att'1, 24c per ft. Also 6" available. FREDERIC, 652-1000 2-YEAR-old Welsh pony; cart, har- SINGER SEWING MACHINES Never been used, zlg zag, monograms, button holes, seiws on buttons and much more, only $50.95.

cash terms, see at NIEOCMI DIAL'N' SEW SEWING CENTER. St. Ann, Mo. 10477 St. Chas.

Rk. Rd. 423-3300 ness, aaddle and bridle. Pony la REFRIGERATOR Range, Washer, Dryer, Deep Freejer, Gas auiumatiu iransmtsslon overhauled, quality work reasonable KAiWASiAKI. 72, 750 cc.

excellent gentle, ride or work It. TKOJAN WOOD 115 ho Bvln- POOL TABLES From $150 on ud Slate mndpla rmm a-AOA uuiiuiuun, e-xw. mioaieiorooK, mo. 546-756 riKie and trailer. I17.

vn k. KAWASAKI, 1971; 350CC, Aveng- piivea, inex.pensive, 423-6778 Power Transmission, 8710 St Charles Rock Rd. 0717 kk KIGERATOR- Freezer. GE 314-YEAR old Appaloosa Leopard RAY OBnjRoiE 3456 S. Grant PR 6-4568 Frl.

line simue, guu, wen manuereq, ituo-lbob 3 yelr W' $2' SPORTING GOODS 263 33 ft $2500, 291-1. week daya, 739- KAWASAKI. '71, 175, 3700 miles. CABIN' Cruiser, 1300 alter 5 p.r 5212 week ends FISH AOUARnilMS. 1J0 ml 2.

TRUCKS, TRACTORS. POOL TABLES REFRIGERATOR, cross-top freei: TRAILERS WANTED 174 10 stand' and all equipment plus fish, 991-2830 4 'REGISTERED BLACK GEiLD- V. OIW. Bt at-, HQ GiRanM 1970. Fiiwalsss house- RLATE TAIBLES for every Family'.

Budget 5626 Gravois Qou. otO'Oaxt MINI TRAIL No. 50 SUZUKI 434-5059 IMINCBIKE, GOOD CONDITION DEER RIFLES and misc. shotgun. or sale 355-2836 RIFLE, Browning automatic.

30-06 with variable Redfleld scope. 552-4134 boat, 30'. KKKKIGERATORS, Ranges $39; JjrooPltw rest, aell your truck to rerieci, (32-8221 inu, arnoiq, MO. 2jM-2VIa NEW 1973 1. 8 foot Comanche truck camper tAApnn List price $1400 Our price 95 2.

17'. foot trailer by Klassic (Minor hail damage) List price $3695.00 Our price 2385 3.27. foot Ambassador (Fifth Wheel) (minor hail damage) Make All Offer Many More To Choose From w.g ww. injww, XVIIO tt. ninui itou mngsniiaiwav WILL DaV JHfih frtr lal rrMrfAl 26 OWEINiS urulser," ship to shore, ceioth finder, stereo, new canpeta, new draipes.

838-I94A9 2V0-Z042 nwritKiEKATOR $30, gas range, AIRCRAFT RiAliURIOiAjD TIES Large or small quantities Klrkwood, 821-8012 21S eltruck, EV 9-0700 STAMPS AND COINS 244 waning macnine, 3B-3-3U28 OSSA 1972 etllllto, perfect condition, 939-7417 IS FOOT Fiberglass, Ball ANTIQUE AUTOS ft tmsTCST75 EVorJ? W'ASB SMfIKE TOP trailer and sails, 524-1069 RAILROAD Ties, Truck Load Lota, OAI4A. 1W iPlnonlb. 4t1.t. PARKS COLLEOB OF ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY (An equal opportunity employer an Ounces tht? foHrxwInBr innflftlrtn AUCTION-COIN SHOW Sunday, Nov.

11, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 100 lot coin auction, 20 dealera to buy. sell or trade. Sheraton Atrnort raro3i1938'e-celentcon- and RUMMAGE SALE, clothes for all, ALitty Injlivery. 314-222-3464 RUMMAGE siALE, 10-5rFriraiii 17 FT.

FIBERGLASS canoe 3.6 Scott motor, 429-1400 OBSA, 250 cc. Pioneer, very aood available January 2, 1974, Aircraft w-o. fVLnSOM, 771-0867 COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD rai. iuia, ciotnes, iurniture. miac.

Inn, Lindbergh at Highway 70. bt. main Lens nee iLTigineenrvg ia ana BUILDING MATERIALS 227 PUOH 178 MX '72 $500 iiueuet: ipius a. a. ana-or suDsiamiai Industry esoer enne.

fionri rsnm deluxe decorator furniture below 5 CARLOADS OF INSULATION I-IZJ-JIMO. IV Open 7 days a Week and salary requirements to Dean's cusi, 4-peqroorns, living room and $4.95 with fittings. Henrv Sup- SUZUKI, '72 380GT red, $500 or -f ucn acuiiunaiB, wainut ointng room, Louie Numismatic Assoc. Host, free admission GODFREY ANTIQUE AND COIN SHOW Godfrey Civfc Center, Godfrey, III. November 4, 1973, 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m.. Free Admission mw, QAJ.AJ. waouieau. 9rt J-svoo rarics uoueRe, nil-nolB 62206 3 with foil back, 5c per so. ft.

3" Chalnllnk fenc- Der 42" 25c per 48" 35c npr rt ana.i.lnn er 3:30 occassional tables, bedding, room dividers, 11508 New London, Westchester Estates, near Ladue and O0IRD. 1966. Replica of 1936 CdlnidmojSTjl-eiOSj" FORD. '44 with 454 Chevy engJneT 4-peed, power steering and brakes, air, custom paint Job, air shocks, Olda rear end with 456 $6000r parts. 433-4163 '29 ftae excellent body.

$2500. 878-FOIBD. New complete, S59-95: also SUZUKI, '72, T9 250 S695 Flight training, through Cessna 1n- teEratpd flitrhT nriurmm nn.RRA xw Harvest cold. avonAdn. plywood.Jx $3.95, tf' underlay-ment plywood, 4x8, tongue and grooved, exterior glue $7.50.

Plas oanas oat. anq sun. only 10 a.m, p.m. SUZUKI, '70, TC-90 $280 KAWASAKI 175 $500 426-1625 lyne, wnue, special promo PROOF SETS FOR SALE Miller 521-5448 Alrwava, Spirit of St. Louis Alr-nort.

532-4558 Mr. terboard 4x12. S2. RAlli-nart SOFA and chair, recently reuphols- mlMMTlVfl WW.T. 1 0vO rl.nn.

SUZUKI IPM 250, MX. condition, never racedt $635, 832-6751 ties, $3.50 each. Rraif ahlncl EtLIB Share-3 airplanes, 6 seat in wown learner iook vinvl, 5513 Pump, st)U. 638- SUZUKI, '72, 400 MX, must sell, at 'CI q-anq up. koii roortng 1.50 per roll nri nn,n.

$200. 225-7746 W1U1 power steering. air. restored, a. cutyiawK.

Laoaaea rot larK. USED PAT.T.KTfl fnr boIa 411 831-7352 STBMOS and TVs, moving, must 171Ant-ulJ. 1 -tljS-O-Ai. 1 TRIUMPH, '72 BonnevIHeT factory limn Dnn rtrnrt 61S-227-8869 Beckemeyer, 111" $1 each. $1.25.

See us also for galvanized roofina and nlillnc Al.n Call Mon. thru before 0 a m' PROIIECT your savings, buy 99.9 pure silver coin and bullion. IMCMlnt JJonp. 838-9572 coin auction, 150 lots, 1 p.m. Nov.

10, 1973. We buy, sell and appraise all coins and stamps. Top prices paid. Joseph's Coin ok lerms, itieyqe fiitfu. OA-WVOV Sr af.ioo a1em- aiyytlme Sat.

or lYl-07aa ROEOERER AVIATION-1 now located on Spirit Airport, Charters, canto, flleht lnstiutfon. round selection of other ferrce wire Chonoer. Call TRIUMPH, H96-1112 VA MH Kl.rnVaj Big selection. Cordes, 867-5000 schools, rentals and leasing, 532- Trucks, Tractors, Commercial CONTINUED FROM rw BUY JOHN On Old Chain of Rocks Road. art of Highway 3.

Granitl CttV. I nncrt rialli, Q-O In Ort Mned, gas and electric, some TRfUMPH. '71, 250. 1700 miles. snop, Qg-ua Hampton, 481-0770 WARIDRORE.

fi' knock down. TS. Trailer nj nxjw. wii jj-aiii auer r.2H. WHEAT Penny 0946, make offer.

ANTIQUES ger wood, Inquire 12tti and Victor Henry Supply 3124 Chouteau 217 JAGUAR, '60 Mark 3.8 liter sedan, automatic transmission, completely restored, new rebuilt engine, new Interior, mechanically daork blue' 1350' 21-1833 after 6 p.m. IS'SSri "ceUentTondltton. 50 00iLJfctual ies, best offer over $200. CaH 7276184 U'OUAR, 1949 Mark V. collector's gem, must see to appreciate.

Excellent condition, 878-6198 1-618-797-0533 TRIUMPH MOcc, very good condl- iiuitieuiiuiiery 00X2511. HI. 1.0U1S PAGE 12B t-Acrosfl irom Mo-Pac Yards) nr in WE NEED in maU NTiTO flr.vol HOLMES WRECKER DTMBUTOR 74 Ford 1-ton 440 Wrecker ,74 Chevy 1-ton 440 wrecker 74 Ford 1 4An u.spba. WASHER, dryer, $45 STAMPS COINS WANTED 245 also TVs. BV 2-7796! YAMAHA.

'72, 360 Enduro. like new. low niiltpaiTe. DRYWALL (2 Trailer Loads), damaged, usable, all 4x8 4x10, 4x14. 4c sq.

ft. Fire-code 5C HQ. ft Rin.lpr A. 6nn portable buildings, 7x10, 8x16 and BETTY ROBERTS Presenta Her ANTIQUE SHOW and SALE SAT. ft NOV.

lO ft 11 SAT. 12-10 p.m., SUN. 10-6 p.m. BUYING SILVER COINS WASHERS and DRYERS. $35 XK- 5.e aei'Very.

win finance. YIAMAHiA. '70. 175CC, good condl- ai w.ti.. n-i riw-uiia Imports, Sport Cars and Compacts For Sale eaco.

Kuaranteeo. jonn 8-5M44 Wrecker bodies available for Immediate delivery. Leasing and Fi ntiuwi otiiiiiisa, aio. 4011-ObbO SEE LARGEST COLLECTION OF ITOA BALANCE, of furniture must ko. MISCELUNEOUS WANTED 252 YAMAHA, '71 250 MX, excellent nancing.

MILLER 8511 LA SALLE CADILLAC. 1940. FURNITURE, QUALITY GLASS dining room set, gas range, air '73 TOYOTA CfiRnr r.i vunuiuun, rarely usea, also 3 bike LUMBER, 2x8 tongue and groove $87235'WC bard O-ITKia WTn A T.T. ftTM.rv-a aDrvn ujavuia, (32-020 oonoitioner, and misc. items.

Sat. CASH. 7007 "foK-OTAA PAYINO cash for hulk silver, gold, other coins, Scotchman's Coins, 1425 Chambers Rd 521-7848 STORE, OFFICE, RESTAURANT AND BAR EQUIPMENT 266 TRUCK SALE 1 950. 1 71 a rtinnr ana 4533A VUALJ uwi unci. lo-doa b2 13 PHPI Traj-lrtra Inn.

u.V.a.1 A- TlX l.II-MRKP A. fiimnlv nn rjrujrAiYKi- i a im tv limn nv E.nn WARE AND ANTIQUES, ETC. AT THE HILTON INN I103O0 Natural Bridge Road (ACROSS FROM THE AIRPORT) MOVING, Must sell. Shag rug, air 6706 St. Charles Rock Rd as'i.

aiiuii. 0io-aHl-5aUB. 4 cylinder, body rust free, engine food running order. All o-lsinal. Good condition throughout.

Best of- base trucks, van trucks, gas and diesel farm trucks with grain and conditioners. sewlne machine KARTS, ENGINES, PARTS, SALES SERVICE 4550. New 2 4, 8' 75c each wanted, Original Oil Paintings 187 Admission $1.00 (Good Both Days) chest of drawers, plexlglas shelving, small appliances and other tci mc, oux n-2oi. ocas, finance Wholl3A P.rB Walr-nm.

.1 K( Ot SALE, heavy duty atoraee build- oy i. ixmis artist Zenno Owens, nOW will a mlnUnn, "1600" DELUXE 2-DOOR Deep gold finish with matciilng bucket seat grained full vinyl Interior, air conditioned, AM-FM radio 4 speed transmission, only 5xxx mllea on this peppy economical bffut' Jurkey gift certificate too. Stock No. C10-796 $2495 LINDBURG CADILLAC 2350 Market at Jefferson 241-6803 OFFICE FURNITURE Floor samples, crate marred and USed. WOOd And atppt rtpelra ann CO KARTS.

BUY, SELL, TRADE PART3 and REPAIR, 771-0141 items, asi-advo delivered, terms. Morgan. Clair, South Roxana, Illinois, efs- ANTIQUES and COLLECTORS' FAIR MERCDDES BENZ, 1908L, '60 best offer 878-1767, after 6 p.m. WTLT.Y9 AITJPiri mini of $100 and up to $500 for any ii.n Manchester l-103l WANTED: PRIVATE PARTY ohairs, files, Bofaa. tables, we de auuienuc OUS.

BOX ANIMALS, LIVESTOCK 200 STEEL structural rnn 80 DISPLAYS ON TWO LEVELS neena nana maae oriental rugs. liver. 8. ADAMS 2nd floor, 10th and Olive rn 1-1U37 SUNDAY, NOV. 4 Time 11-5 AT PICKUP TRUCKS 40 TO SELECT FffiOM $285 UP tlon, 24,000 actual miles, best offer.

1-273-5126 clear span building, 75x140 ft $21,000 (618) 235-4572 BARN Ridinir fnr nnnollln. will 9 PIECE solid walnut dining room CREVE COEUR COUNTRY OLUB pick un. 469-3401 FALL SPECIAL New and used horse trailers. 2-home and 4-horse. Call 618-498-3697 AcNGITR CATTT.K.

tum revfalani, Bel SLvnet. komq ironp.n Tnnmp 36X28. 2 STORY white nlnp h.i-n 988 RUE DB BANQUE WE SERVICE WHAT WE 9BIJ, aroo ieai -taoie, STERN FIXTURES 800 N. 7tb, St MUSICAL FOR SALE 253 At 11900 OLIVE Near 1-244 built In early 1900's most freme-work 44's, floor iolst 2xl0's, rat- TOYOTA-Volvo DAVE MUNGENASTS ST. LOUIS TOYOTA-VOLVO Area's Oldest Tovnt nnai.r 5320 Lemay Ferry rd.

487-2085 Travel Trailers, Campers, Recreational Vehicles For Salsl80 PICKUP TRUCK TOPS 150 In stofk. an" Rhnti tt-i 74 qa HOUSEHOLD GOODS WTD. 244 Creve Ooeur, Mo. (W. St.

Louis Co.) BEAUTICIAN EQUIPMENT aalp 532-314 PIANOS AND ORGANS lVour-iT Taorl IF YOU IN TvmuT aunooaroa is" wide, for rustic decor, $1000, CALL WEBER 535-1460 Now Areas Newest Volvo Dealer! Call 863-3653 after 5 p.m. You don't know what tvne of Iniflr student Pianos, rebuilt from $195 TOP CASIH TODAY DOGS CATS shell $180, 25" all aluminum' wit 202 PU'R'FjO'U'PfHH FT An1 nnatlna to buy? Call the truck expert, Bob Dining room-bedroom sets, living wr i le rlano 5695 aivc auvaiuaise oi over 7 years, Import Car experience Now! ST. LOUIS TOYOTA-VOLVO FOR B.AILE CARVED WOODEN GOTHIC OLD CHURCH WOODWORK Altera ConfesIonRla Ommunlon FRiail Carved Panels chine, used. Call 771-61O0 CAMERAS WANTED 230 "anS leP) 495 KimbnII t'Mn nurae windows $179. 30" ll with lights $219.

36",H HneH onrf nan. YATES-STEVENS FORD Lindbergh 894-2121 ADORABLE PET LAND 8372 Hwy 66 849-0342 PUPPIES Poms, Yorkles, Amer. 10340 Manchester 822-9300 CASH for your camera. lOrojector or trade. HARPER'S, 2812 Suttor.

uinaii, j-ercuaaion S299 DESK, metal office, chairs, adding machine, copying machine. 838-6415 or 429-6609 eled, with lights $229. 36" walk-In 73 TOYOTA fMna fit nnM -ui. rovm iurniture, ainettes, antiques china cabinets, secretary desks pianos, oriental rugs, and paintings One room or entire lot 394-1056 Sundays or Eves BILL FISHEL'S CAREFULLY REMOVED i-uwrev ooinei urgan. wialnut $399 Hammond R-3 Ann, snpairp.

aoia. Eskimo, Poodle, Maltese, Peke A iffi. r00'' eondltioned, stick shift, mag wheels, showroom with removable door, $289. Fiberglass tops, $329 and up. (Price Includes mounttne.

ftnpflnl IaoIop ALL MODEL3 1 TO 10 TONS DISPLAY rAntlT, llkp nan, T'T GOOD CAMERAS and Equipment. St. Louts Photo 3400 Llndell KBADY FOS BAII.E TO THE PTmLTC cordovoxs, new-used, from $399 TRUCKS A 721-240, weekdaya 717 S. Vandeventer Beautiful for restaurants, Bou lAiiAiKa Muaiu nousis TWO TonATrnws oui. pncea xo sen SOUTHLAND PORSCHE Airrw FR 1-1750 discount on 2 or more CALL ACTIVE PA 5-1604 tiques, motels, new snooolne cen five Hallmark card cases, 1 metal card rack, 2 Barton refrigerated candv cases.

Cnv tii-hb rr, BUY JOHN On Old dlflln nf Ttnflem r-ri ryu. uananea. ret urooming all Breeds. 'Masterchange. Terma Bargains and Supplies Tropical, gold fish, aquariums, stands, sumps, filters, others, SoOo ipet Items, 3021 Olive AMERICAN Eskimo Soltz.

41). NEW '73 CHEVROLET -TON 12.FT. STfiP VAN ters, call for lnsnection! AALTV) MORE CASH, bedroom, dining room, china tAhlnpra. apnrotaru COAL, WOOD. FUEL Oil 233 FIREPLACE wood, seasoned oak, 776-4266, 961-13i48 3435 S.

Klngshlghwey 832-5400 TOYOTA, '70, Corona, 2 door Sunset Hills Plaza 966-6188 Lindbergh and Hlway 66 Flower Valley Center 839-3309 Cltv. 111. 1-618-797-0533 WRECKING 231-3255 350 V-8, with full opening rear Mo, 314-438-2081 iui in aw new nana rerry GIODFREY ANTrnriE ANID COIN nnnw REPOSSESSED 7i3 E. DORADO mini mnlrn. hnnu n-RmiBH 'ITlprnivrltp.

nAnn.ll uiiiiuuva. raieriRera-tors, bric-a-brac, 1 piece or com- ilete houseful, also estate, digressed and m.Mhn. FARM MACHINERY. Supplies 235 naroiop, tnicK aMft, air conditioned, AM-FM, low mileage, In excellent condition, priced to sell SOUTHLAND POiRSCKE ATITil 3 Vra. Old.

nail Thnmnn a $3795 FELD CHBViRMJnT PIANOS ORGANS 18-ft. low mlleaze. elen S.S7fln Godfrey Civic Center, Godfrey, 111 ivittiw a. 652-3525 white beauties. 3021 Olive BEAGLE3, registered and non registered.

KOOd broke riot's and nnna 7700 MAINCHE8TER 645-4353 discount for cash dlse of all kinds novenuoer 1W73. a.m. to No One Can Undersell Our Quality hi, IBM ELECTRIC typewriter, ami 3435 S. Klngahlghweiy 832-5400 p.m. CALL PA 5-1604 ANYTIME BOLANS tractor, 8 6 feet, as.

b. tmomas Recreational Div. 275 Lemay Ferry Rd. 631-5600 33 USED TRACTORS, JD 4430. nS' 4120' R20.

i020. 4010 3020 3010, 2010, 1020, S30, 720 TO 60. IH 1466. 1066, 125B. 1206, 806, 560, M.

IFORD 5000, 6000 14 TTSRSn rnWRlMffo 434-4708 condition, 966-0188 after 6 p.m. Free Admission WE BUY uiuwer ana raiaae, YUU, SitW-9551 BEAGLES nuns, S'lOi Opr. TRAVEL tratt.ehs" OHEJVRjOff.l5yr '77 U. inn OFFICE FURNITURE BRAUN OAIJLERrBS 015 Olavton antlmte And es man Sheperd pup, $20. JA 4-3963 If you have furniture tools, appliances for sale.

Call OVERLAND, 426-0846 or V-8, automatic, power steering! tate tewelrv. nhl.nji Allvor fnt TOYOTA, '69, white, clean, new toesLalr1A-l, 878-4640 TOYOTA. '73 Corolla. 1600, red. 4-speed, must sell.

527-2364 TR 6. '71. roadster, driving lights. AM-FM. new Ures, brakes and clutch.

$2995. 618-476-36199 BOSTON TERRIERS. Floor sampuM, crate marred and USed. WOOd ami AfPBl ripalna ann AKC, 7 CORNHEADS. JD 6600.

4400, 65, 55. 45. fll.EAMKH III Vfl NOMAD CiPEE TRI-SHATE 14 ft. 22 ft starting at $1095, fullv equipped PROCTOR SATJTM air, camper, shell, one owner, Owned and Operated Store DOWNTOWN ONLY WE HAVE NO BRANCHES BALDWIN PIANO ft ORGAN CO 916 OLIVE ST. 421-4370 Park Free on Ltgihted Lot vuiiks.

diir. riimii.nrp. pii. 429-3383 or 429-0137 weeks, TE 7-0536 iw.uuu miies. new.

S3195 OTLEAJIY AfHrlilNnni-TW BRlAIW GAJLLERIES, 10315 3320 Lemay Ferry Rd. 487-2085 uiavron Ku. AAA PRICES PAID for furniture. CALL BRASCH JE 1-3314 CHEE-POOS puppies (half Chihuahua, half Toy Poodle), 296-2117 chairs, files, eofaa, tables, we deliver. SGAIXMScaioth and Olive NAT DON Ail.

fhpnlnnn, r.nh 10906. St. Charles Ed. PE 9-1200 300. 410.

IH 101. Have Cornheads from 6-row 30 In. to 2-row 38 In. to fit above combines. FWAIOE EOUIPMENT.

JD 34 kZW' 12 2-row, GiEHiL 2-row. FOX 2-row. IiH 1-row. Have In 1973 CHEVY Van 20, 350 4-speed, LOVE ALL CAMPER MART DISCOUNT CENTER Campers. Trailers.

Mlnl.UnmM bu ueninq our more TOP DOLLARS paid. 1 piece or the whole house. Farley, 3845 Ohio. 664-5831 or 865-4368 miiy snag carpet interior, many TR4 '67, Roadster, low mileage, excellent condition, fully equipped, $109b SOUrilHLA'ND POIRSOHE AUDI 3435 S. Klnigshlghway 832-5400 2950 N.

Lindbergh 739-0900 24,000 miles. ME 1-9061 200S bottom cheap. 781-'4785 PUBLIC AUCTKJN1 Nov. 3, 1973. Rain or Community Building at Atrport in Jlsmarck.

Mo. Hundreds and hundreds of items! OLD ST. LOUT Sat. and Sun. 11 to 5 11 to 7 aioca new tobby forage waeons.

erf key 2 open Tyler freezer box, 30' Huasmann 3 deck dairy case, open display. 20' counter display box, upright 2 door freezer display box. 4 counter nnalm. ipv urMi tin CHEVROLET. '69.

1V4 tons. 8 ft. hahco continuous Flow and AIR conditioners, refrigerators, freezer, washer, stoves, By HIGH PRICES paid for Sth WHF.ET.P-RS ysBn ORGIAN TBUCKLOAD SALU FROM xi ax itd CHIHUAHUA, male, 4 months old, all ahots, housebroke. 868-1629 OOLLIES. AKC, pups, wormed, shols.

$50. adults, males, and females, $75, ell are sable and white, call 618-347-5511, Browns-town, Illinois COLLIES, AKC, male, lMyean, female 6 months, ahots, 1-217-587-3491 stake body, automatic, radio, low naicn iirHin nrvpra mileage, under warranty, good Largest selection in the St. Louis area, from $3995 SYDEN STRICKER JOHN DEERE Hwy. 54 South Ph. 581-5900 nnnlrpa i.

6 via p.m. small uots. Alamo, wiii rnvinm. 8W JWRTH THIRD 621-9630 A-i oju ur riA -joow eves. mexico, mo.

65265 rnuuivtt BAJLiES Rd. 487-2085 CHEVROLET, '73, Pick up, ton. VW, '71 BUG NO MONEY DOWN JUST MAKE PAYMS'NTS Like brand new) Automatic-stiok. air, runs absolutely perfect, Forest Green, $1375 or $45.06 for 36 months. 11.08.

Call Oliver for fast free credit check. WILL ipav prices forViVrnltiiro S. f'5t8 and consoles. Buv rten8. K' Hammond qffiav Exclusive IN STOCK, v-iicjwhi, an, mil ui, new John Deere 244, 443; 444; 643 Corn onaunplus merchandise, call 429- or wr-sbu 343: 344; Heads COLLIiE male.


CHEVROLET '73 u.lnr. Poari n. TYPEWRITERS, IBM electrics, completely reconditioned by IBM. guaranteed, call 727-3536, ask for Chuck TYPEWRITERS, 2 IBM Execu-tlves, 1 1972 model, long carriage, like new. other 1969 model, good condition, call Pat 621-O780 uuu cjcb, lliusb BC1I, HM-ailQn JEWELRY ft DIAMONDS 245 i'cki Power, radio, 15.0C miles, $2500, FL 2-5359 DACHSHUND puppies, tiny mlnla- BEDROOM SSTTS, chifferobeg, wardrobes, chairs and single dresser pieces, 40 yeara old and older, between 5-6 p.m., 427-1224, between 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

PA 5-4498, no dealers Pt.FA MATOKFT VFW hallO West FWrlsaant, Antiques collectibles Nov. 3rd ft 4th Dec lt A 2nd. free admission Sat. 12 to 5 nn. 1 to 6, space available.

25rr6jHWY. 140 838-8500 PIANOS KEMPER y0U Play 1971 SOUAREiRArnK- lures, AIVU, ou, A-528-7Witt 73 Chevrolet Mntorhnme. fnllt. CHEVY, '69, 1-ton, duals, 4-aoeed New IHC NO. 327 Three Row Save $2000.

Our Price $1875 New 4030 and 4230 Diesel John Deere Tractors We trade, Finance, Free Delivery Brlght Red, Black Interior, Stick, DOBERMiANl PINSOHElR PUP- self-contained. 731-3931 BULOVA 23-fewel watch. JEWELRY, DIAMONDS WTD. 244 ricij, pure oreo, uan 231 RESTAURANJ vr lane 1116 lessons, spinet ulpment iDEBRECHT St. Louis Oldest Import Dealer DIAMOND mlnihoma, '73, 50,00 miles.

fllllV PflllinnAri. nnlunfA nun. CHEVY, '63, 2speed, 16' flatbed 2720 MARKE 0(40 CHIPPEWA 481-4318 ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel pub 534-8000 8510 Highway 66 843-4661 er, 39 0826 i-uuiie vuiieui; l.lll 004-3214 SMITH EQUIPMENT COMPANY BOX 117 OARLINV'ILLE, ILLINOIS 62626 iV U111UI iruCKl AlK'NO, nlV, gox-AtlQ Kxx'EipriONiAL value: used Bald. ifia it. IMMEDIATE CASH PAID for DIAMONDS and ETAT LORDO'S DIAMONDS RICKENSOHL, INC.

231-4250 fSS' GERMAN SHEPHERD, at stud, GREYHOUND, '52, 4102 model, new die8el engine, new tires, strlnoed In malip mtn. hnMa '69. 1-ton. duals l.nn OLD POLLS WANTED 432-3744 ANTIQUES WANTED 218 10 Insulated body with refriaera Sieger background to approved JEWELRY $5506, 739-9674 iiiui. wum ui i-jj at exit '70 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN, $50 OWN Cash price $1095.

36 payments of $33.61. Total deferred S1206.86. A.P.R. 12.82 NORTHGATE VOLKSWAOEN tion, like new. Arno, 1915 N.

9th umpires oniy, can 618 Olive St. STAN KANN MUSIC CENTER 10806 Lincoln Trails Hwy. Falryiew He'ghts, 111. JOHN DEERE '72 4320 tractor, 580 actual working hours, 23.1 rear tires, roll-over bar and canopy, excellent, 618 281-5878 eve. JOHN DEERE '62 39 hp tmrtnr 1972 LANmrR rnmnln GEtMAN SHEPHir.Rnq.

r. OHBVRIOILET. '73, -ton Fleetside 21'. aelf contained. 343-9481 Longworth Bloodline, Pedigree in- pickup.

asM-ayau VARITYPBRS Standard-DSJ, 544-4553 tS 3 deck produce caaiT Sheer Gillette, witibout compres- lll00, WlU dellver' caM 217" WANT machines S350 nh p. MACHINERY AND Muu.Tr, o-j. jnr. isny BALDWIN ARTISTSAtiir front loader, $1500, FL 2-5359 U766 Irfwis AClark 74.1-01.10 ciuaes is unampions. 389-9047 GERMAN shepherd.

10 fe CHEVY. '66. coffee PTlmW. rnMrKl piano stools, art glass table lamps, old olK rni-na dining tables wanted. PA 5-1604 OALL WEBER, 55-1460 TOP CASH TODAY Cut glass, furniture, china, oriental rugs, Jewelry, ipalntmgs Vi -ton pickup INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 247 fj and Organs, lowest prices with male.

S15. Must have fenced varR. STARCRAFT, '73, tent camper, Bleeps 8, like new, many extras, $2350, will sell for $1695. Call 227-1001 SUPERIOR molni- hnmn 1 ft 1 camiper shell, '63 Ponfiac GARAGE SALE 237 VOLKSWAGEN. '70 Poo-TOD Camoer, $2495 a QUALITY yOLKSWAGEN' 4315 S.

Kingshlahwav VE 2-7600 stlCK emit, vciy Buuu cnnaren. w-looa formation call 291-1000, Ext 215 3i6Francola, Flortssinr AOrjUSWC 370. $600381f)fT: CHEVROLET, '68 pickup with tool GERMAN SHEPHERD male CallJAi 1-4159 year old, 19,000 miles, 'sleeos 'e Deq, air; ii unevroiet pickup, air. STORE, OFFICE EQUIP. WTD.

257 room tW5o GREAT DANE DUDDtes. fawn, full under li2.000. 1-7333, 6209 Gravois nfua-mou gunqay anq ENTIRE ESTATE ORl 1 ITEBlT 966-0244 OR 965-3968 clal $995 as 18 SDe' a Jy AWTY VOLKPWAOEN 4318 S. Klng8hlghway VE 2-7600 mask, Camelot litter mates, extra '73, ElCamino, TRK'a tlVn nes I nnn reverD, CHEVROLET, 61.8-526-4708 WANT TO BUY, Cummlray electric llsi' )0sg" 0811 1' WHEE1L CAMPKR a vuuv. ou-llTOB AJSSUPB-THORP AUCTION CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ft QUARRY EQUIPMENT HICKS QUARRY OAm RAMSEY.

ILLINOIS ST Nfiy-lMBhR 3. 10:30 A.M. SALE SITE: Southwest side of T246l8 tS' Pnone: 61 flrirn? "XifKlSi, ORl-WLER LOADERS, QUARRY TRUCK'S TSffi? oscTS TAG BATEMENT Sale. Nov. 2nd.

3rd. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clothing. Formats, rugs, antiques, air conditioner, refrigerator, baby equipment, 7415 Amherst SOUTHWESTCOUNTY BAsem*nT Nov.

3. lb a.m. to 4 2336 Laclede Station Rd. 1 block north of Manches- large orea tor size, color and temperament, financing and layaway BICYCLES 221 CONSOLE Kranlch ut Hies, ftja-4D CHEVY. '70 ton pickup, extras, low mileage, Extra VW, '70 bus, clean IlRsn 8-FT.

OVER Pah Irilnlr nannnn. avaiiaum, vno-ajM, LOANS 296-8722, 296 i-0306 wainut. list $1200. sale 7nii 281 SCHWINNS. Bov's 26' speed.

Bleeps four, must sell. 1-623-4483 IRISH SETTERS. AKC, females, giwrninn nano KM. 4-23-6700 Girl's 26" 2 speed, 1-723-540: 'V, MODEL Pick up Camper; '7 NiEElD Will inav hlah InTnT. NORTHLAND HONDA 1201 8.

Florissant 524-6667 17-FOOT. 8unnl laaa rnliv uacu iwive. iV SCHWINN bicycle built for 2, with '73 brand new COR.VEITTE, '69. T-Coupe, 350, 4- aou, males 6U. 314-624-5Z21 LHASA APSO PUPS, AKC, perma nent shots, paiier trained.

PA 7-8326 conUined, hot water, ahower. 965-35'x8' TILT out-room cnlnr TV Kiqqie eeat, nae new sacruice $100, 894-2564 1470. Calljietween 6 and 7 p.m. apeea, nice, vaiuu or offer. 487- WEST COUNTY est.

Box 208 IP-m -FINANCING, BUSINESS LOANS KiN snowman amp and Boats Motors Accessories 223 air-conditioning. 1-618-931-1539 LHASA APSO, beautiful white DATSUN '73. nlcknn lr an" u-ui, siieaaer cabinet, 781 4785 mai. 7 weeKs. aleo others.

7C6- VW '67, fastback" as Is, special, QUALITY VOLKSWAGEN 4315 Klngslhlghway VE 2-7600 VW '69 CAMPER, very clean, condition $2395 CONTINENTAL CARS 997-0800 VW 1972 Super Beetle, "green AM-FM rad.o. 21,000 miles, excellent OARAGE flAtLE, Sun. 10 to 4. Clothing, furniture, antiques, toys, 4 families. 47 Branford Olivette 74 TRAVEL TRiATIjlOP 2tv faln.


high cover, excellent condition, 'S2T500, 1-618-877-2319 rV air. mm PYtn-aa mo aj.ll GUITAR, 19-73 Crown, $75, excel- IHf ESTMENTS 282 mediately, 887 Chain Of Rooks Garden ft Lawn Supplies, Lawn ASSISTANCE WITH LOANS granite Ully. 111. MO Or BV2-241AS LHASA APSO and SHIH TZTj; breeders and pups, AKC. 621-3401 MALTESE PUPPIES, lovely, AKCi shots.

966-8354 RLADEt. MAMiMER MILLS, BENCH GRINDBRa DOU- a.m. to -5 p.m. Cloaeu Mon. Bali-boats only.

New boata In stock for you to see. Boat Show specials. Cabin sailboats, Venture 22 ft. Portager 22 ft. Venture 23 ft.

Mowers Sales, Service 239 225-7745 with case. AFTER 6 P.M., 337-47SS 11. nft r-Aflnann. l.ln. 1970 F-600, 1971 F-750.

1971 opSb. DRILL wuuiiyii1.iaio.a;-0b4 VENTURE CAPITAL Sound hllSlnPM n.nlnn,. un-700. AH In good condition with n.wiiic, i.v,vw llllieo, MDD-iU W. POP-TOP.

'7 er.llonl INTERNATIONAL Cub Cadets, 74 models at 5 over cost COUNTY EQUIPMENT 338.5441 71 OVER THE rAP riupnD OLD ENGLISH sheep pup. show 'zywnin unri-s, UKNTRa- svr pAps, MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT JJ'lon, low mlleaee. best offer. Call HAMMOND T-200 series Splnnet prean with Internal In.aH.T55S: Aquarius, 23 rt. Coronado 23 ft.

Helms, 25 ft. Day Sailers and one Design Chrvaler Bucaneer IB ft. 14652l8i RISK CaPltal avnllehla fn. wik axies. au or write sieve Nos-scr Ford 4300 Broadway Qulncy, III.

62301. 217-222-8400 quality, pick of litter, .15 weeks. 'cua 1, OJQ-loa 'or turtner Information contact 72 MODEL Dlr-knn rnmnp. umoA HEATING EQUIPMENT 241 1750 Mutineer 15 ft. Man-O-War 15 ft.

vw '71 Convertible, automatic, DUMP TRUCK twice, IV 7-6982 Zftmes expanrton Tot 15 slnS amounts unlimited. Call for appointment 731 Ttqo k. o-n mi-ATM alter '64 GMC Tandem, new engine, So. ffi'2'ue tof' 2-450 ixupmn 17 ft. Dolphin Br.

14 ft. 6 In (Dolphin 13 ft 2 In FURNACES Counterflow go.oiio RTTT ginn. oun. an oav Travel Trailer Parking Space 182 SbJ-tltttHi OLD ENGLISH sheepdog ipups. AKC, 'payments available.

1-853 2287 OLD ENGLISH sheep dog pup, free to right home. 863-6696 Kooq' urea, tjw, ooy-lwla ijvvestnientconsultanU Corp. HAMMOND organ, RT2, with cafol- EL CAMINO, '70, stick 6, good gas VW '70 Camper bus, pop up top, excellent condition, mini Snark Industry Flower Fleet Sunflower, Wildflower, Mayflower and Mach II. It's time to nrdpr nahin also Celling Units new-closeouts. Henry Plumbing Supply, 3124 Chouteau CAMPERS, trailers, motor homes, boata, $5 mo.

296-2900. 843-3820 murage, oifl-u alter AUCTIONEER: Herman Behm, Phone 414-862-2892 THORP ON THE SPOT CREDIT fR'e Managed bv THORP SALES 715-669-5551 predate 524-3264 VENTURE and expansion capital? of mputerlzed sources venture and expansion capital also sale lease-back, "--nai. $1800, W--5592" anaDencn-HAMMOND Spinet Organ. Model M12. walnut finish, 6 years old.

like new. TE 1-3484 (WiARK Pimples, fish, aquariums, sallboata for spring 1974 delivery to your specification. We represent '70 W. Pop Top Camoer $2495 Airto Parts and Tires, Auto euppiiea, oiscouni pncea. grooming all breeds, some eves.

'73 FORD F-100 PICKUP 360 V-8 engine, weit coast mirrors, wheel covers, step bumper. Luroiiaao uoiumoia venture 4315 S. Klngshlghway VE 2-7600 UUKUON SCOTT CO. INC 007 rioutnn oa Izr.i'ivz: BPTRr.T,AT" Air Conditioners For Sale 183 LOWBRY" OZARK PET 3210 S. Grand 1 year old ASOO Oil furnace and tank, 1st offer.

291-6329 NEW GAS furnace, 100,000 BTU, $114.95. Can furnish duct work, Instructions, Installation If desired. Central air low as $325. Roberts, 621-4873 Aquarius-Helms Portager. Bank financing available.

Free refresh ORGAN, ssoo VOLKSWAGEN. 71 Puoer Beetle" whltewall Urea, $2650. Call Bob, gtLouls, MiirTSAn RIGO'S AUTO VINYL TOP PEKINGESE puppies, AKC, 1 'ow mileage, good. $1475, 962- ments. Korte Sailboat Sales 1-296-0471 maie.

2 lemaie, 645-8147. 9 to 9 YATES -STEVENS FORD zuui Olive Street Doctors of Vinvl TnnnlnD-v 1125 LeFalvre. Portaep Dea Sioux. POINTERS, registered bird 10340 jMancheater 822-9300 vw, '72, Super Beetle. A-I5J-21UU anw 1-753-2674 WDS PROPOSALS WANTED 286 INSTTR lKTi-10 nmi. special Fall Rates on Vinyl Top D28-case like new. 450, 428-8600, McMurray, 10201 Page ORGAN. 1973 Kimball Entertain good hunters, $25. 868-9075

wairamy Kept. 7I2-U4q NEW FURNACES ALL SIZES SLIGHTLYPAMAOBD. 96a-8279 House Calls Made for Installation. Estimates. CATERPILLAR D-7 Cable Doier ood- wUh Kooi TRACTOR 5930 N.

Lindbergh 73M330 nn nrERP EOUIPMENT Hoe Diesel, $4995 340 JH Crawier Loader, gas, runs good, $3495 CAT D-7 lx7Pr CAOjikn POMERANIAN pups. 1A1KC. X7S. SEASON CLOSEOUT ON ALL NEW '74 WINNERS oraeiop. er.

X7IIII PTnpllant nnnnlHnn A VW, '70, BUS, radio, mileage, good condition. Sood gai 1-5656 Show quality, 824-8579 '73 FORD F-100 PICKUP 360 V-8 engine, west "coast mirrors, wheel covers, atep bumper, whltewall tires, $2650. Call Bob Gray YATES-STRVENH rnHn rnone 436-1519 Dr. Ben Classe 24 FT. FLTB RIDGE 2 lR-mo-old.

1 allvpr mos. old, originally $825i 225-7745 ORGAN. Delux Farflsa and Standel FOREIGN car VW '69, 1 owner, AM-FM radio, 111.800 si on HOUSEHOLD GOODS 243 MUST VACATE BUILDING FOR CONVENTION CENTER Sewing machine, new console $67 Jarts, all makes, lalvage, 752-1335 bwu cunqiHon, bu, 8a-3657 models. Import ainpuiier, aioo, 723-3339 1 white, male and female, 2 puns, sliver and white, male and female. 50 each.

544-4063 VW. '69, Fastback, automatic, ra 10340 Manchester 822-9300 NEW TIRE OARrums 24 FT. H'TO $10,800 9,000 21 FT. CUDDY 8,500 7,000 16 FT. BASS BOAT ANnprvrrn P.

A. KI'RTQW 2nf) PTnallpnl nnn. VW to 11714 Gravois VI3-0100 wo, wuwer. a'a 1-Y24-2V2 Cadillac. MAAtpr Phnrcp used oiue ur aioe reingerator, 5820 DnAUl CO n.nn.n e.t and W'-' f'tf' coverage and van: fni HJ parking slv'e "lladhfMKt5.nt": comprehend 'poesoruf-muftf-per: Hampton, FL 2-9674, MO 4-5683 FORD.

'67 Econollne. Sunerven AIR COMPRESSOR, blah pres. TRAILER, $1995 $.118 $12 VW, '71 Super Beetle, low mileage, good, $1475, 962-1559 X50 each, white and silver. 544- Gas Heaters, used Bedroom Set. uapd.

3-nc $595 1:925:0417 a PIANO walnut $488 til 9 others 5:30 SIMPKINS Piano Co. 423-6700 atroj sure, Joy, model H-30. 15 cfm. 3500 psl, 4 stage, $1350. 1-272- SAVE 40, rebuilt engines or transmissions, written euarantee.

nlULWr BOAT BALES Page and Lindbergh 423-5700 midwest wnrrnpfl POODLE Groom in where "Under Metal China, new S38 7205 St. Charles Rd. PA 7-2844 mult WIWNISR DEALER direct factory to you, 90 days or 4000 miles, rebuilt overhauled or standing Counts" Pupplea VW '69 Bus, 19,000 clean, $1375. SHUiBERT, 434-8285 VW. '69 bus, 19,000 miles, new tires, 434-82S5 $150 $112 agii i natural Bridge FORD '73 pickup.

Ranger XLT CYLINDRICAL Grinder, capacity 11x32. universal, 524-5532 LASER RED TAG SPECIAL? Evwwr stoorlnff ble at V.r.'CA'J "vaiia- at vs. automatic. King-size mattress eel Magic Chef, eleotric range Maytag Washer-Dryer, used Odd Buffet, used, wood Odd China, uaed, wood LV io were nn iir exenangeq, any make or model, call for FREE ESTIMATES SHRE'VE ENGINE REBUILD brakes. 30" camDer ton.

ewllem' S148 S35 POODLE pup, standard. AKC black, male, female. EV 6-8139 1300 aJ WAS 44569 VW, '65, rebuilt short block, new NOW S379.n PLATE roll, 6' drop end, all steel. OA 1-1910 will be re-'jelved Easv terms. Master Charge, 550C jea Kay 190 WAS IS377 mere lau rrp OB NOW g4469 sit PIANO WAREHOUSE SALE Console Piano reg.

$950, sale $550. Free Brochure, 946-6870 STEINWEG Grand, ebony, like new, list $7000, balance $4800 SIMPKINS Piano Co. 423-6700 FORD, '56. Panel, aluminum body, meat, -orawer, usea Corner Tables, new n. riurunant.

iwteniDer 17 197Q ato.nn P.m.. CST whan' $10 Sei Rav too POODLE PUPS, white or black, also Yorkles, studs, 351-8506 POODLES, black and white, 6 weeks old.773-7489 new paint, gooa rUBDer, WELDING outfit, acetylene, best 455 Olds Jet NOW $5995 IWl-ViU WAS $7632 iea Ray 183 TANK. 2800 gaUon stainless ateel, Insulated, on a trailer, would make excellent water tank, etc. $950. 6 liS-63 3-2400 12 INCH Planner-Joiner rebuilt, 1 iuu.

aix-ia-oo VW, '68, automatic, bug. S950. 622-3074 VW. '67, new motor, new Ures. $700.

361-1963 VW. '73, Super, green radlala, ex-Mark II. $750. 921-2689 oner, tfuo-uins after tt p.m. 1967.

tnn van Refrigerator, used, guaranteed $35 Mattresses, new, full twin $19.89 Box Borings, new, all sizes $19.88 Sofa. Mr. and Mrs. Chair S140 FORD, aterc 115 hp OB V8, 71 350. TUNNEL Ram.

2 650 WAS S444 POODLE apricot toy. Miniature uw), good ahape. 383-O100 C. L. FARRIS Expnillun rt Mark Twain iin UED 'Baldiwln console organ with sennauzera, AKC.

965-0673 FORD '71, Vi ton V-8, auto- "iwr no. a-15, l-ooo- u. t. Automatic Washer, used $50 HEAI.atn nrri W'AS $5765 NOW $4295 Glass Foam kau fin hn ouai line Moneys, 'Howard rods, 12521 forged plstona with floating pins, 461 torted pollahed heada, forged steel crank, MT valve cov 'Poodles, a neaithv. wioana l-Dpa-5534 $50 cAiriinu eoeaaers, teu.

used Wurlltzer console organ, speakers built In. $695. used Thomas Spinet VW. '69 bus. AM-FM radio.

S1500 month old puppies. 821-5661 FURlKLIima ann Tr.paTnHlAlTTr AJv n.fn.n 1 iinfcwu, BI1U1I1K Arthuror Morris, 2300 N. Lindbergh iPOODLE (Toy female) 7 WKS. TI 9-3712 uiPaein. aoouu.

A-l 940-6426 ers, nas Deen oaianceo and blueprinted, all for $975. 962-6337 WAS $3418 Glass Foam Baas 50 hp Merc WAS $2546 NOWS2395 Wreldt-Taylor lets 18' 19' WAS $675 NOW $4695 WWW $32 xvanxe. Magic Lmei, used New Dining Room Chairs Gae Ranee, gold, like new Cabinet Base, new colors Rollaway Bed, Mattress, new 04 Living Room Sofas, used Electric Range, used Drvera. atpni.t- ui kbm. a uni-gain, 23U, usee Mag- navox Spinet, ideal for beginner, $295 LUDWIG-AFOLIAN Downown INTERNATIONAL 1B7 np wcbi oner.

VW. '71, 7-PASSEJJGEE BUB S18d0. firm. 724-1318 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 171 S34 POODLES, darllna tora. tos ouall.

2-STAINLESS STEEL liquid storage tanks, 3000 gallons each, heavy guage. used ft dairy lndua- 400. twin screw, 18' grain and MOTORCYCLES 18S $30 ty, an.u. tai-UQJ2 pai-7200 i Booa. laov mter- WAPRHOITflin ppTrnra try.

will take best offer, call Mr. abu S51 wuv aiucH USED Harrunond Spinet organ, ex ST. BERNARD shots, wormed. puppies, AKC $75: 1-61S-337 LASER WAREHOUSE OF BOATS lAJgan, 3,89.8900 Refrigerators, new samples ciump, idu si. ciair, so.

Roxana, $148 All motoreyclea priced as if In the crate, why go out of town to purchase, buv here now All minhlna. cellent conauion, ABOtLIAN, 6489 0JU3 Natural Bridge 9-9, 9-5 Sat $58 POWER TOOLS jwitiw fmZJd. 247P --AM0YEJ3 female, beau- assembled with full factory war CASH FOR VOLKSWAGENS TOP PRICES PAID QAiRiY. VIMCGL MOTORS AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER IN CLAYTON tsfcl) Baldwin 2 manual organ. A Bed-Sofa, used, new mattress Lhrlng Room Chairs, used o-Of- Dinette Set.

new Odd beds, full or twin, used Bunk beds, npw K-ninn. IMMACULATE AS NEW 1954 CHRIS-CRAFT INTERNATIONAL tVnnl "71 uiw snow wnue. imi aritn rniu 12" RADIAL arm saw with accea eoriea. like new $350. 423-4067 ranty, no trade Ins accepted at $12 wheel Like new.

$3395. Fi- umn. aa 1 Jo 1 1 36 a. long. 11 tx.

wide, aleenlni mese low prices. 100 per cent fl- uttnutiiK nvaname. SCHNAUZER. Miniature, tninn'pa. EiffiS1 bathrooma 2.

flying MUSICAL WANTED 254 $145 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 251 ft MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL OO-AOOO ram. 8-pc. Room, used chest 4-drawer, new 2-nn Vinvl 8455 Maryland PA 7-2200 handsome little boys. 6 weeka old, quality.

AKC. 831-7352 $28 TwTJf 'AS1 aiateroom. Twin 145 HP Continental enalnea. piete major on drive line, 40 ft WAX.rRn nF3.pDATVT iHUKiur avaiiavie. SUZUKI SOUTH INC.

2190 Lemay Ferry Rd. 487-1092 BULTACO AND NORTON PraTm? Prvru vnnt na CHAIN rink, 42" 50' $17.00 ruenaui nai. 1-1 sohnauzer Miniature male SPECIALTY FURNITURE'' 55 rear, 116,000 pliis labor restoration. Must see to appreciate immt i -mngiea, sen-seal 310. 95 eq.

and related Se Ofrir.rnl. wrchSedta Roard nr of Uie Ctt Stafi "Jce. Room 301 notTre 3" lvs' uie-payment ef (35 00 Letting Number 6753 C. Larry Unkind. President, B.P.S.

tJieArafIn.BIPs.nW,libe received at 20 November nVtali-iuln '2T Tne and Hnf a. lr conditioning S'ft "on" A and M.vJf! Auditorium. Fourteenth and Market streeta Rain KENWORTH. 1972, 350 Cummins. Muna.

croppeq. snou. 21-359y CLEAN IMPORTS-ALL MODELS fcPOr CASH FOR ANY MAKE MID-AMERICA MOTORS 6041 N. Lindbergh-'riazelwood. Mo.

2 fRANKLIN mi da ivp 2X4S, 92" long .69 Ga water heater, 30 gal. $52.95 'e. CorMact Brad Jormaon. 351- Special prices on demna cap over, extra clean, many extras, see Gerry Allen, at Thunder-lli-d Motor Freight. 109 Velma.

cropped. $65. 481-4357 IV'j lacoi uiuo. uopper anoy tubing 10' $1.99 new and used, we take anything on REPOSSESSED" SfSn' "SL. FCHNlAlfTiirjR 1 nK.nnriAi, CALL WEBER 535-1460 GRANTS.

SPINETS, PLAYERS OTHERS ANY CONDITION 99J-iq5SundaysandEvenlnrs pianxx WAN-rriir) makes anv kind. ACnVE. PA 5-1604 PHONOGRAPH. STEREO, "HI-FI," RECORDING EQUIPMENT 255 FREIGHT DAMAGED STEREOS Component AM-FM phono, separate speakers, electronically Just off route 111 In South Roxan- uu aiaurr custom naini- WE BUY LATE MODEL USED CARS DAVE SJNCLAlIR FORD SALE and boo up service work irniaig puppy, laAU, a23-5tal iia, iiiiiwia, reasonaoiy priced woo oanei 1 2.49 us AHnvl Asbtor floor Ule P.rtveway sealer $3 33 Tc table lamn. 2n.CZr JL' SOOTTIlCa.

lAkT anlM 41 pickup truck, low black. vour machine serviced now prices Increase, ftaa rAtinnin 74668. Lindbergh 892-2600 SUZUKI mlleaae. 1973 Crlnrnde motors 6 hp. 1974 Evlnrudea 2 hp to 85 hp New and uaed John Rnat V.RnA.

$987.21. will arat. Tprrvn borne raised, SSO. 343-64 economical, reasonable moving. 326-0697 after TOP CASH FOR YOUR CAR suspended Celling, complete .10 JJ, "ranged Seclatty Furniture SHEEP DOG wipe S50, German must sell, 12 noon coming.

Get one of our gas ravings Norton or Bultaco 50 to 100 milea wr gallon at '73 prices l'fll-1 A I 1X1 HAfl 1 toma and riberglaaa Ouachita Baae boats. New and used pleasure boats. Motor work on all motors. 3515 8 Klngshlghway FL 2-9526 snepnero) sups 2S. Blue peek-a-POO pop S45.

664-8007. after 4 WHITE diesel. '66 series, 7000. ah- i amn LAMher RiRm TVO ru.D-rrrar. WIOHAN MOTORCYCLES 8 ALES feet fUll Kliarantae.

allaht wntnh. rurmica joumer Top. per ft 99 Prices Good Thru Nor. 3 9845 St. Charlea Rrt.

HA 8-1423 545 W. St Louia. E. Alton. IU.

618-258-0022 Cars Wanted Par Cash p.m. iiuin-ti ran ovpr Appnp. o-rn es. $44. Mid America 10477 4U4Q Gravola MALk MO 4-9272 00.3 anuAUKAI 771-2531 eourL and related thl rm.7.Uo,, ma Purchased In BOard Of Pllhlln ATPPvInn TJ nn.

Cummlnga, twin screw. 10-eoeed HWY. 79 BOAT REPAIR Bedrooms, dinettes, sofas, stoves IT COfMllinntwr rtrtmr- lnU FALLON, MO. 1-272-4044 h. nanea nx, tKd.

423-3300 AKAI. X100D. tape deck." 200 VOLKSWAGENS WANTED NOW! roao- ranger, new Urea paint low mileage, excellent condition, 632- SIBERIAN husky, black and white, blue eyes. male. 11 moa.

needs mom to run. Call after 6 p.m. 727-2934. BOB SCHULTZ HCNDA-KAWARAKT BO T9- at OTOR3 TRAH.ERS Btiri'a PLirt nes, demasnltlzer, $70. Premium Prices Paid for Used "JffS'fXfS P.r!Cnn,'.f0mPlt OUtflta.

City Hall, be giving three (3) daya notice, and upon the navm.nt 8966 ST. CHARLES ROCK ROAD WMTTE. '66 freltit liner track. -Kg ALUMiMUM WOOWS" STORM AND PRIME WINDOWS 200 used, from $5.90. Over 3000 S.w' "ngle-hung.

double hung. 2-track. Mnvt Kinganighway nranoavaHm 13850 Manclieater 277-2851 uiBAvanaxens. We also bur other makes and mod- i3ricniAr riAAwa SEE J. C.

Gordon fnr -nn. ten dolhrs for each set SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPPIE8 AKC, show quality, foot peta, 644- American rerngerator trailer, with BtACHCRAFT. '69. Day Crutaer. belrooTL LARRY UNLSSr? 34pM.

S96S St Charlea BA 7-9440 Pnentj, 2S3lHArn pton. 647-8866 STEREO stun Hotel. Ul-tralinear. Dynaco. 647-2913 i.

i'M. atera a rive will) trailer and 4 extra nnnk.n. OOCO seiectkm used trucks, '66 thru 7.1 Ford DvrmUl hjf Were, doaeouti. cheap. DAILY fl-K nfsm a i ou can eront from selling your used car to one of St.

Louts hltheat paying domestic and Import tar buvers. VOLKSWAGEN 11766 Lewis-Clark 741-0110 DENT. Bg. SEALED bin arlll Ha et 3 tablea riTmpVlabiS chain. $296.74.

WlU aepe-rSi: SIDECARS $4000. 1-314-754-6113 V7Z9LA Hungarian Pointer, male 5 months. 6184) 39-6302 WEIMARANER. all puppr hots. AKC.

champloo aired. 352- and Toyou. From S495. tittle or no rah down. Prp ririn iv JUtap Sony- Model AV-3600.

COmPlpIn aHth nnnnl.n. 9909 Halls Ferry Rd. 867-4355 ON-THE-SIDE 724-0221 0'' of the City Ha. City o( BOATS Painted, free pickup and delivery, lorn price. 423-2142 fimi pi pa call 351-3000.

Placke Toyota. 3636 jj Air. 1- FURNACES BOUGHT S25 TO S250 MORE for trurt clean beat offer. 966-0188 after 6 p.m. WB TAKE tAriani nn ONTHE-SIDE 724-0221 ivnus cacAT pa.

91 rwin l-v 1973 GIANT vn aanpraiar Mb VMa- ranm CLOIiE-oiT SALE, a 11 altee. name AUTHORIZED Honda parte and ecreen TV and i tor only 14 95 stereo eomhinaiiAna ina OAnanq. AU22H fa*gO open daily til 8. Sat a week, original coat or, eann 11c. Kingahlghway ORIGINAL RONALD McDonald tmclt -1 atep van.

with firing hamburger oa too, set Bp with PA system, flashing llghta. new Urea, rebuilt engine, moat anuauaL 878- 3bTo7f 11 diaywooa, el. Louie. Mo 63121 for a two (2) TniS. 'or, Tr-1 Hauling iulpment meet St? L-auls County regulatlona.llaoosal Inaoorored dumping areahave pwn equipment and carry Public Jlabllltr Insurance (a copy to be SiSS to CUT 4.

normal 1 nav anrln. Knn RADIO. TELEVISION 25B cr arrive in wiui title, arad you Borne In a cab with CASH KUG-MAN FO 7-9900 20 KlngjmgjhwayjHnt Enrlght Car Oty Auto Parts PR (-4787 rre estlmmte oa tautmltettoo WEX9K TERRIES. Sire rhajnpkxa Jim RoyaL maUea. 469-6182 WELSH Corgis, 13 was, Reg.

Ltt-terQuaHty. 428-0117 YORKSHIRE Terrier male pup-plea. AKC SI 50. 1-287-4770 fJ.n-rS"?)? ta rarran: St r. fitrti UUnc Can Vod Haller.

air eorMtltlotied, boJll-la beat new tnterlnr perfect coodl- jlon. 045-5526. 227-2468 CHRYSLER 15' speedboat 55 hp engine, heavy duty ecjuapaMal. -72 model. 618-281-5162 MOTORS Odbbbb IWI.

-n, or all Honde warrantiea FLORISSANT HONDA BALES 310 N. Hwy. 140 831-3000 25" TV. '72 modeL teftS taT. rthtut totleu.

Swi. ay. never nicked no tm.n IV S-07W 6W0N.Tur.l BaA ance. Mid-America nirihninra n. BUrn.1 3x2 I Cbouteaa 10477 St Charin Rk ST- Fred Mfh-r FeTrn Pmmfnrlfinar a tkk I rVj- 1 i Afc.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


What is the phone number for the St Louis Post-Dispatch? ›

Louis Post-Dispatch. Or call 1-877-767-8785.

Who is the circulation manager of the St Louis Post-Dispatch? ›

Russ Ham - Circulation Administration Manager - St. Louis Post-Dispatch | LinkedIn.

Is the St Louis Post-Dispatch app free? ›

Free to download. Subscribers enjoy unlimited access.

What is the name of the St. Louis newspaper? ›

St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

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How do I send a letter to the editor in St Louis Post-Dispatch? ›

To send your letter to the editor:
  1. Electronic submission by clicking HERE.
  2. E-mail: . E-mails should be in plain text within the body of the email, not as an attachment.
  3. Regular mail: Letters to the Editor, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 900 N Tucker Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63101.
Oct 10, 2016

Who owns the St. Louis Dispatch? ›

The publication has received 19 Pulitzer Prizes. The paper is owned by Lee Enterprises of Davenport, Iowa, which purchased Pulitzer, Inc.

Who is the editor of the St Louis Post-Dispatch? ›

Alan Achkar - Executive Editor - St. Louis Post-Dispatch | LinkedIn.

How many copies of the St Louis Post-Dispatch are in circulation? ›

25 largest newspapers in America
NewspaperPrint circulation
20St. Louis Post-Dispatch**48.25k 48.25k 48.25k
21Daily News45.73k 45.73k 45.73k
22Denver Post41.55k 41.55k 41.55k
23The San Diego Union-Tribune41.08k 41.08k 41.08k
21 more rows
Jun 26, 2023

Does dispatch have an app? ›

The app makes it so easy to manage everything from finding loads to tracking expenses. It has truly streamlined my operations and allowed me to focus on what I do best - driving and delivering goods.

Does post have an app? ›

POST is a content-sharing platform that makes creating, sharing, and monetizing your content easier. Connect with your audience and other creators on an app that rewards you for making engaging content.

Is the Daily Mail print edition app free? ›

The app is free to download but to enjoy the full experience with all of our amazing features, you must subscribe. A Mail+ Editions subscription is just £12.99 a month – that's less than half the price of the printed Daily Mail and The Mail on Sunday newspapers.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the St Louis Post Dispatch? ›

Placing an obituary in the St Louis Post-Dispatch starts at $153.00.

How do I contact the St. Louis Post Dispatch? ›

St Louis Post Dispatch Customer Service Phone Number (888) 785-3201, Email, Help Center.

What is St. Louis best known for? ›

St. Louis is known for the Gateway Arch, the tallest monument constructed in the United States at 630 feet (190 m). The Arch pays homage to Thomas Jefferson and St. Louis's position as the gateway to the West.

What is the non emergency number for St Louis County? ›

If you have a general question or need a officer to respond to your location for a non-emergency report, please call 636-529-8210 for assistance.

Who bought Riverfront Times? ›

Louis-based Chris Keating, purchased the Riverfront Times in 2023.

How do I get a police report from St. Louis City? ›

  1. Records Service Center. 1915 Olive St. 1st Floor. St. Louis, MO 63103.
  2. Reports and Background Checks. Monday-Friday. 8 A.M – 4 P.M.
  3. Police Reports. 314-444-5551.
  4. Background Checks. 314-444-5541.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.